You may wonder why I have started talking about binaural beats all of a sudden. Well the truth is some of the targets suffer from effects of chronic insomnia. Of course it is induced rather than somatic. By evoking states of relaxation the binaural beats or the states induced by them provides a relief from sleep deprivation. Certain schools claim that these software’s can replace sleep to some extant. Though binaural beats are intended to bring forth a state of meditation in the users by evoking frequencies suitable for the purpose, they can also induce a state of rest in the individual. This is very useful when you are suffering from insomnia.
Sleep deprivation is a serious problem. It upsets the rhythm of the body. It slows down the alertness of the individual and makes him/her commit mistakes in their daily lives. It is an intense form of torture known to be very effective in breaking down a person completely. In the technique of brain washing sleep deprivation is a major item. A few days sleeplessness can make an individual like a drunken man, without having any control over his movements. The effects of long sleep deprivation can be imagined.
Melodious music is very soothing to the nerves. It calms us and invigorates us, so hearing music at all times can be very beneficial to a person. Binaural beats are not music in the strict sense of the word. But by the interesting method by which they introduce relaxation they may be very helpful to combat the effects of insomnia. I have found them very relaxing personally. But I can not advise their use without a word of caution. There could be firms and individuals of a weird turn of mind. There are possibilities to induce states of excitement and tension by using the technique too. Some may not have understood what binaural beats are and may be trying to make a fast buck by selling these audios. You can not tell whether their claims are genuine or not. But for those of you who are a little more industrious, there are software’s to check it out. Open EEG of Source forge net is a good site to learn more about it. They have a free tool named BAVSA(binaural beat visual analysis tool). The tool is very handy in checking whether the audio file contains any binaural beats at all. There is also a free tool to create your own binaural music if you want, then you do not have to worry about what is inside the file. Just type Open EEG or Bavsa in your browsers search engine and you will be taken to the site. Free binaural beats are also available from many sources. Please be careful with them and use them after checking them out with Bavsa.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Binaural beats
I am truly sorry that I could not upload the image of Ed Light’s skull Xray into the blog, I tried but it did not materialize somehow. But if you are interested there is a link at the end of Ed lights description which will download the image.
Now about binaural beats, it is only recently that I came to know about the German experimenter H.D. Dove. He did the pioneering work on the subject. Binaural beats has to do with your brain. EEG graphs have shown that brain emits different wave patterns at different states of mind. These are called the Alpha, Beta, Theta and Delta waves. Beta waves are emitted when we are fully awake and are going about our business. Alpha is the state we are when we come out of a good nights sleep. This is supposed to be a state in which psychic activity is possible. Theta state is exhibited when we are asleep and Delta state is even farther removed from our normal wakeful state. It has been known that certain frequencies are linked to certain states of mind. Alpha is evident when the individual is in a state of going farther than one normally does i.e. in states of exceptionally high learning and positive thinking . This engendered the idea that the process can be reversely used to create such states of mind artificially, by introducing the frequency into the mind. But there were difficulties. For one thing the human ears can only hear frequencies between 20 to 20,000 Hz. The Alpha state comes within 8 to 12 Hz. This is where Mr. Dove comes to the picture.
He discovered a novel method to introduce low frequencies into the mind. The method is simple enough. It requires head phones. Two separate set of frequencies are fed into the left and right ears, which wary fractionally. Say 300Hz to one ear and 308 Hz to the other ear. The brain is the synthesizing apparatus. When it receives two varying frequencies simultaneously it perceives the frequencies in between the two, of 8Hz and the state of Alpha is introduced.
Some research has gone into the production of binaural software which introduces different states of mind. The following are the frequencies at which different states of mind occurs.
Delta 1 - 3 Hz Deep sleep, lucid dreaming, increased immune functions
Theta 4 - 7 Hz Deep relaxation, meditation, increased memory, focus
Alpha 8 - 12 Hz Light relaxation, "superlearning", positive thinking
Beta 13 - 25 Hz Normal state of alertness, stress, anxiety
It is claimed that a thirty minute session of listening to frequency of 5Hz can replace around two to three hours sleep
I have tried some of the software’s, they do relax us and lessen the tension of life somewhat. As of now I have not been able to go into a state of meditation by the help of these softwares.
Now about binaural beats, it is only recently that I came to know about the German experimenter H.D. Dove. He did the pioneering work on the subject. Binaural beats has to do with your brain. EEG graphs have shown that brain emits different wave patterns at different states of mind. These are called the Alpha, Beta, Theta and Delta waves. Beta waves are emitted when we are fully awake and are going about our business. Alpha is the state we are when we come out of a good nights sleep. This is supposed to be a state in which psychic activity is possible. Theta state is exhibited when we are asleep and Delta state is even farther removed from our normal wakeful state. It has been known that certain frequencies are linked to certain states of mind. Alpha is evident when the individual is in a state of going farther than one normally does i.e. in states of exceptionally high learning and positive thinking . This engendered the idea that the process can be reversely used to create such states of mind artificially, by introducing the frequency into the mind. But there were difficulties. For one thing the human ears can only hear frequencies between 20 to 20,000 Hz. The Alpha state comes within 8 to 12 Hz. This is where Mr. Dove comes to the picture.
He discovered a novel method to introduce low frequencies into the mind. The method is simple enough. It requires head phones. Two separate set of frequencies are fed into the left and right ears, which wary fractionally. Say 300Hz to one ear and 308 Hz to the other ear. The brain is the synthesizing apparatus. When it receives two varying frequencies simultaneously it perceives the frequencies in between the two, of 8Hz and the state of Alpha is introduced.
Some research has gone into the production of binaural software which introduces different states of mind. The following are the frequencies at which different states of mind occurs.
Delta 1 - 3 Hz Deep sleep, lucid dreaming, increased immune functions
Theta 4 - 7 Hz Deep relaxation, meditation, increased memory, focus
Alpha 8 - 12 Hz Light relaxation, "superlearning", positive thinking
Beta 13 - 25 Hz Normal state of alertness, stress, anxiety
It is claimed that a thirty minute session of listening to frequency of 5Hz can replace around two to three hours sleep
I have tried some of the software’s, they do relax us and lessen the tension of life somewhat. As of now I have not been able to go into a state of meditation by the help of these softwares.
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Edmund Light
Invisible weapons were in use for decades and many had suffered from it. Because of the fear of the stigma of being taken for some one who is “not quite all there” most of the victims kept this to themselves and were even afraid to come out into the open. The first man to brave the tides was Mr. Edmund Light. After years of petitioning the authorities about the torture he was being subjected to he at last decided to start a web site to broadcast his story and the details of the harassment. This started a movement . Now there are thousands of Mind Control victim sites on the internet. Mr. Light is no more active in the movement due to failing health and the continued torture I think. He has handed over his site to others to maintain and it is still being maintained by them. Here is a curious XRay of his skull published in his site and his own description of it.
XRAY Shows Head Melting
by Edmund J. Light
Here's a gif of an xray of the back of my skull in 1988, after 11 years of intense irradiation by spy planes. Even if you only have a 16 shade display you can still see that the xray technician has drawn lines pointing to a 1" depression.
It's worse now, in 1995. [4-96 - oof, it's sure deep.] A recent shot straight across the back shows that the depression has spread around the edges of my skull. I don't have that one as a gif.
The technician said that if radiation did it, it would have to have been a massive amount, and that the dark area showing is a "sinus" that's not supposed to be there. My chiropractic intern said that the bones have lost mass.
In addition, I have it from another victim that dark areas in a brain xray indicate that the spy planes' radiation has been programmed to cause a lack of oxygen in those areas.
The radiation that is melting me down is part of a microwave mind-control project, and includes torture.
This link will download the skulshot.gif (9k).
There is nothing more to add to it. The picture and comments are borrowed from his site for the purpose of information only. I hope the MCF would not mind as this is intended as a tribute to the indomitable Mr. Light
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Once they have got hold of your brain they play all kinds of tricks with you. They will have whole conversations inside your skull. They know the triggers since they have planted it covertly by subliminal programming in the nights even before you ever become aware of it. These are not crash programs. They are planned and executed over a long period of time. A normal individual tends to dismiss passing thoughts from his mind if he consciously perceives it. But in the case of electronically harassed person the perps would make it sure that the victim is aware what is being done to him. They would pump certain thoughts into him/her and would bring it up during their street theatre or in the casual conversations. This is to keep the victim on tenterhooks all the time. They want to communicate to you that they are in control and they would not let go of it under no circumstances. Also the fear created in the individual would make him/her more susceptible to further programming. One advantage of electronic programming is that the voices can utter any thing they think fit. They can threaten, boast, apologize, and maintain quite opposing stands and covey contradictory feelings and ideas into the victim’s brain. All this produces a sense of bewilderment in the target of the attack. They are isolated and are without friends and allies. Most of the people they see around are perps or those who have been roped into harass the victims by hook or crook. These include the victim’s family even.
Then the instructions start. The most common of them is a direction to forget everything that has happened to them. There would be constant orders to submit before them, to keep the mouth shut, not to complain and to behave as they desire you to. They would even plead with you sometimes later to show extreme hatred and violence to you. The people sitting at the broadcasting end would change and the victim would be quite helpless to deal with the different individuals he has to deal with in his mind.
They hold all the cards as of now. But slowly their methods are being exposed and they are finding it hard to classify every such incident as psychosis. I sometimes think that there is a general scheme to these things. Perhaps it is planned or perhaps it is just plain stupidity on the part of the perps. They have managed to let sensitive information leak into public. The movement against them is growing. Does some one really want these things to come out into the open so that people will take up the issue and laws would be enacted against such torture practices? There may even be some hope that certain really concerned people are staging at least some incidents of harassment to produce a movement of this sort. Well this may be a false hope. Yet….who can say!
Anyhow more work is needed to fully expose these crimes and awaken the general public towards positive action to curb these crimes.
Then the instructions start. The most common of them is a direction to forget everything that has happened to them. There would be constant orders to submit before them, to keep the mouth shut, not to complain and to behave as they desire you to. They would even plead with you sometimes later to show extreme hatred and violence to you. The people sitting at the broadcasting end would change and the victim would be quite helpless to deal with the different individuals he has to deal with in his mind.
They hold all the cards as of now. But slowly their methods are being exposed and they are finding it hard to classify every such incident as psychosis. I sometimes think that there is a general scheme to these things. Perhaps it is planned or perhaps it is just plain stupidity on the part of the perps. They have managed to let sensitive information leak into public. The movement against them is growing. Does some one really want these things to come out into the open so that people will take up the issue and laws would be enacted against such torture practices? There may even be some hope that certain really concerned people are staging at least some incidents of harassment to produce a movement of this sort. Well this may be a false hope. Yet….who can say!
Anyhow more work is needed to fully expose these crimes and awaken the general public towards positive action to curb these crimes.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Hate Crimes
Why do people hate each other? Nobody really knows. Some say it’s because of a lack of insight. Some say it’s because of fear. The fact is that some do hate others so much that they can’t even sleep at night. Reasons may be many and varied, methods may be legitimate or illegitimate, but we have to live with the fact that there is hatred amongst us and crimes are committed for it. Some of these crimes make use of state of the art technology available at the given point of time.
Scientific revolution has not brought any discernible change in human behavior patterns. We used to kill each other with stones in the distant past, now we would make use of more deadly weaponry to do that. Nothing has really changed other than the destructive power in our hands.
We progressed from the nuclear arsenal to that of the non lethal weaponry. This is the perfect setting for committing invisible crimes. At present if we have the needed amount of pull and enough dough we can erase our opponents in subtle ways. We would never be caught and prosecuted; no one would point a finger at us and say they saw we commit these acts.
Hate crimes were always there in the world. Othello was hated for the goodness in him and was destroyed by his most trusted friend. Well you can say that it is fiction, but stories do not spring out of nowhere, they originate from real life events, however blown up they are by artistic imagination. All sorts of people go into making a world.
Hate crimes have always been a menace, now it is more so with the sophisticated weaponry people can access to.
The use of such weapons need be regulated and methods invented to bring the culprits in such crimes to book.
Scientific revolution has not brought any discernible change in human behavior patterns. We used to kill each other with stones in the distant past, now we would make use of more deadly weaponry to do that. Nothing has really changed other than the destructive power in our hands.
We progressed from the nuclear arsenal to that of the non lethal weaponry. This is the perfect setting for committing invisible crimes. At present if we have the needed amount of pull and enough dough we can erase our opponents in subtle ways. We would never be caught and prosecuted; no one would point a finger at us and say they saw we commit these acts.
Hate crimes were always there in the world. Othello was hated for the goodness in him and was destroyed by his most trusted friend. Well you can say that it is fiction, but stories do not spring out of nowhere, they originate from real life events, however blown up they are by artistic imagination. All sorts of people go into making a world.
Hate crimes have always been a menace, now it is more so with the sophisticated weaponry people can access to.
The use of such weapons need be regulated and methods invented to bring the culprits in such crimes to book.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Although this has very little to do with V2k technology as such the infra sound has the potential to become a torture weapon (if it has not already become so) in the hands of the ruthless men. The waves travel very close to the ground and do mot lose force even when traveling to great distances. It does not lose strength even when the medium is changed to a different one. Like from air to tissue. Infra sonic weapons are currently in use in the armies and even in commercial ventures. It is reported that the US used it in Iraq to good effect.
