Sunday, March 15, 2009

Chrome is nice

Ever since I began to surf the internet I have been dissatisfied by many of my browsers. I had the IE for starters. It landed me in the biggest trouble to date.

I was new to surfing and my anti virus software was nothing to boast about then, though I purchased it with good money.

I have nothing against the company, but Virus Buster is a big no for me now. It totally failed to protect me and (if what I doubt is correct) it even attracted malicious software’s into my system.

All that I did was to visit some language sites, suddenly the pop up windows would not cease, every mille second another one would jump up, there were hundreds of them. I got tired closing them down. The activity was getting hectic by the second. After a while every thing became totally jammed, there was no way to shutdown the computer. Nothing would work.

The only solution which struck my mind was to go to help in the browser tool bar and seek online help from Microsoft. Well they immediately allowed me to download Windows defender and their malicious software removal tool. They both did a thorough cleaning of the computer and the number of Trojans and viruses they found in the system were miraculous.

I then installed all security software I could find and began to surf again with great trepidation. The problem now was that the browser would take eons to launch and search even with a broad band connection. I got fed up with the IE and searched for something better. Naturally Firefox was the choice; I meddled with Safari for sometime before that too... Firefox perhaps is the safest browser around in the world now. But it also has the launching problem. It even took more time than the IE.
I do not know about you, but I feel like hell waiting for the browser to get to its feet.

There was no relief in sight till I chanced on the Google Chrome, and man, would you believe it, its light and its swift and it is just wonderful. I do not know how it works and honestly I don’t care. It has everything I look for in a browser. It gets me to the sites I want and it shows the images of most visited sites on the browser window when we open it again.

The one minor hitch though is the net installation, like that of Yahoo messenger. Some enthusiasts have created a standalone installation zip, but they want us to register at their site. If you are willing to do so it is good and if you don’t, there is no harm in downloading the Chrome set up from the Google Chrome site and letting them install it in your computer.

It has done me wonders I tell you. I am much happier now surfing the net. Its way of downloading files is also clean.

If you are a genuine net surfer and hates to wait for sites to open up go for Google Chrome by all means. It has been around for sometime, even so

here is the download link if you want it:

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