Sensitizing is a cruel and terrible act, it passes beyond the inhuman embracing the very substance of evil.
Well, absolute evil is the absolute denial of every sort of freedom that you have, it is a complete take over. In the days of yore it was known by the name of possession. It begins by making you hear things -words, sounds, expressions, and fragments of musical notes, audible pictures and even a cacophony of voices. It makes you relate to things in your past which you have stealthily buried within you.
Every one has a past, and some of the things we have done are nothing to be proud of. Certain of them were beyond our control; where we were made to suffer for the wickedness of others. When these come back to haunt us we squirm and quail. We are again dragged back into the dumb hell of despondency. We cry out, our anguish is so terrible then that we rail against everything……..we want to kick God in the shin….we want to do terrible things to God.
Let me tell you, this is how every one is, there are no exceptions. Every one has a sore spot some where, none are immune to them. You see a dazzling citizen walk by, you see the confidence, the proud carriage, and the look of triumph on the face and you believe that they are blessed by fate and have invented a heaven for themselves on earth. Man, you have missed it completely; they are as insecure as you are! Take it from me, this is a fact. They are as fragile as you and me. May be they were just lucky not to be dragged back into the past, into the sounds and scenes and memories that they tremble before, but they too have had them. If you have lived, and unless you are a hopeless idiot you have them. The intensification of pain comes with knowledge. In bodily pain there are barriers above which you do not feel anything, but in the case of internalized pain there is no limit, it multiplies exponentially. It lands you in a living hell.
What do the perps do to make you suffer so? It is simple is it not, to lead you back to those times of your absolute terror, for it has not gone anywhere. It is hidden beneath the surface of the mind, prowling stealthily underneath to come up at the least excuse. They know this, for they have had such experiences too. But they have converted those into a vicious pleasure of making others squirm. It is a shared pleasure for they are projecting their own pathetic sensations into you and eliciting a response which corresponds to their own. Unfortunately the human psyche is constructed in such a way that it can only come up with a limited number of responses where it concerns our emotional life. On strict analysis there are only two basic reactions possible to us (there could be infinite number of variations within them.) of pleasure and pain. The sensation of pleasure adds worth to our lives. Pain takes the life out of us.
Some one has defined pleasure as the absence of pain and not a sensation in itself. You might think that it is an extreme definition. But actually it is the most comprehensive of all definitions of our psychical activity. A little thought will soon convince you about it.
So how do we combat pain? Well, we do not combat it, we accept it – a bit lame, you say? It actually is a very powerful statement. There is no negativity in it. Consider it your enemy but do not ignore it. You have to live with this enemy whether you like it or not, so plan to do so. It would pounce on you unawares, so be prepared for it. Once you prepare yourself for the worst (the very Hell if you like) it would start to lose its terror. You would find that you can manipulate it so that it loses its sting and leaves only little traces on your mind. There are methods and methods of combat. When the enemy is so powerful you go by the rules of Judo- you convert its strength to assist you in destroying itself. Let me tell you, this can be done- it has been done. Your intelligence and your understanding do not matter. You could have the highest IQ in the world- it would not stop you from the victim of your fears. That story about Admiral Nelson - that in which he was left alone on a deserted island in the night while he was a child, and when rescued asking the questioner “ what is fear” in response to the question whether he did not feel fear in the night – is absolute tripe. Every one feels fear, it is ingrained.
You can’t fight pain, you can only divert its line of action, same way the perps do. It would be bestial to channel it to some one innocent, so channel it back to the perps, even with their trickery they are not above feeling terror, get back into them using the same channel of communication. They can’t ignore you the same way you can’t ignore them. Project into them imagining you are touching their core, raking up feelings of despondency, worthlessness, meaninglessness of their lives, and confusion. Imagine that you are homing in on to their Achilles’ heel. Let them have it full blast.
You think that this would not work? Well you would not know that unless you have tried it would you? Give it a try. As you go along you would find newer and surer methods to get in to them. Jung is in fashion now, think on the lines of collective consciousness, where everything is linked together to form one giant consciousness. Firmly believe that you are getting back at them with your thoughts, your will. Will it that they start to feel it in their bones that they are being haunted and hunted.
Even otherwise they are feeling it; they are not mere machines even if they have got machines to do most of their work. Unless they are sharing the feelings there would be no sense in doing it. What you sow is what you reap. This is no mere useless saying. There are subtle laws at work. You would be assisting them if you consciously involve yourself in it.
Think on it so that you understand the theory yourself.