Infra sonic weapons can cause nausea, head ache, severe abdominal pains and several other bodily effects in men (women). A big burst of infra sonic energy could even kill a person. Talk about invisible opponents!
It is said that there are even affordable commercial versions of this weapon in the market. In the hands of undeveloped apes that mostly get into the business of hurting people such weapons would be lethal (who called them non lethal by the way?). People without any moral codes could go on a harassment spree with the help of the equipment without the fear of ever being found out, since the location can be concealed and the waves would travel through walls and other solid objects.
Imagine an underworld equipped with such weaponry waging war against the society and within itself. The days are not far away. May be the governments with their more sophisticated weaponry could stand up against such threats. But what about the ordinary people, what would they do if confronted with unseen and invisible weapons like this. Who is to control them from using it on unsuspecting human beings? Our legal system is always rooted in the past. When crimes were physical and provable and rare the system worked perfectly. It could even handle the change of weaponry from the sword to the gun. But now changes are happening so fast the law has become obsolete.
A revamping of the legal system all over the globe is needed, to cope with the rising electronic menace of all kinds. The best method to make it happen is to create awareness among people about the dangers they are presently facing and would have to face if they are not careful.
Let us be the fore runners in this campaign .
Infra sonic weapons can cause nausea, head ache, severe abdominal pains and several other bodily effects in men (women). A big burst of infra sonic energy could even kill a person. Talk about invisible opponents!
It is said that there are even affordable commercial versions of this weapon in the market. In the hands of undeveloped apes that mostly get into the business of hurting people such weapons would be lethal (who called them non lethal by the way?). People without any moral codes could go on a harassment spree with the help of the equipment without the fear of ever being found out, since the location can be concealed and the waves would travel through walls and other solid objects.
Imagine an underworld equipped with such weaponry waging war against the society and within itself. The days are not far away. May be the governments with their more sophisticated weaponry could stand up against such threats. But what about the ordinary people, what would they do if confronted with unseen and invisible weapons like this. Who is to control them from using it on unsuspecting human beings? Our legal system is always rooted in the past. When crimes were physical and provable and rare the system worked perfectly. It could even handle the change of weaponry from the sword to the gun. But now changes are happening so fast the law has become obsolete.
A revamping of the legal system all over the globe is needed, to cope with the rising electronic menace of all kinds. The best method to make it happen is to create awareness among people about the dangers they are presently facing and would have to face if they are not careful.
Let us be the fore runners in this campaign .
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Resorting to Meditation
I am not talking here about the true state of meditation. It is a natural phenomenon and is quite simple in the real sense of the word. But to be so requires the fruition of certain qualities in a person. It can not be forced and brought about. Real meditative state happens to one. Perhaps a good example of it could be found with Jiddu krishnamoorthy. As far I can gather from available sources he was born with it. He did not need to practice any disciplines to reach such a state. It is reported that one of his European tutors slapped him to get the vacant look out of his face. But he probably could not help the look.
Intelligence is a property of brain. It is a mere dependent and not a master. It relays on the inputs from outside to function and is unreliable as its product the reason as far as the higher aspects of human consciousness is concerned.
Such a state is rare in others. It requires great strength from a person to hold on to it while living a full life among the less wise. The artificial folly that we call life would soon convert such a being into the most common of creatures we can find amongst us. Perhaps he would become less than most others too, for there would be a natural disinclination on his part to go for it in life.
But here I am talking about meditation as is taught and practiced by some of us. It is an exercise to rid us of our internal dialogue altogether and achieve a state of calm and trying to “still” the process of thought in us. This is a dangerous practice, for the moment you manages to rid of you thoughts other thoughts come in and take hold of you. This leads to possession and is the worst state imaginable. This has to be avoided at all costs. Instead of being free and liberated we would become more bound and troubled than before. Only those with no desires can overcome this obstacle.
People who are being harassed by DEW and other such torture methods had better not try to practice this artificial stilling of thoughts at any time. This would worsen their condition and would result in the complete surrender of the individual. Most of these methods function beneath the observable part of the mind and would exert influence when he is the least aware of it. The practice of concentration would make the influencing thought streams indelible in the mind. On the whole there would be a rise in the negative feelings in the individual as a result. This would greatly help the harassers.
I believe that it is much better to get yourself in shape physically by vigorous exercise rather than going into a practice of meditation to dull the invasion of your mind by the degenerates.
Intelligence is a property of brain. It is a mere dependent and not a master. It relays on the inputs from outside to function and is unreliable as its product the reason as far as the higher aspects of human consciousness is concerned.
Such a state is rare in others. It requires great strength from a person to hold on to it while living a full life among the less wise. The artificial folly that we call life would soon convert such a being into the most common of creatures we can find amongst us. Perhaps he would become less than most others too, for there would be a natural disinclination on his part to go for it in life.
But here I am talking about meditation as is taught and practiced by some of us. It is an exercise to rid us of our internal dialogue altogether and achieve a state of calm and trying to “still” the process of thought in us. This is a dangerous practice, for the moment you manages to rid of you thoughts other thoughts come in and take hold of you. This leads to possession and is the worst state imaginable. This has to be avoided at all costs. Instead of being free and liberated we would become more bound and troubled than before. Only those with no desires can overcome this obstacle.
People who are being harassed by DEW and other such torture methods had better not try to practice this artificial stilling of thoughts at any time. This would worsen their condition and would result in the complete surrender of the individual. Most of these methods function beneath the observable part of the mind and would exert influence when he is the least aware of it. The practice of concentration would make the influencing thought streams indelible in the mind. On the whole there would be a rise in the negative feelings in the individual as a result. This would greatly help the harassers.
I believe that it is much better to get yourself in shape physically by vigorous exercise rather than going into a practice of meditation to dull the invasion of your mind by the degenerates.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Pop Mind Control
When you are hunted invisibly and you are not Arnold Schwaznegger you have no other options but to fight it out with the best help you get on the subject. Though my attempt at humor may not be appropriate in the context I believe it also is a method to use. Having a good sense of humor sometimes helps- If you can laugh at the face of your opponents that goes a long way in your battle for saving yourself.
The guy I was talking about the other day is a tenacious bloke. He would preserve the fight against unbelievable odds. He would never let go of a chance to get even with his oppressors too. Well I must say that this is a bad trait in him. But he has an excuse. His enemies are not really invisible. Yes some of their methods of attack remain invisible to this day but they are there before him at his workplace working with him communicating with him, and enjoying the torment he suffers. He is angry insides. He finds the victimization unjust and inhuman.
Well there should be some way we could make these stupid people realize that they are playing with fire and they would get burned sooner or later. If once the word really gets out that all the governments are trying to mind control people and are using them as guinea pigs in some cases, the reaction would not be very pleasant.
I would advise every one to be cautious off retaliating, for it may not the right time for it yet. You can spread the word, and relate your stories to the public. They may or may not receive then favorably. That does not matter as long as the effort is on to get the facts to the people. Now no one need any more be afraid to come out into the open with their stories, because electronic harassment has been recognized as a form of torture at least in some parts of the globe. There are laws against it in several places.
There is a general awareness on the problem now in the society. Even with the presence of disinformation agents something was achieved by the harassed community by spreading the word. The fear is that whether it would become the “In Thing” to pose as a mind control victim in the near future. Expressions like “Who is not mind controlled these days” and “I have this problem with mind control” “how is your mind control going today” and the like may pop up amongst youngsters especially. The pop culture has a strange habit of making everything look absurd once it has absorbed it. It also tends to forget it completely when another such craze sweeps up.
If the god is not yet fully ‘kilt’ and is yet alive and kicking even if with a diminished capacity let him help the world to escape from such a predicament.
The guy I was talking about the other day is a tenacious bloke. He would preserve the fight against unbelievable odds. He would never let go of a chance to get even with his oppressors too. Well I must say that this is a bad trait in him. But he has an excuse. His enemies are not really invisible. Yes some of their methods of attack remain invisible to this day but they are there before him at his workplace working with him communicating with him, and enjoying the torment he suffers. He is angry insides. He finds the victimization unjust and inhuman.
Well there should be some way we could make these stupid people realize that they are playing with fire and they would get burned sooner or later. If once the word really gets out that all the governments are trying to mind control people and are using them as guinea pigs in some cases, the reaction would not be very pleasant.
I would advise every one to be cautious off retaliating, for it may not the right time for it yet. You can spread the word, and relate your stories to the public. They may or may not receive then favorably. That does not matter as long as the effort is on to get the facts to the people. Now no one need any more be afraid to come out into the open with their stories, because electronic harassment has been recognized as a form of torture at least in some parts of the globe. There are laws against it in several places.
There is a general awareness on the problem now in the society. Even with the presence of disinformation agents something was achieved by the harassed community by spreading the word. The fear is that whether it would become the “In Thing” to pose as a mind control victim in the near future. Expressions like “Who is not mind controlled these days” and “I have this problem with mind control” “how is your mind control going today” and the like may pop up amongst youngsters especially. The pop culture has a strange habit of making everything look absurd once it has absorbed it. It also tends to forget it completely when another such craze sweeps up.
If the god is not yet fully ‘kilt’ and is yet alive and kicking even if with a diminished capacity let him help the world to escape from such a predicament.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Real Life Incident
A person I know explains Bait-and-trigger ops in the following manner.
He had the “good fortune” to hurt certain of his superiors in public life. This triggered the harassment against him. All sorts of methods are in operation against him including Bait-and-trigger ops. As our man is aware of the nature of attack and its different modes he does not wonder at it.
As per his account the recent attack was a sloppy exercise in Bait-and-trigger ops. Our man is intrigued by modern technology and is supposed to fall flat if the attackers approach him with questions about various technologies in use now. Both sides know that this is not the case. But as this is the best way to get his interest the perpetrators makes use of it whenever they think fit. He says that for the last few days the perps were trying hard to boost up his self image to bring him down severely. As the perps in this case belong to his workplace and are clearly aware of their standing with him they constantly try to push someone he is least suspicious about into his favor and works through that person to make him comfortable in the work environment. When it reaches a certain point where they believe he is least worried about their activities against him they strike hard. This is always played as a skit.
The most important part of the skit is repeating certain things he is known to be sensitized against. This is a sort of declaration of war. The same skit is played again and again showing either a lack of inventiveness among the perps or a definite supervision in the organizing of the skit. Because of the process of sensitization, it is natural for him to react to the skit in some manner. If he does react it is considered to be a victory on the part of the perps. If he does not react to it, it starts a series of such skits till he has to react to it. Any reaction triggers a huge wave of hatred against him. This is mostly play acting. But some times the guy lets out something quite naughty (not in actual words of course but using the same method of the perps and by some play acting on his part.) and then the whole hell is let loose on the guy. The gang frantically runs to every one they know and starts a malicious campaign against him afresh. By the morning the people in the neighborhood begins to look at him strangely and with suspicion and hatred.
The most wonderful thing about this reaction is the speed at which the news spreads. The perps have created such a network of communications that the moment the guy steps out of the workplace people begin to point him out to others and start whispering seemingly about him. This part is very organized. Its aim is to attract the attention of the innocent bystanders towards the man and if they asks about him the preps would always be ready with lies to drag his reputation into dirt.
Unless one is aware of what is going on one would have wonder at the way things happen. It appears spontaneous to the less trained individual. But these are carefully planned and orchestrated to perfection. When an attack is on every one in the gang is informed about it and is briefed in advance about the manner it would have to proceed. Every one reacting on the way is given a certain part in the play and they fulfill it without thinking. They have been brainwashed to such an extant that they do not even stop to think whether their actions are inhuman.
Our man is expecting the culmination of the present bit of action in the near future. He has been “helped” “assisted” “Served” in many ways in the week before and signs are out that this would suddenly stop and he would find himself the centre of hostility soon. This is almost certain to happen because he is bound to say something which aggravates the perps either artificially or seriously.
Wish the guy successes good folks, for he is fighting for every one who is thus harassed and also for the unsuspecting public who are future candidates for such tortures.
He had the “good fortune” to hurt certain of his superiors in public life. This triggered the harassment against him. All sorts of methods are in operation against him including Bait-and-trigger ops. As our man is aware of the nature of attack and its different modes he does not wonder at it.
As per his account the recent attack was a sloppy exercise in Bait-and-trigger ops. Our man is intrigued by modern technology and is supposed to fall flat if the attackers approach him with questions about various technologies in use now. Both sides know that this is not the case. But as this is the best way to get his interest the perpetrators makes use of it whenever they think fit. He says that for the last few days the perps were trying hard to boost up his self image to bring him down severely. As the perps in this case belong to his workplace and are clearly aware of their standing with him they constantly try to push someone he is least suspicious about into his favor and works through that person to make him comfortable in the work environment. When it reaches a certain point where they believe he is least worried about their activities against him they strike hard. This is always played as a skit.
The most important part of the skit is repeating certain things he is known to be sensitized against. This is a sort of declaration of war. The same skit is played again and again showing either a lack of inventiveness among the perps or a definite supervision in the organizing of the skit. Because of the process of sensitization, it is natural for him to react to the skit in some manner. If he does react it is considered to be a victory on the part of the perps. If he does not react to it, it starts a series of such skits till he has to react to it. Any reaction triggers a huge wave of hatred against him. This is mostly play acting. But some times the guy lets out something quite naughty (not in actual words of course but using the same method of the perps and by some play acting on his part.) and then the whole hell is let loose on the guy. The gang frantically runs to every one they know and starts a malicious campaign against him afresh. By the morning the people in the neighborhood begins to look at him strangely and with suspicion and hatred.
