Conspiracy Theories

Okay, let us spell it out, what’s wrong with Conspiracy Theories? Guess what, there is only one thing wrong, that they seek clarity in a confused world and if that is not enough to turn people against them what is? Listen to any one who favors this theory, what do you see? They ask questions in the most simple and understandable manner, they don’t confuse you with verbiage, they don’t hide behind curtains, they don’t insinuate and hint at. They seek answers and explanations to things which need to be answered and explained.
If that isn’t bad then what else is?
This is what conspiracy theories are all about, it’s about unearthing the SECRACY that’s behind doors, it’s about bringing facts into the open, it’s about realizing what is going on unknown to many, forget the nomenclature, forget the suspicion with which the people in power view these theories, forget the incessant dis and misinformation that’s directed at those who questions accepted lies, forget everything for a moment, think for yourself , are you not qualified to receive facts, are you not duty bound to look into events and realities and understand them for yourself, or is it that you can only digest the cud that is chewed out by the devious in fear of losing their grip on you?
Are you that gullible, can it be that you are that callous?
No that can’t be the case, that should not be the case and more importantly that need not be the case. You just can’t walk away from facts, you just can’t ignore persistent realities, media is the most lethal dope that you can take, it portrays a fabricated and convoluted form of reality which is packaged and presented in way to suit the interests of those in power.
Look, there have been attempts to rob the words of their inherent quality, that of portraying reality in all its ordinariness, now reality itself is a product, it’s not what we suppose it to be, it’s not a straight forward rendition of events and circumstances leading to those events, it’s a commodity produced with care and scrupulousness and marketed worldwide to lull people into a stupor that’s dangerous.
All that is said by the conspiracy theorists are this. There is a consistent and brutal attempt to conceal facts, to cover up real events and portray something else in its stead. Okay there are gaps in their understanding, but they don’t pretend to be the know all’s, they are the just opposite; they are a group of people who is trying to thrush out facts from the muck that is out there. It’s a hard task, it’s a thankless task but make no mistake about it, it’s a much needed task, it’s incumbent on every free individual in the world to learn the world as it is really and not as it is projected by those in power.
But are not structures needed, are not governments needed, are not regulations needed and is not secrecy needed?
But just think. Who needs spineless structures; we laid barbarism to rest, we laid feudalism to rest, we laid monarchy to rest we have almost laid communism to rest (Don’t be upset, it is the fact, unless it immediately evolves into something flexible and energetic its days are over and done with. Now please don’t jump on the roof and shout that you are humanists, everyone is a humanist, even the Devil is a humanist, he deals with the humans alone. Breaking the pot after churning curd for 70 long years is no laughing matter; I am still angry and upset about it.) we are about to lay capitalism to rest too, sure the technocracy is rearing its head now, it’s the most potent of all the enemies that we have today, it’s much too strong to fight against even in its this infancy I admit. But we may be able to do that even, I have still faith in the human resilience.
Tell me who needs Governments as they are now, they are oppressive alliances which curtails what they were installed to do, that is to protect freedom and look after the interests of the people. Democracy has become an excuse to foster theocracy and oligarchy. This came about because governments grew in size and in all directions and became uncontrollable. They became unmanageable and easy to manipulate for the vested interests. In their stead equitable governance is what is required, of resources, finances, intellectual materials so that people can share them and can be useful to themselves and others.
And who needs regulations in the way they are now, unless an individual is taken as a person acting in good faith at all times, what is the purpose of having a civilization and culture. (You are thinking CRIME, VIOLENCE, RAPE, ROBBERY, I know, I am coming to that) If we were not able to do just this after thousands of years of enterprise then there is something very wrong with the civilization and culture that we have now. If we still to have crimes and jails and systems of punishment, after years of preaching non violence then we should examine whether this sort of structure is beneficial at all for our interests and the interests of the future generations.
Don’t hide behind platitudes like “man is still very much an animal’, ‘congenital deficiency” ‘natural inclination’ and other such crap. There is nothing wrong with animals, they don’t kill the members of their own species, man do, or more precisely man is made to do it. See, Cain is a myth created by the filth among humanity. If we can’t rid ourselves of the Cains let us exterminate the whole lot, it would be a good riddance to the universe! (The matter is, I feel for Cain, he being our great great great grand dad, he offered grain in sacrifice while Able offered a sheep. The cruel God chose Able’s sacrifice as worthy and rejected Cain’s. Naturally Cain saw through the scheme, if blood is what required for pleasing god why not sacrifices Able. Well from then onwards it’s a tale of such sacrifices in the world!)
-And what about the need for secrecy? My god, what are you talking about in there, why is there a need for secrecy, who is afraid of whom? What is there to be afraid of? What is there to be concealed, hidden and to be ashamed about? A culture and civilization does not pride itself on the secrets it keeps, the atrocities it commit, it aims at a secret less environment.
Secrecy is the thirst for power in the weak, of the frightened, secrecy is the low deviousness of the animal which is on the prowl, it’s only used in wars, it is only necessary in doing others in, what is the need for secrecy in public affairs? Why can’t everything be crystal clear? Are there any law against it, the excuse that the common people wouldn’t understand the higher elements of reality is an anti diluvian bull. It cannot be tolerated, not in these times of enlightenment.
The kids who are to be protected, who are to be nurtured, who are to be taken care off are being led to the slaughter house all over the world. Have you ever thought why this happens, why do people turn to their ethnic bases, why is there terrorism, why is it able to recruit youngsters on suicide missions? You see when everything is vague and heartless around them they instinctively turn towards the more basic of their urges, instead of growing out and spreading their wings they are forced to shrink in and submit to the fears and terrors of the racial unconscious.
It is true that there are no more natural elements to frighten them like of old, but there are unnatural elements in the guise of power structures to drive them psychologically into a corner. It is useless talking about the fanaticism and racism and sectarianism unless you have been able to do something about these in all these years that you tried. But then you did not try did you, you fostered them ruthlessly; you had a working plan to break them and crack them and make them react.
It is debasing to cry out aloud when the same children trained by you throws a few stones at you. But then again you really did not permit them to throw anything at you did you, that would have been too risky, that would have gone out of hand, that would have spoiled everything you planned, they were just scapegoats were they not? And you were not really crying were you , you were play acting, practicing the old art of make belief, you knew all along that all would turn out to be well for you did you not? What a lot of old and sick fuckers you are!
You managed to siphon off billions of bucks to go on with your master plan of subjugating everyone else other than you and your cronies. Nice work. Go on, hide behind the very monsters that you created and try to take others in as well.
Wise up you rest of the guys, there is something happening out there in the world and it is sure to get you sooner or later.
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