Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Cucumber Town – Total Recall

Man, see how the plot thickens?

Now the rightist imbeciles are out for the blood too. See how they are smacking their lips smelling blood? They are supposedly out to save the one moron they know is certainly of no use to anybody.

He is called ……. Well you wouldn’t want to know what he is called.

They are out to save his sorry ass.

Rest assured that the sheen’s are quite visible. Its hundred and twenty thousand times more visible now. You might think there is no ‘point’ to it, but let me tell you there is. ) Even Preita Sindabad is with them.

They have just sought their help by phone.

“Please support us”

And the moment afterwards, these guys are doling out money in treacle’s.

Of course they don’t have the money, but you have to help out on a good cause you see!

The purpose you ask?

All in the cause of keeping the statusquo. That is doing nothing for the benefit of the public and taking money for the service.

And minimising the threat of , you know who ( he is the deadliest enemy of the office holding. The treacherous fellow, he wants people to do good to the public, ever heard such)

Man how cute!

All for one, and one for all.

Their idea is to turn this land into a paradise with no other inhabitants other than themselves and their families.

Only thing is. There is one guy out there who talks about responsibility and rules. Who cares about them?

They will come and go as they like. They will get paid in the manner they like.

What are you thinking guys, they are supported by the high and mighty.

They can’t be touched. You would wonder if this is the cucumber town.

You are right.

This is the bloody cucumber town.

If anybody dares to say otherwise they will do away with them.

Do you have any doubts? Just ask the service organizations.

They will take out their subscription coupons as a first measure.

That’s a threat.

If it is not heeded

They will send others with other coupons till you boot them out of your cabin.

Once that happens, they can attack and even kill. They have bought the weapons. They are set.

And the guy who is causing all this turmoil, is living under fear.

You see the obscene faces around with the owlish grimaces that are called something else. They are the one’s out to do it.

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