The most wonderful thing about this reaction is the speed at which the news spreads. The perps have created such a network of communications that the moment the guy steps out of the workplace people begin to point him out to others and start whispering seemingly about him. This part is very organized. Its aim is to attract the attention of the innocent bystanders towards the man and if they asks about him the preps would always be ready with lies to drag his reputation into dirt.
Unless one is aware of what is going on one would have wonder at the way things happen. It appears spontaneous to the less trained individual. But these are carefully planned and orchestrated to perfection. When an attack is on every one in the gang is informed about it and is briefed in advance about the manner it would have to proceed. Every one reacting on the way is given a certain part in the play and they fulfill it without thinking. They have been brainwashed to such an extant that they do not even stop to think whether their actions are inhuman.
Our man is expecting the culmination of the present bit of action in the near future. He has been “helped” “assisted” “Served” in many ways in the week before and signs are out that this would suddenly stop and he would find himself the centre of hostility soon. This is almost certain to happen because he is bound to say something which aggravates the perps either artificially or seriously.
Wish the guy successes good folks, for he is fighting for every one who is thus harassed and also for the unsuspecting public who are future candidates for such tortures.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Bait-and-trigger ops
There are methods and methods to make you paranoid. One such is the bait and trigger operations. In this mode of attack the attackers purposely build up your expectations by praising you and instilling in you a false sense of confidence just to dash it at the right time to crush you completely. They try to attract your interest by talking on the subjects nearer to your heart and once you are hooked it is easy for them to smash it to the ground. Written materials and voice materials are used to achieve this end.
A lot of planning goes in to it. This form of attack can not be used unless detailed information is available with the culprits. So your every move is watched and studied. Large quantities of information are gathered from your friend’s, acquaintances and family members- yes even family members. This is not as difficult as it seems. Remember that the ordinary citizen hates to be paranoid. When they are confronted with innocent questions like “What does your (Friend, cousin, son, relative etc) do there on the weekends”. The ever honest and obliging citizen does not hesitate to come out with the information. You can’t take every one as having hidden motives can you? And what is there to hide in being at a place for the weekends. The poor man/women do not realize that the effort is to construct an image of a person from different sources of information and use it against him/her to make them paranoid.
It does not take much to make a person paranoid: when an individual is faced with a situation where his every move is closely monitored that itself is an excuse to become paranoid. This is just one of the methods to make a person jump. Coupled with other more lethal methods this works to wear down the individual completely. As the person under attack has been isolated from all his fellow being by subtle external and internal harassment and spreading of rumors and lies this becomes easy. Without realizing what they are saying others starts to say “Oh that guy, he is a strange one.” The first target is achieved thus of creating a bad impression on the minds of others.
All this begins to weigh down on the unfortunate person who is under attack. He realizes with horror that even his nearest is in a league with his enemies. This is only true from his own perspective- and it is absolutely true from his perspective it must be said. But he can not complain, because the others are acting out of their free will and are unaware of the terrible scheme working at him always. The only method open to him is to become one of the culprits himself. In certain cases this would be permitted. But that would exterminate every bit of feeling and decency in the man as time goes on. Watch the perps if you have any doubt about what I am saying. They are completely beyond salvage. They are dead souls of society. They would not stop at anything. They are immune to everything human. If you decide to become one of them you would become worse. In such set ups conscience is the first casualty.
The leaders of these gangs do know that the individual under attack is not a superman, but they would let it out that the guy has several powers and connections and is wont to use it on every one. They would portray you as the most dangerous individual around. Because of the constant attack on you and the nervousness you feel every time you are out your actions would look that bit strange and would cement the planted notion in the mind of the general public.
Hence take the praises as well as the abuse quite coolly and laugh at their faces if you can, though being overtly disparaging them would make them angrier and is to be avoided whenever possible.
Be composed always, there is an advantage in knowing that they can hear everything you say insides. You can be as explicit as possible in your mind about them while facing them on the outside. Be always considerate on the exterior- yes I know it is not a good practice to have a double face. Yet you need to survive do you not?
Perhaps it might be true that you tend to become like your enemy more and more as the time goes by……!
Good luck against Bait-and-trigger ops.
A lot of planning goes in to it. This form of attack can not be used unless detailed information is available with the culprits. So your every move is watched and studied. Large quantities of information are gathered from your friend’s, acquaintances and family members- yes even family members. This is not as difficult as it seems. Remember that the ordinary citizen hates to be paranoid. When they are confronted with innocent questions like “What does your (Friend, cousin, son, relative etc) do there on the weekends”. The ever honest and obliging citizen does not hesitate to come out with the information. You can’t take every one as having hidden motives can you? And what is there to hide in being at a place for the weekends. The poor man/women do not realize that the effort is to construct an image of a person from different sources of information and use it against him/her to make them paranoid.
It does not take much to make a person paranoid: when an individual is faced with a situation where his every move is closely monitored that itself is an excuse to become paranoid. This is just one of the methods to make a person jump. Coupled with other more lethal methods this works to wear down the individual completely. As the person under attack has been isolated from all his fellow being by subtle external and internal harassment and spreading of rumors and lies this becomes easy. Without realizing what they are saying others starts to say “Oh that guy, he is a strange one.” The first target is achieved thus of creating a bad impression on the minds of others.
All this begins to weigh down on the unfortunate person who is under attack. He realizes with horror that even his nearest is in a league with his enemies. This is only true from his own perspective- and it is absolutely true from his perspective it must be said. But he can not complain, because the others are acting out of their free will and are unaware of the terrible scheme working at him always. The only method open to him is to become one of the culprits himself. In certain cases this would be permitted. But that would exterminate every bit of feeling and decency in the man as time goes on. Watch the perps if you have any doubt about what I am saying. They are completely beyond salvage. They are dead souls of society. They would not stop at anything. They are immune to everything human. If you decide to become one of them you would become worse. In such set ups conscience is the first casualty.
The leaders of these gangs do know that the individual under attack is not a superman, but they would let it out that the guy has several powers and connections and is wont to use it on every one. They would portray you as the most dangerous individual around. Because of the constant attack on you and the nervousness you feel every time you are out your actions would look that bit strange and would cement the planted notion in the mind of the general public.
Hence take the praises as well as the abuse quite coolly and laugh at their faces if you can, though being overtly disparaging them would make them angrier and is to be avoided whenever possible.
Be composed always, there is an advantage in knowing that they can hear everything you say insides. You can be as explicit as possible in your mind about them while facing them on the outside. Be always considerate on the exterior- yes I know it is not a good practice to have a double face. Yet you need to survive do you not?
Perhaps it might be true that you tend to become like your enemy more and more as the time goes by……!
Good luck against Bait-and-trigger ops.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Denegration of the Individual
People are becoming faceless all over the world. They are looking more like each other every day. This is not very surprising since we are being mind controlled through out our lives. This aspect of control is called conditioning. It has its advantages. It trains a person to behave in a certain manner in a given situation. Even culture has this as its basis. But the centers of control have undergone a sea change in the last century. These were exercised subtly and innocuously by religious men and philosophers in the past. Even the temperamental guilds of artists had some influence in this matter then. But in the modern times, all this has been subverted by the barons of market. They have the money and the necessary infrastructure to drill new attitudes into an unsuspecting populace.
These are the cruelest of times for mankind. Every day newer diseases and larger calamities are threatening their very existence. The stupidity of a few people is destroying everything we have ever built. This is the reign of imbeciles who are out to exterminate the human race altogether. Hence a larger platform is needed to voice our concerns in the surrounding gloom. Almost every one is hunted today one way or other.
Let us keep our hopes up and work for a release from these callous and insensitive morons we had the ill luck to vote in to power. This struggle is one of reclaiming our lost prestige and our natural freedom. The will to stand up against all subtle kinds of torture is rare among people. Most of them obey without looking into the matter closely. In some experiments it has been found that even those who have some brains are as obedient as the most illiterate where it comes to bending before authority. Perhaps this is a habit acquired through ages. I know there will always leaders in the society and there will always be scoundrels too. But it is when the scoundrels emerge into power that danger strikes.
Let not this be the case always………………
We need to reinvent individuality. Rather than a member of a mass with the same characteristics let us be different, let us be individuals and voice our views as such.
Man is a social animal they say, yeah as long as the society has something for him, not the other way round.
These are the cruelest of times for mankind. Every day newer diseases and larger calamities are threatening their very existence. The stupidity of a few people is destroying everything we have ever built. This is the reign of imbeciles who are out to exterminate the human race altogether. Hence a larger platform is needed to voice our concerns in the surrounding gloom. Almost every one is hunted today one way or other.
Let us keep our hopes up and work for a release from these callous and insensitive morons we had the ill luck to vote in to power. This struggle is one of reclaiming our lost prestige and our natural freedom. The will to stand up against all subtle kinds of torture is rare among people. Most of them obey without looking into the matter closely. In some experiments it has been found that even those who have some brains are as obedient as the most illiterate where it comes to bending before authority. Perhaps this is a habit acquired through ages. I know there will always leaders in the society and there will always be scoundrels too. But it is when the scoundrels emerge into power that danger strikes.
Let not this be the case always………………
We need to reinvent individuality. Rather than a member of a mass with the same characteristics let us be different, let us be individuals and voice our views as such.
Man is a social animal they say, yeah as long as the society has something for him, not the other way round.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Looking after yourself
Electronic attacks on the human body can be very zapping. Unless you take special care of yourself you won’t be able to fight on. A special care should be taken about what you consume every day and about the places from you get them from. This may seem neurotic, but unfortunately it has to be done to preserve your health. As far as possible eat only the stuff that you cook at home. If you are being tagged and followed everywhere it is better not to eat outside. Poisonous materials might get into your food and they might weaken you further. It is not made out here that the perps would poison you intentionally. But as you can see they do not honor you in the first place. They think you are expendable. So it is likely that they would stop at nothing to get you really down.
Several dangerous effects are created by the constant beaming of electrical energy into you and artificial stimulations that you are being subjected to. When it passes through the body energy naturally increases vibration of molecules in the body and thus affects the cells in the body. A direct result of this is damage to the organs and onset of premature aging process. Your skin is also affected by this radiation. Even without the beams you are not safe today. The entire world has been highly electrified in all senses. In the modern environment every place you are in would be filled with radiation of different sorts. Power lines are every where and all modern machinery emits radiation. Though there are laws to control them, none pays much attention to them.
In this back ground you would do well to be prepared otherwise too. Researches by those affected by radiation have shown that taking certain vitamins would have a beneficial effect on the body. Vitamin B12( B complex would be good) , Taurine(500mg) Amino Acid Complexes, Magnesium and Potassium ( Absorbable) are generally suggested by the knowing. But be sure to do research on the materials needed for you and take them. Magnesium supplements are especially effective. Please read up on the subject.
Radiation heat up the body and trying to keep it cool is advisable. Not every one can afford a water bed, but if you can it would be excellent. Keep the room temperature below 68 degrees and drink ice water. If you are feeling less sharp in the mind use ice pack on the forehead. Most methods of direct energy affect the place between your eye brows.
There are jammers etc to lessen the impact of electronic attack. They are costly and may not be available every where. Being in the open is suggested by some, because the attackers always direct their instruments at places where you would be most of the time. One such place is your home. So going out into the open would lessen the severity of the attack considerably. Another thing is that these machines have to be located somewhere near your home or the place of your stay to be effective. Hence by moving away you get out of range. This information is also helpful in other senses. Bat radar could be used to find the source attack. Once you know the source of the attack you can do something about it accost the imbeciles using it and threaten them with legal action.
Find out more about the attack and the attackers, read up on them. Remember always it is your life at stake and that of the general public who are yet to learn about these types of attacks on their privacy. Your fight is thus two pronged. One for your survival and the other for social regeneration
Several dangerous effects are created by the constant beaming of electrical energy into you and artificial stimulations that you are being subjected to. When it passes through the body energy naturally increases vibration of molecules in the body and thus affects the cells in the body. A direct result of this is damage to the organs and onset of premature aging process. Your skin is also affected by this radiation. Even without the beams you are not safe today. The entire world has been highly electrified in all senses. In the modern environment every place you are in would be filled with radiation of different sorts. Power lines are every where and all modern machinery emits radiation. Though there are laws to control them, none pays much attention to them.
In this back ground you would do well to be prepared otherwise too. Researches by those affected by radiation have shown that taking certain vitamins would have a beneficial effect on the body. Vitamin B12( B complex would be good) , Taurine(500mg) Amino Acid Complexes, Magnesium and Potassium ( Absorbable) are generally suggested by the knowing. But be sure to do research on the materials needed for you and take them. Magnesium supplements are especially effective. Please read up on the subject.
Radiation heat up the body and trying to keep it cool is advisable. Not every one can afford a water bed, but if you can it would be excellent. Keep the room temperature below 68 degrees and drink ice water. If you are feeling less sharp in the mind use ice pack on the forehead. Most methods of direct energy affect the place between your eye brows.
