Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The slaves and the masters

The human emotional element is full of surprises. None can predict how it would react to situations. Perhaps this is the one thing that makes life worthwhile to live-the unpredictability of this subtle part of our nature.

But the shrewd have always managed to reduce it to certain forms that are either linked to our desire for survival or our need to love, both these primary desires encompass the whole spectrum of our actions, sometimes they intersperse and are quite indistinguishable from each other.

What we call feelings is the result of perceptions about our right to exist and to get-together. When these primary rights are denied or even subjected to pseudo denials we react. Honestly it is a sight to see. We often contrive to cut at the very root of what we are trying to protect in the effort. Strange is it not? But sadly this is the truth about the life.

It has always been my belief that most people lack real freedom to act and is controlled by a few. This is not a fantastical notion. Anyone who has studied the history of the evolution of the species would have to admit this more or less. Most of us have no real courage to think and act for ourselves; we would rather be led than venture to lead others. One needs to have some real iron in ones heart to take on that responsibility.

As I said earlier there are people who know this fact about the human-animal and makes use of it for their own benefit. They are strong where the others are weak; they are purposeful where the others are aimless. These people have been called the leaders. They invariable are the most terrible crooks in the world- every one of them- and I am not joking.

Once they rise to power either accidentally or otherwise they manipulate the rest towards those ends that they have unilaterally invented or discovered. These ends are just a cover to their real aim- that of enjoying the sadistic pleasure of humiliating the rest of the humanity and proving to them that they are superior. No real gains have resulted from their efforts. All that they build or supposedly cause to build are really an effort to gain more control and only caters to their own egos and nothing else.

These are the most selfish among the human race and unfortunately the strange flaw in our system makes us accept them as they are, even knowing their deficiencies. They, though, could be our lethal enemies, always manages to act or force us believe that they are our real saviors!

Yet they also know that one can’t control the slaves without fabricating a delusion of freedom in their hearts. This is done by a dose of permissivism; they are allowed to act-out their basic urges in respect of certain things once in a blue moon (one has to keep up the pretense that there is freedom in the world!)- Hence you are allowed to piss on the public roads in broad daylight and get away with it sometimes. You can also hurl stones or bottles against the law enforcers and put fire to everything in the vicinity on other rare occasions.
This is an effective method of control too. It directs the animal energy to harmless areas and saves the masters the trouble of pacifying their slaves with words or deeds.

We will talk more about this as we go along!

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