Monday, April 21, 2008

A bit off track

Well, did I say meaningful in the last article? To tell you the truth I would rather have no meaning at all. Searching for meaning is a bore. There is nothing new in it. It is not even that, why this craze after meaning. Does the life have a meaning at all, hardly my friend, hardly? Really what we have is this sordid life and a few fantastical notions about after life! No one has proven that such things exist and there is a god supervising the process.

One rather believes with Voltaire that either god was completely potty or he must have had some very weird turn of mind when he created the world.

-Such misery in some quarters and such luxury in others. When people are dying like flies at some place certain others are having a ball. I am not debating the political issue here. It is the over whelming sense of meaninglessness in all these that stifles me.

No, please do not advance the law of Karma to me. I come from the land and I know it inside out. It is just an effort to justify the atrocious scheme of things. If you have the faintest sense of justice in you, you would murder the guys who propagated the theory even if it was the correct one, You would rather have something else than this terrible justification of obvious evil.

Well, if the life itself is lacking in meaning how one could find meaning in what one does. You could find meaning in the urge to go to the toilet, in the squashing of a mosquito, in bawling loudly when hurt, but can one find any real meaning in being completely vacant at times in the midst of activity. Hmm that is supposed to have something to do with the higher self is it not. Well let me tell you, there is nothing called the higher self, what we have is this lower self being completely dumb. And that is the whole mystery to it.

Oh my, I forgot to recall my past in the bustle to become wise. Here is your lesson, never beat around the bush, when you have something interesting to disclose. The best strategy would have been not to start to beat around the bush even. You should have kept mum in the first place. Now that you have done the beating around the bush, it is wise to keep your mouth shut from now onwards.

I promise you that I would be serious from now on!

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