There are jammers etc to lessen the impact of electronic attack. They are costly and may not be available every where. Being in the open is suggested by some, because the attackers always direct their instruments at places where you would be most of the time. One such place is your home. So going out into the open would lessen the severity of the attack considerably. Another thing is that these machines have to be located somewhere near your home or the place of your stay to be effective. Hence by moving away you get out of range. This information is also helpful in other senses. Bat radar could be used to find the source attack. Once you know the source of the attack you can do something about it accost the imbeciles using it and threaten them with legal action.
Find out more about the attack and the attackers, read up on them. Remember always it is your life at stake and that of the general public who are yet to learn about these types of attacks on their privacy. Your fight is thus two pronged. One for your survival and the other for social regeneration
Friday, May 16, 2008
Self Help
Well I know, the heading reeks of books about positive thinking. People like Dale Carnegie and Norman Vincent Peele come to mind. But there is something in keeping your mind in order. It is the greatest step you can take. And of course it is the most difficult of all steps to take. But do not let that deter you, for if you are being beamed constantly, your life is in jeopardy. You have to hold on to it with every ounce of strength you have. No one is saying this is easy and especially when your inner most thoughts are being invaded. These imbeciles would try to make a Zombie out of you. And if you are not taking good care of yourself they could win. This is a must not situation. They can not and must not win.
But how could you help yourself if you are not allowed to think or sleep well? Well , granted that these machines are powerful and their invasion can not be blocked. As I wrote earlier too, the machines do not tire. They only require the power to run. But human being is not like that. He needs rest and respite. These are the things that they steal from you. Sleep deprivation is an old technique of torture. It has used to brain wash people. Its potential as a killing tool has been researched and proved. Human mind is a child of its biological parent the brain. Unless the right amount of healthy blood and energy is received by the brain it would start to stumble. This would reflect on your mental activity.
If they are trying to deprive you of your sleep, the most obvious choice would be to go for sleeping medication. But there would be no more stupider idea than that. Chemically dulling the brain weakens it and it makes you more prone to such attacks and the perps would have it easy then. You are not allowed to sleep and you can not use medication for sleep, this is a vicious circle. What do you do then? Some suggest meditation. But it has its disadvantages. It leads to possession in some cases. That could be worse. So that too is out of the question.
My advice would be to go for electronic tools yourself. There is such software available commercially. Subliminal messaging is a long researched subject. There are self help tapes. You can use them when going of to sleep. You can listen to music, you can try herbal remedies for sleeplessness. Exercising is a very good medicine for many ills. It conditions the body to with stand tress if used innovatively. Learning some martial arts also could be useful. Do not worry no one would be there to teach you. Though there surely would be animosity among people, they can not still deny your basic rights just like that. If they do it would look awkward and they would avoid it at all costs.
If you can not sleep well make use of the time in reading up on the literature on the subject available in the net. Try to learn as much as possible. Spread the word that you are being attacked thus. There are other lost souls besides you in the society. Imagine that you are waging a battle with evil forces that are out to destroy the world and its people. This would give you strength.
Do not give up. NEVER EVER GIVE UP.
But how could you help yourself if you are not allowed to think or sleep well? Well , granted that these machines are powerful and their invasion can not be blocked. As I wrote earlier too, the machines do not tire. They only require the power to run. But human being is not like that. He needs rest and respite. These are the things that they steal from you. Sleep deprivation is an old technique of torture. It has used to brain wash people. Its potential as a killing tool has been researched and proved. Human mind is a child of its biological parent the brain. Unless the right amount of healthy blood and energy is received by the brain it would start to stumble. This would reflect on your mental activity.
If they are trying to deprive you of your sleep, the most obvious choice would be to go for sleeping medication. But there would be no more stupider idea than that. Chemically dulling the brain weakens it and it makes you more prone to such attacks and the perps would have it easy then. You are not allowed to sleep and you can not use medication for sleep, this is a vicious circle. What do you do then? Some suggest meditation. But it has its disadvantages. It leads to possession in some cases. That could be worse. So that too is out of the question.
My advice would be to go for electronic tools yourself. There is such software available commercially. Subliminal messaging is a long researched subject. There are self help tapes. You can use them when going of to sleep. You can listen to music, you can try herbal remedies for sleeplessness. Exercising is a very good medicine for many ills. It conditions the body to with stand tress if used innovatively. Learning some martial arts also could be useful. Do not worry no one would be there to teach you. Though there surely would be animosity among people, they can not still deny your basic rights just like that. If they do it would look awkward and they would avoid it at all costs.
If you can not sleep well make use of the time in reading up on the literature on the subject available in the net. Try to learn as much as possible. Spread the word that you are being attacked thus. There are other lost souls besides you in the society. Imagine that you are waging a battle with evil forces that are out to destroy the world and its people. This would give you strength.
Do not give up. NEVER EVER GIVE UP.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Cussing times!
What do you do when you are mentally invaded and you can not find the source of the invasion? Well first of all get rid of your panic. It serves no purpose. If you are steady and unrelenting the opponents have to gear up and do their best to get to you. This would make them angry. And anger brings forth mistakes. The angrier they get the more mistakes they would make. Though they have the machines to beam thoughts into you, they are people just like you and me. They also can be broken. It has been done before. Well, once you have become aware of the type of attack they are using you can counter it by making use of the same methods in reverse. In this situation you would be beaming thoughts into them by the machines that they are using against you. Be assured that they would be listening into you all the time, they have to, because mere beaming would not be enough. Unless they can be sure that they are reaching you how can they tell that they are getting into your mind? But this method has its drawbacks. Unless you are very careful, this might end up in your total subversion. Let me tell you, there are methods by which this could be done, and also that they have been successful.
Remember one thing. Real thoughts have great power. They are the result of real feelings, and real emotions. If you think strongly of anything it would definitely have an effect in the physical world. Thoughts are as much physical as you are. So never be lax in that sense for one moment. Think of your enemies and wish them ill. By this you are not doing anything wrong. These guys deserve to be punished and they would not be punished unless you make it happen. Let me explain this point to you a little more clearly. The perpetrators and their leaders are operating like a co operative group. The evil that they are committing is being shared among them and probably would not do them any harm for a long time to come. But your case is different. You are being made to suffer for the wickedness of a few. Unless they learn their lesson now they would not quit harming you and because of the brainwashing involved in this most of the unfortunates would not know of the crime they are doing. They are led to believe that you are a threat to society and other people with lies. And if these lies are supported by fake documents they would believe those lies implicitly. So it is your duty to defend yourself and the society as well as you can. If you are cursing them daily and honestly I assure you it would have an effect on them sooner or later. Real thoughts can not be controlled. They have the energy of the being who utters them and they would act on the persons on whom they are indented. Let me tell you that this is no mysticism. It is the honest truth. Thoughts have the power to shape the world. Make use of them. Think strong thoughts on their downfall. By this you will also be helping to shape the thought of the coming years.
Curse them with all your heart. Do not worry if they are listening into you. Let them listen all they want. Curse them to death, diseases and ruin. It would have an effect. These thoughts would remain in the social atmosphere and would be there even when you are dead and forgotten. They would latch on to others and would work. This would be a great service to the world. If honest people can not live in this world then there is no point in having a world. Let the world go to hell!
Mere prayers have no power. In times of less turbulence they may have worked, but in these times they would not work. Think ill of them. These are times of war and in love and war nothing is wrong. Do not worry if they are beaming words like “I am the God talking to you” No God would want you dead for nothing, be sure of that. Do not be weak and imagine that these are the results of the sins that you have committed in your life. Even if you have committed sins these incompetents are not entrusted with carrying out the sentences for them.
These are the cussing times my friend, lay it into them good and proper!
Remember one thing. Real thoughts have great power. They are the result of real feelings, and real emotions. If you think strongly of anything it would definitely have an effect in the physical world. Thoughts are as much physical as you are. So never be lax in that sense for one moment. Think of your enemies and wish them ill. By this you are not doing anything wrong. These guys deserve to be punished and they would not be punished unless you make it happen. Let me explain this point to you a little more clearly. The perpetrators and their leaders are operating like a co operative group. The evil that they are committing is being shared among them and probably would not do them any harm for a long time to come. But your case is different. You are being made to suffer for the wickedness of a few. Unless they learn their lesson now they would not quit harming you and because of the brainwashing involved in this most of the unfortunates would not know of the crime they are doing. They are led to believe that you are a threat to society and other people with lies. And if these lies are supported by fake documents they would believe those lies implicitly. So it is your duty to defend yourself and the society as well as you can. If you are cursing them daily and honestly I assure you it would have an effect on them sooner or later. Real thoughts can not be controlled. They have the energy of the being who utters them and they would act on the persons on whom they are indented. Let me tell you that this is no mysticism. It is the honest truth. Thoughts have the power to shape the world. Make use of them. Think strong thoughts on their downfall. By this you will also be helping to shape the thought of the coming years.
Curse them with all your heart. Do not worry if they are listening into you. Let them listen all they want. Curse them to death, diseases and ruin. It would have an effect. These thoughts would remain in the social atmosphere and would be there even when you are dead and forgotten. They would latch on to others and would work. This would be a great service to the world. If honest people can not live in this world then there is no point in having a world. Let the world go to hell!
Mere prayers have no power. In times of less turbulence they may have worked, but in these times they would not work. Think ill of them. These are times of war and in love and war nothing is wrong. Do not worry if they are beaming words like “I am the God talking to you” No God would want you dead for nothing, be sure of that. Do not be weak and imagine that these are the results of the sins that you have committed in your life. Even if you have committed sins these incompetents are not entrusted with carrying out the sentences for them.
These are the cussing times my friend, lay it into them good and proper!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Effects of E harassment
Eleanor White, a victim of e harassment and a senior activist against such atrocities world wide has detailed the following effects of the harassment based on her own and other 2000 or so affected people from all over the world. This might prove a useful guide in checking if you are under such attacks and also for the purpose of general information on the subject. None of the lines have been altered or modified.
The effects pattern:
This article is about unclassified/commercial technologies which can
produce some of the effects of the harassment equipment:
- All harassment consists of unique, carefully engineered-unprovable
events to produce psychological stress in the victim. There are
no events which do not fit that apparent purpose.
- In every series of stress event type, ONE introductory event of
very high energy/effect is staged. The obvious purpose is to be
certain the victim KNOWS this is external harassment, and not just
"bad luck". From that time forward, the perpetrators appear to
apply "Pavlovian training" so that they can get the victim to "jump"
(or react in some way) to the same effect at a tiny fraction of the
initial "introductory" event.
- This type of harassment started during the Cold War, and shows every
characteristic of military and intelligence psychological warfare
- This type of harassment points to CONTROL of the test subject.
Endlessly repeated words generated inescapably within the skull
are just one hypnosis-like experience.
- The total number and type of crimes which make up organized stalking and
electronic harassment simply could not take place without cover
being supplied by government. Bizarre court decisions in which the
target is forced into involuntary mental health treatment and a
criminal spouse (for example, a pedophile father discovered "doing"
his own child) clearly show that organized stalking and electronic
harassment are heavily protected by all levels of government and
the medical establishment.
The effect types categorized:
Here is a list of most of the common effects. It is not exhaustive,
but is intended to show the reader how the perpetrators' pallette
of stress effects is broken down. Indent levels are used to show
categories and sub-categories:
1. Invasive At-a-Distance Body Effects (including mind)
a. Sleep deprivation and fatigue
i. Silent but instantaneous application of "electronic
caffeine" signal, forces awake and keeps awake
ii. Loud noise from neighbours, often SYNCHRONIZED
to attempts to fall asleep
iii.Precision-to-the-second "allowed sleep" and "forced
awakening"; far too precise and repeated to be natural
iv. Daytime "fatigue attacks", can force the victim to sleep
and/or weaken the muscles to the point of collapse
b. Audible Voice to Skull (V2S); sometimes non-voice sounds
i. Delivered remotely, at a distance
ii. Made to appear as emanating from thin air
iii.Voices or sound effects only the victim can hear
c. Inaudible Voice to Skull (Silent Sound)
i. Delivered by apparent at a distance radio signal;
manifested by sudden urges to do something/go somewhere
you would not otherwise want to; silent (ultrasonic)
hypnosis is possible
ii. Programming hypnotic "triggers" - i.e. specific phrases
or other cues which cause specific involuntary actions
d. Violent muscle triggering (flailing of limbs)
i. Leg or arm jerks to violently force awake and keep awake
ii. Whole body jerks, as if body had been hit by large jolt
of electricity
iii.Violent shaking of body; seemingly as if on a vibrating
surface but where surface is in reality not vibrating
e. Precision manipulation of body parts (slow, specific purpose)
i. Manipulation of hands, forced to synchronize with closed-eyes
but FULLY AWAKE vision of previous day; very powerful and
coercive, not a dream
ii. Slow bending almost 90 degrees BACKWARDS of one toe at a
time or one finger at a time
iii.Direct at-a-distance control of breathing and vocal cords;
including involuntary speech
iv. Spot blanking of memory, more than normal forgetfulness
f. Reading said-silently-to-self thoughts
i. Engineered skits where your thoughts are spoken to you
by strangers on street or events requiring knowledge of
what you were thinking
ii. Real time reading subvocalized words, as while the victim
reads a book, and BROADCASTING those words to nearby people
who form an amazed audience around the victim
g. Direct application of pain to body parts
i. Hot-needles-deep-in-flesh sensation
ii. Electric shocks (no wires whatsoever applied)
iii.Powerful and unquenchable itching, often applied precisely
when victim attempts to do something of a delicate or
messy nature
iv. "Artificial fever", sudden, no illness present
v. Sudden racing heartbeat, relaxed situation
h. Surveillance and tracking
i. Rapping under your feet as you move about your apartment,
on ceiling of apartment below
ii. Thru wall radar used to monitor starting and stopping
of your urination - water below turned on and off
in sync with your urine stream
2. Invasive Physical Effects at a Distance, non-body
a. Stoppage of power to appliances (temporary, breaker ON)
b. Manipulation of appliance settings
c. Temporary failures that "fix themselves"
d. Flinging of objects, including non-metallic
e. Precision manipulation of switches and controls
f. Forced, obviously premature failure of appliance or
3. External Stress-Generating "Skits"
a. Participation of strangers, neighbours, and in some cases
close friends and family members in harassment
i. Rudeness for no cause
ii. Tradesmen always have "problems", block your car, etc.
iii.Purchases delayed, spoiled, or lost at a high rate
iv. Unusually loud music, noise, far beyond normal
b. Break-ins/sabotage at home
i. Shredding of clothing
ii. Destruction of furniture
iii.Petty theft
iv. Engineered failures of utilities
c. Sabotage at work
i. Repetitive damage to furniture
ii. Deletion/corruption of computer files
iii.Planting viruses which could not have come from
your computer usage pattern
iv. Delivered goods delayed, spoiled, or lost at a high rate
v. Spreading of rumors, sabotage to your working reputation
vi. Direct sabotage and theft of completed work; tradesmen
often involved and showing obvious pleasure
Quite scary is it not. Only people with little or no conscience would practice such crimes against humanity. The effects recorded show a cunning insight into the workings of the human mind. They manage to get the whole community involved in the harassment. The victim feels as if he /she is totally isolated from the world and that every one is up in arms against them. This is deep psychological game. Because of the tremendous odds against them the victims can never fight back.
This has to stop. It is not merely the individual’s prestige that is at stake. It is the whole concept of freedom. Do not say that freedom is not absolute and that the society is master. Remember that society always is a few people controlling it, whether in communist regime or in the democratic regime. There is no society as such in the subtle sense. A mass of people controlling the destiny of their civilization is a myth.
Beware of the propagation of such myths, and uphold your right to live as a free human being
The effects pattern:
This article is about unclassified/commercial technologies which can
produce some of the effects of the harassment equipment:
- All harassment consists of unique, carefully engineered-unprovable
events to produce psychological stress in the victim. There are
no events which do not fit that apparent purpose.
- In every series of stress event type, ONE introductory event of
very high energy/effect is staged. The obvious purpose is to be
certain the victim KNOWS this is external harassment, and not just
"bad luck". From that time forward, the perpetrators appear to
apply "Pavlovian training" so that they can get the victim to "jump"
(or react in some way) to the same effect at a tiny fraction of the
initial "introductory" event.
- This type of harassment started during the Cold War, and shows every
characteristic of military and intelligence psychological warfare
- This type of harassment points to CONTROL of the test subject.
Endlessly repeated words generated inescapably within the skull
are just one hypnosis-like experience.
- The total number and type of crimes which make up organized stalking and
electronic harassment simply could not take place without cover
being supplied by government. Bizarre court decisions in which the
target is forced into involuntary mental health treatment and a
criminal spouse (for example, a pedophile father discovered "doing"
his own child) clearly show that organized stalking and electronic
harassment are heavily protected by all levels of government and
the medical establishment.
The effect types categorized:
Here is a list of most of the common effects. It is not exhaustive,
but is intended to show the reader how the perpetrators' pallette
of stress effects is broken down. Indent levels are used to show
categories and sub-categories:
1. Invasive At-a-Distance Body Effects (including mind)
a. Sleep deprivation and fatigue
i. Silent but instantaneous application of "electronic
caffeine" signal, forces awake and keeps awake
ii. Loud noise from neighbours, often SYNCHRONIZED
to attempts to fall asleep
iii.Precision-to-the-second "allowed sleep" and "forced
awakening"; far too precise and repeated to be natural
iv. Daytime "fatigue attacks", can force the victim to sleep
and/or weaken the muscles to the point of collapse
b. Audible Voice to Skull (V2S); sometimes non-voice sounds
i. Delivered remotely, at a distance
ii. Made to appear as emanating from thin air
iii.Voices or sound effects only the victim can hear
c. Inaudible Voice to Skull (Silent Sound)
i. Delivered by apparent at a distance radio signal;
manifested by sudden urges to do something/go somewhere
you would not otherwise want to; silent (ultrasonic)
hypnosis is possible
ii. Programming hypnotic "triggers" - i.e. specific phrases
or other cues which cause specific involuntary actions
d. Violent muscle triggering (flailing of limbs)
i. Leg or arm jerks to violently force awake and keep awake
ii. Whole body jerks, as if body had been hit by large jolt
of electricity
iii.Violent shaking of body; seemingly as if on a vibrating
surface but where surface is in reality not vibrating
e. Precision manipulation of body parts (slow, specific purpose)
i. Manipulation of hands, forced to synchronize with closed-eyes
but FULLY AWAKE vision of previous day; very powerful and
coercive, not a dream
ii. Slow bending almost 90 degrees BACKWARDS of one toe at a
time or one finger at a time
iii.Direct at-a-distance control of breathing and vocal cords;
including involuntary speech
iv. Spot blanking of memory, more than normal forgetfulness
f. Reading said-silently-to-self thoughts
i. Engineered skits where your thoughts are spoken to you
by strangers on street or events requiring knowledge of
what you were thinking
ii. Real time reading subvocalized words, as while the victim
reads a book, and BROADCASTING those words to nearby people
who form an amazed audience around the victim
g. Direct application of pain to body parts
i. Hot-needles-deep-in-flesh sensation
ii. Electric shocks (no wires whatsoever applied)
iii.Powerful and unquenchable itching, often applied precisely
when victim attempts to do something of a delicate or
messy nature
iv. "Artificial fever", sudden, no illness present
v. Sudden racing heartbeat, relaxed situation
h. Surveillance and tracking
i. Rapping under your feet as you move about your apartment,
on ceiling of apartment below
ii. Thru wall radar used to monitor starting and stopping
of your urination - water below turned on and off
in sync with your urine stream
2. Invasive Physical Effects at a Distance, non-body
a. Stoppage of power to appliances (temporary, breaker ON)
b. Manipulation of appliance settings
c. Temporary failures that "fix themselves"
d. Flinging of objects, including non-metallic
e. Precision manipulation of switches and controls
f. Forced, obviously premature failure of appliance or
3. External Stress-Generating "Skits"
a. Participation of strangers, neighbours, and in some cases
close friends and family members in harassment
i. Rudeness for no cause
ii. Tradesmen always have "problems", block your car, etc.
iii.Purchases delayed, spoiled, or lost at a high rate
iv. Unusually loud music, noise, far beyond normal
b. Break-ins/sabotage at home
i. Shredding of clothing
ii. Destruction of furniture
iii.Petty theft
iv. Engineered failures of utilities
c. Sabotage at work
i. Repetitive damage to furniture
ii. Deletion/corruption of computer files
iii.Planting viruses which could not have come from
your computer usage pattern
iv. Delivered goods delayed, spoiled, or lost at a high rate
v. Spreading of rumors, sabotage to your working reputation
vi. Direct sabotage and theft of completed work; tradesmen
often involved and showing obvious pleasure
Quite scary is it not. Only people with little or no conscience would practice such crimes against humanity. The effects recorded show a cunning insight into the workings of the human mind. They manage to get the whole community involved in the harassment. The victim feels as if he /she is totally isolated from the world and that every one is up in arms against them. This is deep psychological game. Because of the tremendous odds against them the victims can never fight back.
This has to stop. It is not merely the individual’s prestige that is at stake. It is the whole concept of freedom. Do not say that freedom is not absolute and that the society is master. Remember that society always is a few people controlling it, whether in communist regime or in the democratic regime. There is no society as such in the subtle sense. A mass of people controlling the destiny of their civilization is a myth.
Beware of the propagation of such myths, and uphold your right to live as a free human being
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Those who are under electronic attack experience reverse luck to the extreme. There are instances where the perpetrators try to instill the feeling of bad luck in the victims. It has been reported that the voices frequently sympathize with the victims on their bad luck. They come out with phrases like “He is an unlucky bastard” “Let us see if your luck is good” etc. They may even advise you to play lottery as well. Such instances have been reported by many who are harassed thus. This is very sloppy considering the advance in the technology. But the idiots using the technology gets turned on by the power in their hands and commit blunders giving their intentions away. This may confuse those who are dumb. But those with some amount of intelligence would catch on very swiftly. But it seems that the perps are not bothered about it at all. They are so damn sure that they would win at any rate as long as the form of attack remains hidden.
So be wary if you are having bad luck out of all proportions. You may be under attack. Some one might be engineering the bad luck for you. If coupled with the bad luck, you are also having mood fluctuations without any discernible causes and problems with your health which appears out of no where and disappears immediately. Then it is more than likely that you are under attack. If with all that you are being stalked then be sure that you have displeased somebody and every thing that you are experiencing is an orchestrated effort to get you out of the way.
Well if you are attacked thus what can you do to counter it or repel it. To be frank there are no useful methods to defeat such round the clock animosity. Machines do not tire. They do not have personal problems to deter them in their functions. They are impersonal and would drill the words into you on a regular basis, if they are once switched on. The only means you have is to find out who are actually behind the attack and why they have selected you. There is no use in knowing the pawns that are pushed in front of you. You have to learn who the real culprit is, and on whose behalf is the attack is instigated. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first unless it is the government itself who is behind it. In that case your options are extremely limited and you would have to cope with it some how.
If it is some one who you know they would rarely miss the fun of seeing you suffer and would appear now and then in front of you to watch it. Once you catch them thus or have any doubts on their motives to be in that exact spot at that exact time then follow your hunch and ask yourself what you can do about it. You can do any thing other than physically assaulting them. You can move against them in court, you can make them aware that you know that they are behind certain troubles that you are having. This might stop them. If it does not, you have no other options but to go on with your efforts to combat the problem as best as you could.
Do not worry if there is a will then there is a way! This is not mere optimism, it is the honest truth. There is not a single tyrant in history that has not been curbed. So keep your spirits up and keep going as if nothing has happened. If they are listening to you, be very imaginative, It is inside your mind you can do whatever you pleases there. Fill their tapes with your thoughts on them! Good Luck.
So be wary if you are having bad luck out of all proportions. You may be under attack. Some one might be engineering the bad luck for you. If coupled with the bad luck, you are also having mood fluctuations without any discernible causes and problems with your health which appears out of no where and disappears immediately. Then it is more than likely that you are under attack. If with all that you are being stalked then be sure that you have displeased somebody and every thing that you are experiencing is an orchestrated effort to get you out of the way.
Well if you are attacked thus what can you do to counter it or repel it. To be frank there are no useful methods to defeat such round the clock animosity. Machines do not tire. They do not have personal problems to deter them in their functions. They are impersonal and would drill the words into you on a regular basis, if they are once switched on. The only means you have is to find out who are actually behind the attack and why they have selected you. There is no use in knowing the pawns that are pushed in front of you. You have to learn who the real culprit is, and on whose behalf is the attack is instigated. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first unless it is the government itself who is behind it. In that case your options are extremely limited and you would have to cope with it some how.
If it is some one who you know they would rarely miss the fun of seeing you suffer and would appear now and then in front of you to watch it. Once you catch them thus or have any doubts on their motives to be in that exact spot at that exact time then follow your hunch and ask yourself what you can do about it. You can do any thing other than physically assaulting them. You can move against them in court, you can make them aware that you know that they are behind certain troubles that you are having. This might stop them. If it does not, you have no other options but to go on with your efforts to combat the problem as best as you could.
Do not worry if there is a will then there is a way! This is not mere optimism, it is the honest truth. There is not a single tyrant in history that has not been curbed. So keep your spirits up and keep going as if nothing has happened. If they are listening to you, be very imaginative, It is inside your mind you can do whatever you pleases there. Fill their tapes with your thoughts on them! Good Luck.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Electonic schizophrenia
Traditionally a person is called psychotic if he hears voices and experience visual hallucinations. In the layman’s terms such behavior is “mad”. But the modern age has introduced one other disease to the world. I would like to call it the “Electro schizophrenia”. It is not the result of any harrowing experiences in a person’s life. It is introduced from outside, from external elements but it exhibits the same characteristics of the traditional schizophrenia. In fact they are so similar that those who are experiencing the electro version are diagnosed with schizophrenia if they visit a doctor for treatment.
Let us learn what clinical psychologists have to say about schizophrenia. Here are some excerpts:
About one person in a hundred is likely to receive a
diagnosis of schizophrenia in their lifetime……..
These problems include hearing voices (hallucinations),
holding unusual beliefs (delusions) and experiencing
strong fluctuations in mood.
Ten to 15 per cent of the population have heard voices
or experienced hallucinations at some point in their
life. These are frequently triggered by extreme
experiences such as sleep deprivation.
It is clear that psychotic experiences involve brain
events,and can be influenced by biological processes.
From the report itself it can be seen that extreme experience like sleep deprivation can trigger hallucinations and that the psychotic experiences involve brain events, and can be influenced by biological processes. In electronic harassment these same methods are used to turn a normal healthy individual to a psychotic one. Once you understand how it is produced it is easy to recreate it with persistent efforts and with the help of unseen weaponry like directed energy weapons. They induce sleeplessness and introduce changes in the chemical environment of the brain by external stimulation. These weapons can produce such changes in the human mental activity that the individual soon starts to mimic schizophrenia more and more. These culprits understand that every disease is psycho-somatic in origin.
The report goes on to point out that people with psychiatric diagnoses “are arguably one of the most socially excluded groups in society.” Well this is the real point is it not? Once people are driven crazy it is easy to ostracize them and slowly remove them from the face of the earth. If your enemies can be removed in this manner without exposing yourself to danger, well you are prepared to wait a little while for it would you not?
The unclassified documentation on non lethal technology on the internet contains detailed information on the thrust areas of the quest. These happened decades ago and even those fragmentary reports chills us today when we go through them.
This is the stuff from which Nietzsche’s Superman is to be created!
Let us learn what clinical psychologists have to say about schizophrenia. Here are some excerpts:
About one person in a hundred is likely to receive a
diagnosis of schizophrenia in their lifetime……..
These problems include hearing voices (hallucinations),
holding unusual beliefs (delusions) and experiencing
strong fluctuations in mood.
Ten to 15 per cent of the population have heard voices
or experienced hallucinations at some point in their
life. These are frequently triggered by extreme
experiences such as sleep deprivation.
It is clear that psychotic experiences involve brain
events,and can be influenced by biological processes.
From the report itself it can be seen that extreme experience like sleep deprivation can trigger hallucinations and that the psychotic experiences involve brain events, and can be influenced by biological processes. In electronic harassment these same methods are used to turn a normal healthy individual to a psychotic one. Once you understand how it is produced it is easy to recreate it with persistent efforts and with the help of unseen weaponry like directed energy weapons. They induce sleeplessness and introduce changes in the chemical environment of the brain by external stimulation. These weapons can produce such changes in the human mental activity that the individual soon starts to mimic schizophrenia more and more. These culprits understand that every disease is psycho-somatic in origin.
The report goes on to point out that people with psychiatric diagnoses “are arguably one of the most socially excluded groups in society.” Well this is the real point is it not? Once people are driven crazy it is easy to ostracize them and slowly remove them from the face of the earth. If your enemies can be removed in this manner without exposing yourself to danger, well you are prepared to wait a little while for it would you not?
The unclassified documentation on non lethal technology on the internet contains detailed information on the thrust areas of the quest. These happened decades ago and even those fragmentary reports chills us today when we go through them.
This is the stuff from which Nietzsche’s Superman is to be created!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Hyper Sonic Sound
HSS is not the SS may be it can be more lethal than it. Why do they call these machines non lethal, I some times wonder? These things are more lethal than all the other machines in existence. They encroach into your privet world, into your private thoughts and into your very being. If that is not lethal what is?
HSS is Hyper Sonic sound. Researches were on for using them on humans for ever so long. Those were classified efforts and are still unknown to the world. But now there are commercial products which boast of a definite level of sophistication to influence the common man. Some government as well as privet organizations are buying them up and are probably making use of them to control people.
The technology is simple; ordinary voices/sounds are mixed with two streams of hyper sonic sound which is beyond the power of normal detection by the human ear and is beamed to a specific spot. In a sense voice is carried by the super sonic spectrum of sound and projected to a particular spot. The air molecules on that spot convert the voice in to an audible sound. If a person gets near this spot, he would hear the voice and would be stunned. He would think that the voice is coming from inside his head. If he moves away the voice would cease and no one near him would be hearing it if they are outside the range of the beam.
The above is the least lethal use of the machine. The property of sound to perform destructive things is already known to humanity. Singers with powerful voices have shattered glass ware as we know. Sound can be beamed to cause pain, distress, nausea and several other effects on humans. The available modern commercial HSS applications is reported to penetrate more than one inch below the surface of the human skin and if the power of the beam is increased it would heat up the body causing great discomfort.
I do not think all the effects of the machines are catalogued. There could be subtle psychological changes too in those subjected to this kind of torture.
Are there any legislations to cope with such unknown menaces and to control their harmful uses?
HSS is Hyper Sonic sound. Researches were on for using them on humans for ever so long. Those were classified efforts and are still unknown to the world. But now there are commercial products which boast of a definite level of sophistication to influence the common man. Some government as well as privet organizations are buying them up and are probably making use of them to control people.
The technology is simple; ordinary voices/sounds are mixed with two streams of hyper sonic sound which is beyond the power of normal detection by the human ear and is beamed to a specific spot. In a sense voice is carried by the super sonic spectrum of sound and projected to a particular spot. The air molecules on that spot convert the voice in to an audible sound. If a person gets near this spot, he would hear the voice and would be stunned. He would think that the voice is coming from inside his head. If he moves away the voice would cease and no one near him would be hearing it if they are outside the range of the beam.
The above is the least lethal use of the machine. The property of sound to perform destructive things is already known to humanity. Singers with powerful voices have shattered glass ware as we know. Sound can be beamed to cause pain, distress, nausea and several other effects on humans. The available modern commercial HSS applications is reported to penetrate more than one inch below the surface of the human skin and if the power of the beam is increased it would heat up the body causing great discomfort.
I do not think all the effects of the machines are catalogued. There could be subtle psychological changes too in those subjected to this kind of torture.
Are there any legislations to cope with such unknown menaces and to control their harmful uses?
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Gone are those good old days when people did not know what psychology is; now every one is a master of human psychology. Even the dumbest of crooks operate with knowledge of psychology in aid. A sad story it is. The spread of learning had the strangest of effects on humanity. We all know what would destroy an individual; no one bothers about saving one. We have learned all the week points of human character and how to exploit them. We do it on a daily basis and reap immense pleasure from it. We have become insensitive to others needs- we are the learned idiots of all time.
It grieves me to talk of every one in this vein, because some of us are so without conscience that the Dark Lord would quail before us. I personally believe that poor Lucifer would take to his heels the moment any member of humanity appears any where near him. He is doomed to hell for all eternity to come. We are trying to enslave him and cursing him day in and day out for the weaknesses we find in him. Let alone pray for his release we would rather see him in his greatest of evil splendor. Well if the bloke can not do his job, there is always us. We can do it better than him.
Old age morals have no place in this techno world. Take stalking as an instance in question. It is thoroughly immoral and amoral in the strictest sense. It’s playing with a person’s life to the point where he has to do away with himself in some cases to escape from the torture. The methods employed are solidly based on human psychology. By constantly intimidating an individual and playing with his mind in many ways he or she is broken down to the verge of insanity. There would be no let up in this case. The stalker may not even have any personal animosity against the individual in question. They are mostly employed by those who have an interest in the poor guy. These are some times hired goons or members of extremist factions working in the locality. They are led to believe the guy is dangerous in some way and should be put down. If there is a slight official connection here and there it would be easier for the real perpetrators.
One interesting technique of harassing an individual any where is by sensitizing him in some way. The procedure is very simple. Strange objects and behavior patterns would be exhibited by the stalkers over and over again to catch the interest of the victim. Say it is a color or electronic instrument of some sort. The perpetrators would make it very clear that the object is exhibited for the victim to see. When the victim starts to get tensed up over the displayed object the object would disappear one day suddenly. But the victim by then would be keyed up on that thing every time he sees it. Say, in the next incident if the object is seen in an innocent mans hand the victim has no way of knowing whether it was one of the perpetrators or not. As he has been sensitized over the object there is a good chance of his pouncing on the poor man in anger, surprising the guy and making he open to ridicule by the spectators. This behavior would mark him as crazy in the minds of the witnesses.
Mission accomplished!
Would you again say that the modern gang stalker has no wits? Well they have enough as far as stalking goes.
It grieves me to talk of every one in this vein, because some of us are so without conscience that the Dark Lord would quail before us. I personally believe that poor Lucifer would take to his heels the moment any member of humanity appears any where near him. He is doomed to hell for all eternity to come. We are trying to enslave him and cursing him day in and day out for the weaknesses we find in him. Let alone pray for his release we would rather see him in his greatest of evil splendor. Well if the bloke can not do his job, there is always us. We can do it better than him.
Old age morals have no place in this techno world. Take stalking as an instance in question. It is thoroughly immoral and amoral in the strictest sense. It’s playing with a person’s life to the point where he has to do away with himself in some cases to escape from the torture. The methods employed are solidly based on human psychology. By constantly intimidating an individual and playing with his mind in many ways he or she is broken down to the verge of insanity. There would be no let up in this case. The stalker may not even have any personal animosity against the individual in question. They are mostly employed by those who have an interest in the poor guy. These are some times hired goons or members of extremist factions working in the locality. They are led to believe the guy is dangerous in some way and should be put down. If there is a slight official connection here and there it would be easier for the real perpetrators.
One interesting technique of harassing an individual any where is by sensitizing him in some way. The procedure is very simple. Strange objects and behavior patterns would be exhibited by the stalkers over and over again to catch the interest of the victim. Say it is a color or electronic instrument of some sort. The perpetrators would make it very clear that the object is exhibited for the victim to see. When the victim starts to get tensed up over the displayed object the object would disappear one day suddenly. But the victim by then would be keyed up on that thing every time he sees it. Say, in the next incident if the object is seen in an innocent mans hand the victim has no way of knowing whether it was one of the perpetrators or not. As he has been sensitized over the object there is a good chance of his pouncing on the poor man in anger, surprising the guy and making he open to ridicule by the spectators. This behavior would mark him as crazy in the minds of the witnesses.
Mission accomplished!
Would you again say that the modern gang stalker has no wits? Well they have enough as far as stalking goes.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Thought detecting machine
Alan Yu, Lieutenant Colonel Taiwan National Defense Department has written a lucid article on “Thought detecting machine”. He says he came across the news through two sources. One is an article in a Hong Kong daily in the 1970 and another was more direct. He read a classified military document while he was a colonel in the Taiwanese army in 1984. Both stated the existence of the machine and that it was obtained from the U.S.
He goes into the details of how it is operated and what it can do. It appears that by sending electromagnetic radiation on the subject from two different angles and obtaining brain wave patterns from the person under scrutiny a computer can analyze them and come up with what the person was thinking and imagining at the time of the capture. The computer monitor can show the wave patterns in words and pictures after it was processed by the CPU. If this was possible in the 70’s and the 80’s what would be the present state of the technology with more advanced computers, more sophisticated pointing devices and more wide spread monitoring capabilities.
It seems we are not free even to dream any more. This is total control. Freedom has ceased to be a birth right. It most probably is the death right now. If you want to be free, be dead my friend. There is no freedom in this small planet. There used to be such a barbaric thing in the distant past, the poor bastards, they did not know the first thing about life, freedom indeed, what a wicked notion. Who is free, dude? None is really free. There is no absolute freedom in the world. Everything is relative see! But we the more equals, we know how to grant or deny freedom even in the relative sense. We are the ruling elite, we make rules and we break them. Never complain. That is our prerogative, never question. Obey us and we will punish you in return.
We are kind you see we know your needs. We know that what you want is attention. We are giving you plenty. We are giving you attention twenty four hours a day, seven days a week all through the course of your life. What more you need? You should be grateful, but instead you are asking questions. Do not trouble us with your silly stupid questions. You are not little children any more, you are full grown slaves.
So shut up and put up with us. We are all that you are going to get.
He goes into the details of how it is operated and what it can do. It appears that by sending electromagnetic radiation on the subject from two different angles and obtaining brain wave patterns from the person under scrutiny a computer can analyze them and come up with what the person was thinking and imagining at the time of the capture. The computer monitor can show the wave patterns in words and pictures after it was processed by the CPU. If this was possible in the 70’s and the 80’s what would be the present state of the technology with more advanced computers, more sophisticated pointing devices and more wide spread monitoring capabilities.
It seems we are not free even to dream any more. This is total control. Freedom has ceased to be a birth right. It most probably is the death right now. If you want to be free, be dead my friend. There is no freedom in this small planet. There used to be such a barbaric thing in the distant past, the poor bastards, they did not know the first thing about life, freedom indeed, what a wicked notion. Who is free, dude? None is really free. There is no absolute freedom in the world. Everything is relative see! But we the more equals, we know how to grant or deny freedom even in the relative sense. We are the ruling elite, we make rules and we break them. Never complain. That is our prerogative, never question. Obey us and we will punish you in return.
We are kind you see we know your needs. We know that what you want is attention. We are giving you plenty. We are giving you attention twenty four hours a day, seven days a week all through the course of your life. What more you need? You should be grateful, but instead you are asking questions. Do not trouble us with your silly stupid questions. You are not little children any more, you are full grown slaves.
So shut up and put up with us. We are all that you are going to get.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
The Street Theatre
Harassment comes in many ways. One way is through the street theatre. You may have seen skits being enacted by certain groups to bring awareness to the people on certain issues. These may portray political or social issues which are currently alive. These efforts may or may not enlighten people about the situation at hand. But the street theatre I am talking about here has no such intentions at all. They go the other way. They propagate wrong ideas about the individual concerned if he unwittingly reacts to the skit. If he does not react outwardly the effect is greater. These skits are scripted by the vicious elements in charge of the torture procedure and are meant for the eyes and ears of the victim alone. Many elements of drama would come into the enactment of the skit. Names would be used to make it very clear to the individual that the skit is meant for him. His previous actions would be criticized, his own words would be spoken by others and even incidents in the offing would also be related by strangers in his hearing. Those unfamiliar with the methods in operation would be bewildered and confused and frightened. If this happens then the aim of the skit is achieved.
These methods of harassment are used to tell the victim that they are under constant observation and every single action in their life is under evaluation and are catalogued. This may be the case considering the capability of modern instruments of surveillance, but even in the case that it is not so, stray but intimate information in the hands of strangers would stun the person at the receiving end. It would create neurotic behavior on the part of the victim and would lead to severe paranoia later on. If one can not keep such intimate personal details within ones circle of intimate people, it causes worry. Added to it is the predictions made by the harassers. These would be based mostly on guess work and the theory of probability based on the analysis of the persons likes, dislikes, habits, interests, acquaintances and so on. It actually is easily accomplished if you have created a network of spies within the intimate circle of the individual who is being harassed.
The victim would also be unaware of the forces at work against him and the duration for which they were at work against him, because this might be a much developed stage of the intimidation. In some cases it is believed that the harassment begins from a very early stage, from childhood onwards. The most likely cause for this is hatred against parents for one thing, or the entire family for another. A third cause could be experimentation. In such chronic cases of surveillance, a person’s entire life history would be available for the perpetrators to choose from. It is also likely that the person’s life has been fashioned in a planned manner by these people. Incidents could be created which leaves scars in the psyche of the individual which could be later employed as levers to torment the victim.
Some may say that these are in the vicinity of fantasy, but my friends make no mistake about it, this is happening live in our midst. And if you just take the time to consider these facts it would be very clear to you that these things are doable and is being done all over the world. This is no fantasy; in fact this is the antitheses of fantasy. It is the common man who is forced to live in a world of fantasy created by the media and the TV. Most of do not realize it and the powers that be would always take care that we do not do so at all. We are slowly marching towards a totalitarian world system where a few would hold power and the masses would be subjugated by instruments of repression.
Do not usher in the doom of the world, consider what is happening around you and expose these crimes against humanity.
These methods of harassment are used to tell the victim that they are under constant observation and every single action in their life is under evaluation and are catalogued. This may be the case considering the capability of modern instruments of surveillance, but even in the case that it is not so, stray but intimate information in the hands of strangers would stun the person at the receiving end. It would create neurotic behavior on the part of the victim and would lead to severe paranoia later on. If one can not keep such intimate personal details within ones circle of intimate people, it causes worry. Added to it is the predictions made by the harassers. These would be based mostly on guess work and the theory of probability based on the analysis of the persons likes, dislikes, habits, interests, acquaintances and so on. It actually is easily accomplished if you have created a network of spies within the intimate circle of the individual who is being harassed.
The victim would also be unaware of the forces at work against him and the duration for which they were at work against him, because this might be a much developed stage of the intimidation. In some cases it is believed that the harassment begins from a very early stage, from childhood onwards. The most likely cause for this is hatred against parents for one thing, or the entire family for another. A third cause could be experimentation. In such chronic cases of surveillance, a person’s entire life history would be available for the perpetrators to choose from. It is also likely that the person’s life has been fashioned in a planned manner by these people. Incidents could be created which leaves scars in the psyche of the individual which could be later employed as levers to torment the victim.
Some may say that these are in the vicinity of fantasy, but my friends make no mistake about it, this is happening live in our midst. And if you just take the time to consider these facts it would be very clear to you that these things are doable and is being done all over the world. This is no fantasy; in fact this is the antitheses of fantasy. It is the common man who is forced to live in a world of fantasy created by the media and the TV. Most of do not realize it and the powers that be would always take care that we do not do so at all. We are slowly marching towards a totalitarian world system where a few would hold power and the masses would be subjugated by instruments of repression.
Do not usher in the doom of the world, consider what is happening around you and expose these crimes against humanity.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Finding the hidden enemy
It is true that when pushed into a corner and having no clue as to what is happening, you tend to search for an answer to your problems in whatever spheres you can. If a person is perfectly sane and there is no history of mental ailments in his family he would be hard put to believe that he is suddenly going crazy without any particular reason what so ever. These would rack their brains to find an answer to the bizarre and unheard of things happening to them. Because electronic harassment is so subtle and unrelenting the sufferer would be the only person in the midst of it. None in his family or friends are directly involved and they would probably think him neurotic if he ever blurts out what is happening to him.
So the responsibility of finding a reason for the torture and finding its perpetrators rests solely with him unless he is able to find some one suffering from the same kind of victimization. There is an internet community of victims and it might be a good idea to get in touch with some of them. But the symptoms and methods of harassment may not be similar in all the cases. As the development in the fields of invasion into the human mind is kept under lock and key and is always vigorously denied of ever existing by the powers that be there are no methods to verify if the torture instruments used are the same in similar cases even. Also there could be disinformation agents acting as sufferers in the internet community for safeguarding the interests of the perpetrators. If equipment developed at a considerable cost can’t be used that would reflect badly on the persons in charge. Misleading information, false claims and misdirection can be expected from these. Internet is not a closed sphere any one can enter it and broadcast their thoughts. They would make use of this opportunity and are likely to pump the internet with a million mega bytes of useless information to confuse you and sap your remaining energy.
Cultivating friendships on the internet could be tricky. And every sites containing information would be closely monitored and watched. Even search engines like the Google is capable of looking into a site and determining its orientation within seconds. You could then imagine the capability of experts in the field of collecting information and the kind of sophisticated tools they may have in their hands. Yet no one can shut down the internet just like that so there is hope of finding useful information and finding genuine people too. Be very wary though.
It is known that at first the perpetrators picked slightly disturbed individuals to practice their technique of harassment. But the recent trend seems to be other wise. Normal healthy individuals with no emotional disturbances are being targeted more and more. Ultimately these instruments are developed for control populations and the mentally disturbed individuals are already out of the game. What these demons without conscience want to do is to control healthy individuals in the society and not it’s out casts. So there is going to be more such incidents of targeting the healthy guy as time goes on.
Finding your concealed opponent is not easy, but one should not leave things at that, for the freedom of humanity is at stake.
So the responsibility of finding a reason for the torture and finding its perpetrators rests solely with him unless he is able to find some one suffering from the same kind of victimization. There is an internet community of victims and it might be a good idea to get in touch with some of them. But the symptoms and methods of harassment may not be similar in all the cases. As the development in the fields of invasion into the human mind is kept under lock and key and is always vigorously denied of ever existing by the powers that be there are no methods to verify if the torture instruments used are the same in similar cases even. Also there could be disinformation agents acting as sufferers in the internet community for safeguarding the interests of the perpetrators. If equipment developed at a considerable cost can’t be used that would reflect badly on the persons in charge. Misleading information, false claims and misdirection can be expected from these. Internet is not a closed sphere any one can enter it and broadcast their thoughts. They would make use of this opportunity and are likely to pump the internet with a million mega bytes of useless information to confuse you and sap your remaining energy.
Cultivating friendships on the internet could be tricky. And every sites containing information would be closely monitored and watched. Even search engines like the Google is capable of looking into a site and determining its orientation within seconds. You could then imagine the capability of experts in the field of collecting information and the kind of sophisticated tools they may have in their hands. Yet no one can shut down the internet just like that so there is hope of finding useful information and finding genuine people too. Be very wary though.
It is known that at first the perpetrators picked slightly disturbed individuals to practice their technique of harassment. But the recent trend seems to be other wise. Normal healthy individuals with no emotional disturbances are being targeted more and more. Ultimately these instruments are developed for control populations and the mentally disturbed individuals are already out of the game. What these demons without conscience want to do is to control healthy individuals in the society and not it’s out casts. So there is going to be more such incidents of targeting the healthy guy as time goes on.
Finding your concealed opponent is not easy, but one should not leave things at that, for the freedom of humanity is at stake.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
The heading has little or no reference to the cults in the name of Satan and the rituals that are being practiced by their followers. This article glances at another aspect of human perversity, namely non consensual modification of human character by way of experimentation. I came across a dispassionate and well researched article on gender dysphoria on the net. The article was deeply disturbing and was written in a lucid and informative style. So that the facts described in it need be true. What a pass the world has come to. Luckily these exercises are time consuming and expensive and most probably are not practiced any where in our blessed land, I hope!
The experiment involves in converting a normal male member of the human race into a “she” as far as sexual and other orientations are concerned. This is achieved by careful and elaborate planning and execution unknown to him. Extensive use of hypnosis and pharmacological preparations are made use in this process. There are two players in the drama. One, known as the trainer is a woman who is properly trained in the methods to induce submission in the male. She would pick up a likely subject from any places in which people would converge. She would then cunningly maneuver him towards starting family with her and once this is achieved the experiments would begin.
The trainer would then brutally lead the subject towards total dependency on her and over a span of a few years would alter the man’s personality completely to that of a transvestite. The methods used, it is reported, have been effective and the transformation was so complete that the men in some cases chose to under go sex altering surgery to become a woman in every sense.
Other than proving the fact that a virile male member of our species could be so fully converted to become a functioning female of the race this experimentation achieves little else. This inhuman practice involves the total destruction of inherent characteristics of a human being and replaces it with something else he was not born for. Such experimentation may serve science somewhat but is devoid of all moral content.
Playing God with nature may not be a terribly good idea. It might bring up demons in it wake which none can contain.
The experiment involves in converting a normal male member of the human race into a “she” as far as sexual and other orientations are concerned. This is achieved by careful and elaborate planning and execution unknown to him. Extensive use of hypnosis and pharmacological preparations are made use in this process. There are two players in the drama. One, known as the trainer is a woman who is properly trained in the methods to induce submission in the male. She would pick up a likely subject from any places in which people would converge. She would then cunningly maneuver him towards starting family with her and once this is achieved the experiments would begin.
The trainer would then brutally lead the subject towards total dependency on her and over a span of a few years would alter the man’s personality completely to that of a transvestite. The methods used, it is reported, have been effective and the transformation was so complete that the men in some cases chose to under go sex altering surgery to become a woman in every sense.
Other than proving the fact that a virile male member of our species could be so fully converted to become a functioning female of the race this experimentation achieves little else. This inhuman practice involves the total destruction of inherent characteristics of a human being and replaces it with something else he was not born for. Such experimentation may serve science somewhat but is devoid of all moral content.
Playing God with nature may not be a terribly good idea. It might bring up demons in it wake which none can contain.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Other forms of Stalking
Common stalking is nothing new. Guys stalk girls either for the fun of it or for the pleasure of intimidating them. And electronic stalking has been lately in the news. But there is another kind of stalking, more dangerous and more violent than the conventional forms that we know of with the exception of electronic stalking. This is called group stalking or gang stalking or cause stalking. Any one could be a victim in this harassment. The victims are chosen by those who have the power and the money to do that. They are then subjected to severe physical and mental victimization. The victim may have the status of a sort of persona-non-grata with the people who start it. He /She may have displeased some vested interest groups or even the law in some way. Once this thing starts it would continue until it has achieved its aim, that of removing the victim from the scene completely, either by making the victim commit suicide or by making him/her go crazy and removed into an institution and kept under severe restraint.
This is a cruel practice invented and perfected by the KKK and the Stasi the East German secret police. At present it is being widely used every where in the world. The victim would be followed where ever he goes and his every movement would be reported. They would be pursued in all that they do and the pursuers would make it their business to make them aware of it. Methods wary, but generally these stalkers would get behind you in a queue and murmur things that you only would hear. They would establish themselves in your neighborhood or would get thick with your neighbors and cast slurs on your character. They would spread rumors about you and would try to make your life hell. The stalking would go on 24/7 and there would be no respite for the victim. The stalkers are cunning enough to keep it very low profile and if the victim starts complaining he would be shown in a very bad light. They do not want to expose their scheme to the general public. If it is known that there is organized activity to slight an individual their primary aim that of isolating the victim would be defeated.
It is only when people are driven into a corner that they lose hope and think of doing away with themselves or completely go mad.
The complicity of the law enforcement agencies in this bizarre form of torture is terrifying. If you displease those in power you could be eliminated silently and unobtrusively like this. When crime is fostered by those elected to curb it the common man has little option to combat it.
A very sorry state of affairs one must say.
This is a cruel practice invented and perfected by the KKK and the Stasi the East German secret police. At present it is being widely used every where in the world. The victim would be followed where ever he goes and his every movement would be reported. They would be pursued in all that they do and the pursuers would make it their business to make them aware of it. Methods wary, but generally these stalkers would get behind you in a queue and murmur things that you only would hear. They would establish themselves in your neighborhood or would get thick with your neighbors and cast slurs on your character. They would spread rumors about you and would try to make your life hell. The stalking would go on 24/7 and there would be no respite for the victim. The stalkers are cunning enough to keep it very low profile and if the victim starts complaining he would be shown in a very bad light. They do not want to expose their scheme to the general public. If it is known that there is organized activity to slight an individual their primary aim that of isolating the victim would be defeated.
It is only when people are driven into a corner that they lose hope and think of doing away with themselves or completely go mad.
The complicity of the law enforcement agencies in this bizarre form of torture is terrifying. If you displease those in power you could be eliminated silently and unobtrusively like this. When crime is fostered by those elected to curb it the common man has little option to combat it.
A very sorry state of affairs one must say.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
The native story
Some think that such harassment is reserved for the more developed countries. But nothing could be farther from the truth. A search in internet reveals that there are also victims from the subcontinent. This is more alarming since the threat is not quite understood by those who are being subjected to it. There are no forums where these hapless people could voice their concern and describe their experiences.
Take India for example. The government certainly would have such an arsenal at their disposal by now since the technological growth in the country is undeniable. We would not lag far behind in developing any kind of modern weapons systems once we are aware of their existence or learn that such experiments are on foot in other countries. This is applicable in all fields. Here is an instance of what the country could do if it puts its mind into it. We have been able to develop cheaper alternatives for the pharmacological sector (Even for AIDS) and were doing quite fine till WTO and IPR came into being. Also the research for non lethal weaponry is not all that hush -hush since it began somewhere in the nineteen forties.
As far as India would be concerned we are already capable of launching satellites of our own. GPS is widely used in the country and there is a communication revolution going on in the land. Almost every one in the land has a cell phone now. So that any one could be easily tracked where ever he is in the land with pin point accuracy as the country is well populated with communication towers. The powers that be would only consider it a logical development of the technology if sophisticated surveillance and mind control tools are to be produced and put into use.
And what about human rights and being the largest democracy in the world! Well, my man, who takes them seriously these days?
I believe more and more incidents of electronic stalking and harassment in the land would come into the open once the victims learn there are kindred souls elsewhere in the land suffering from the same abuse.
Take India for example. The government certainly would have such an arsenal at their disposal by now since the technological growth in the country is undeniable. We would not lag far behind in developing any kind of modern weapons systems once we are aware of their existence or learn that such experiments are on foot in other countries. This is applicable in all fields. Here is an instance of what the country could do if it puts its mind into it. We have been able to develop cheaper alternatives for the pharmacological sector (Even for AIDS) and were doing quite fine till WTO and IPR came into being. Also the research for non lethal weaponry is not all that hush -hush since it began somewhere in the nineteen forties.
As far as India would be concerned we are already capable of launching satellites of our own. GPS is widely used in the country and there is a communication revolution going on in the land. Almost every one in the land has a cell phone now. So that any one could be easily tracked where ever he is in the land with pin point accuracy as the country is well populated with communication towers. The powers that be would only consider it a logical development of the technology if sophisticated surveillance and mind control tools are to be produced and put into use.
And what about human rights and being the largest democracy in the world! Well, my man, who takes them seriously these days?
I believe more and more incidents of electronic stalking and harassment in the land would come into the open once the victims learn there are kindred souls elsewhere in the land suffering from the same abuse.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Saving God from trouble
Can we do something to prevent others from taking over our life by way of the new technology? Sadly, at this point of time we can not. This is very disturbing. Unless there is some sort of official acknowledgement that such technology exists it is not possible to control their use. As said earlier the only method of dealing with them is by enacting preventive legislation against their indiscriminate usage. But what body would be willing to do so unless there is definite proof that these things exists. No amount of shouting and crying would make the un affected realize the importance of the issue.
On Individual front it is simply impossible to develop a strategy to deal with them. What can you do against invisible and invasive technology which is developed secretly and operated remotely? Once you are made the target of this type of attack no one other than yourself would know about it. If you talk about it to your friends and acquaintances you would get labeled potty and they would advise medical treatment for your psychological “disturbances”. Some of the symptoms of this harassment are so similar to Schizophrenia that the physicians also would tend to treat you as having it.
Some suggest wearing tin foil hats to prevent the beams from entering into you! As a last resort you would try anything on, enhancing the notion that your mental stability is fast decreasing. But these defenses are of little use considering the fact that billions and billions of money have been spent on the research and it would be crazy invest vast amount of money into something which can be foiled by the use of a tin foil hat. They would have checked out all such methods and perfected the machines to overcome them.
So what is left to us other than the old fashioned notions of prayer? But do not trust that too over much! These machines could stimulate certain regions in your mind to create religious fervor in you. Experiments on religious men (with EEG, Scans etc) were able to isolate the area of brain which is affected by the height of religious feeling. If you have the technology to get inside the brains of others and can generate thoughts in it, then the next step is stimulating the centers which are affected by moods and states of mind. This can be easily done.
Some advocates of this technology maintain that the individuals do not have the freedom to think for themselves as man is a social product and everything that make him an individual is socially created. Hence every thought every action and every little thing that the individual does belongs to the society and if it is needed, are open for modifications by the society.
If these are the men who are going to rule us in future, well let God be saved from them!
On Individual front it is simply impossible to develop a strategy to deal with them. What can you do against invisible and invasive technology which is developed secretly and operated remotely? Once you are made the target of this type of attack no one other than yourself would know about it. If you talk about it to your friends and acquaintances you would get labeled potty and they would advise medical treatment for your psychological “disturbances”. Some of the symptoms of this harassment are so similar to Schizophrenia that the physicians also would tend to treat you as having it.
Some suggest wearing tin foil hats to prevent the beams from entering into you! As a last resort you would try anything on, enhancing the notion that your mental stability is fast decreasing. But these defenses are of little use considering the fact that billions and billions of money have been spent on the research and it would be crazy invest vast amount of money into something which can be foiled by the use of a tin foil hat. They would have checked out all such methods and perfected the machines to overcome them.
So what is left to us other than the old fashioned notions of prayer? But do not trust that too over much! These machines could stimulate certain regions in your mind to create religious fervor in you. Experiments on religious men (with EEG, Scans etc) were able to isolate the area of brain which is affected by the height of religious feeling. If you have the technology to get inside the brains of others and can generate thoughts in it, then the next step is stimulating the centers which are affected by moods and states of mind. This can be easily done.
Some advocates of this technology maintain that the individuals do not have the freedom to think for themselves as man is a social product and everything that make him an individual is socially created. Hence every thought every action and every little thing that the individual does belongs to the society and if it is needed, are open for modifications by the society.
If these are the men who are going to rule us in future, well let God be saved from them!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Need for legislation
Those that use instruments of torture would always want to keep their activities hidden from the general public. The public is volatile, it is swayed by passion, and even though unaware of the deadliness of the technology being in use would nevertheless react violently once the facts are generally known. It is best to avoid such ramifications. The coolest method to do this is by a disinformation campaign. This is easily accomplished since such researches have always been classified and most people think that these instruments are still in the realm of science fiction. Little is known generally about them.
Agents would be planted on various forums to laugh it off. The individual who is being subjected to the harassment would be labeled as mentally unsound and hallucinating. Technical articles would be presented stating that such development is too far fetched at this juncture. The absence of conclusive evidence on the part of the accuser would cement the argument in the minds of the listeners in favor of the disinformation agents.
The politicians may be or may not be aware of the developments in this esoteric field. Even if they are let in to the secrets, they would not understand it for one thing and for another they would think it a good idea to have such weapons at hand when a crisis comes. The use of the weapons would be strictly to control unruly crowds and criminals and also if necessary against our opponents outside the country they would be told. This line of approach would greatly gratify their ego and they would tend to believe that danger for native population is almost non existent or is minimal. You know, the executive is a part of the public and they would not hurt their own people would they?
Un named amounts of money is being yearly spent on such anti people researches all over the world. Mostly these are handled by Secret Service organizations in the respective country. They can not make their every activity public, can they? Every one knows that for sure! So goes the argument. Very true, it would appear. But have any one thought whether there are legislations to make sure that instruments which violate peoples right to lead a free life would not be made by these organizations. If such things are accepted in the attitude of “Oh it’s against them and not us” we would better start thinking fast. All experiments against “them” would in reality involve our own safety as well.
Ascertaining whether there are such instruments of torture in existence or not is not as important as enacting legislation to prevent unscrupulous people from utilizing the trust and power given to them in this manner. In the modern age we may have to tie the cart in front of the horse at times because the developments taking place all over the world is at such a pace that existing laws and legislating experience are lagging far behind.
Let us alert ourselves against the dangers lurking in the “classified” darkness
Agents would be planted on various forums to laugh it off. The individual who is being subjected to the harassment would be labeled as mentally unsound and hallucinating. Technical articles would be presented stating that such development is too far fetched at this juncture. The absence of conclusive evidence on the part of the accuser would cement the argument in the minds of the listeners in favor of the disinformation agents.
The politicians may be or may not be aware of the developments in this esoteric field. Even if they are let in to the secrets, they would not understand it for one thing and for another they would think it a good idea to have such weapons at hand when a crisis comes. The use of the weapons would be strictly to control unruly crowds and criminals and also if necessary against our opponents outside the country they would be told. This line of approach would greatly gratify their ego and they would tend to believe that danger for native population is almost non existent or is minimal. You know, the executive is a part of the public and they would not hurt their own people would they?
Un named amounts of money is being yearly spent on such anti people researches all over the world. Mostly these are handled by Secret Service organizations in the respective country. They can not make their every activity public, can they? Every one knows that for sure! So goes the argument. Very true, it would appear. But have any one thought whether there are legislations to make sure that instruments which violate peoples right to lead a free life would not be made by these organizations. If such things are accepted in the attitude of “Oh it’s against them and not us” we would better start thinking fast. All experiments against “them” would in reality involve our own safety as well.
Ascertaining whether there are such instruments of torture in existence or not is not as important as enacting legislation to prevent unscrupulous people from utilizing the trust and power given to them in this manner. In the modern age we may have to tie the cart in front of the horse at times because the developments taking place all over the world is at such a pace that existing laws and legislating experience are lagging far behind.
Let us alert ourselves against the dangers lurking in the “classified” darkness
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Freedom is not just being visibly free from others and being able to roam around without chains; it involves the use of free will- But if we are being assailed internally without our knowledge or in a manner where we can not determine the source of the influencing agents that amounts to negation of free will.
There is a sect of people who believe that most of the others in the world do not have the right to live because they are intellectually defective or do not think for themselves and that they are using up precious energy sources. They want to start a super race eliminating the defective strains so that all resources would be in a few “capable” hands. Although this is sheer lunacy it is not being recognized as such, because even some of the top world leaders are being mind controlled.
There are doubts as to the effectiveness of the political parties as well. Most of them act in the same manner after being voted into power, their policies look frighteningly similar once they start to implement them. A clear instance of this is the last few governments we have had in this land. The left, the right and the extreme right have the same agenda. Why you might ask. There would be no answer to the query. Or they would blame the previous administrations for the legacy that they have left them. It is as if creative political initiative is on the wane all over the world. This is frightening. If all the governments think alike and act alike as if being instructed to do so, then none is free any more. Forget about democracy and forget about your rights. If you raise such thoughts you would be put through something worse than the Spanish inquisition.
Freedom is spiritual. If your spirit is not free then you are as good as dead. May be most of us are like that even now. We may have been too involved in something to be spiritually active. But yet the possibility is there. We have the freedom to evolve or move up in the sphere. That is, we HAD the freedom to do that. Not anymore. With the help of new technology spiritual feeling can be artificially induced into the brain. All our moods can be controlled in this way remotely. These are not fictitious any more. These threats are real and there is a need to combat them. This can not be achieved on an individual level. Spreading awareness among people is of paramount importance now. People need be educated about the way they could be controlled, manipulated and even did away with using these technologies.
We have to spread the word that such experiments are being conducted on innocent people and some of these tools have been long perfected and is already in use.
There is a sect of people who believe that most of the others in the world do not have the right to live because they are intellectually defective or do not think for themselves and that they are using up precious energy sources. They want to start a super race eliminating the defective strains so that all resources would be in a few “capable” hands. Although this is sheer lunacy it is not being recognized as such, because even some of the top world leaders are being mind controlled.
There are doubts as to the effectiveness of the political parties as well. Most of them act in the same manner after being voted into power, their policies look frighteningly similar once they start to implement them. A clear instance of this is the last few governments we have had in this land. The left, the right and the extreme right have the same agenda. Why you might ask. There would be no answer to the query. Or they would blame the previous administrations for the legacy that they have left them. It is as if creative political initiative is on the wane all over the world. This is frightening. If all the governments think alike and act alike as if being instructed to do so, then none is free any more. Forget about democracy and forget about your rights. If you raise such thoughts you would be put through something worse than the Spanish inquisition.
Freedom is spiritual. If your spirit is not free then you are as good as dead. May be most of us are like that even now. We may have been too involved in something to be spiritually active. But yet the possibility is there. We have the freedom to evolve or move up in the sphere. That is, we HAD the freedom to do that. Not anymore. With the help of new technology spiritual feeling can be artificially induced into the brain. All our moods can be controlled in this way remotely. These are not fictitious any more. These threats are real and there is a need to combat them. This can not be achieved on an individual level. Spreading awareness among people is of paramount importance now. People need be educated about the way they could be controlled, manipulated and even did away with using these technologies.
We have to spread the word that such experiments are being conducted on innocent people and some of these tools have been long perfected and is already in use.
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