Well there are times when you have to describe something just like that-from your emotional reaction to the thing. It is not surprising that the description came from the inventor himself, for that was just the thing he was hoping for- evil, in a good measure.
Vladimir Rubtsov, president and senior scientist of Intelligent Optical Systems, Inc. is the man in question. He and Bob Lieberman is perfecting their LED Incapacitor, a harmless official name if you prefer but a very disturbing piece of equipment. There is both physiological and psycho physiological factors involved in the usage. The thing throws of bursts of light into your eyes . It will blind you and disorient you simultaneously and will make you throw up. We know there are sonic instruments which could do that and any one could buy one under 30 dollars from the market. People use it covertly to hurt others. But this equipment is made with the law enforcers in mind. It is a bit bulky at its present stage of development but the inventors are hopping to reduce its size in the second and third stages of development.
It functions this way:
Its electronic sensors first determine the range to the targets eyes and then an internal electronic unit decides the level, frequency, and duration of the pulse train to be aimed at the target without harming him/her/them. It makes use of the incapacity of the brain and our eyes to quickly adapt to the changing patterns of light and color hitting them. Not everybody is affected by the same wavelengths of light, but there is one wavelength which would eventually( we are talking about milliseconds here) get you.
There are some who believes that the weapon would be ineffective on people wearing glasses (preferably blue shades), for a video footage on the thing has shown the emitted pulses concentrates on blue frequencies of light. But this is doubtful since that would diminish its effectiveness and the builders would have already thought on it.
This is what the wikipedia has to say on the subject of such incapacitating agents:
“Low frequency sound cannons are weapons of various types that use sound to injure or incapacitate subjects using a focused beam of sound or ultrasound. While described as "non-lethal", they can still kill under certain conditions. Active denial systems (ADS) are a non-lethal, directed-energy weapon developed by the U.S. military. The ADS directs electromagnetic radiation, specifically, high-frequency microwave radiation, at a frequency of 95 GHz, which causes a burning sensation on the subject's skin. Dazzler lasers are directed-energy weapons that use intense light to cause temporary blindness or disorientation of rioters.”
Well people are unruly are they not ? They need to be punished for their “sins” . Let us get them good and proper.
Here are some links to related wikipedia articles:
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Kurt J.Billings 1999 article
Here is the full text of Kurt J.Billings 1999 article “The New Millennium and the Mind-Control Crisis” It provides us with an insight into the growth of mind control technology and its philosophy with special emphasis on the US involvement in them. I believe that this article is important in more than one sense. For one, it shows how the governments see themselves as pitted against the people and for another, it shows the total lack of conscience on the part of those in power to go brutally forward with such inhuman schemes to “deaden” innocent people. The evil is spreading like a plague all over the world. There might even be a giant scheme to erase whole populations’ altogether and “cleanse” the world to prepare it for a submissive and mind controlled society. This could happen to us quite unknowingly. Already we are more or less mind controlled by the media. We are daily being inundated with a deluge of hidden and covert messages and symbols and images which are depriving us of our freedom of thought, choice and selection. But the tools they have now are so powerful to leave us little hope of survival for our race. This is not mere alarmism; this is the blueprint of the future society, a few ruthless villains controlling the rest by remote manipulations.
Read the article and learn for yourself.
The New Millennium and the Mind-Control Crisis by Kurt J. Billings, 1999
Is our government using us as human guinea pigs? Is our government drugging us, brainwashing our kids in the schools and implanting microchips in us? Are they using nonlethal weapons on us; are they using radiation on us; are they using psycho surgery and electronic mind-control methods on us? Are they reprogramming peoples' whole personalities? It seems hard to believe, but I'm sorry to say that the answer to all of these questions, and more, is YES.
Our government is guilty of the same atrocities, and more, as those committed in the Nazi concentration camps. These practices are not just happening to an isolated group of people; they are happening to normal, everyday people--like you and me. No one is out of the grasp of the government. And ironically, it is you and me, the American taxpayers, who are underwriting the research and technological advancements that are being unleashed upon us in these top-secret, classified, government experiments.
Before I give you a brief overview of the history of mind control and the technological advances currently being used, I will answer the question I get asked most often--how and why did I begin researching the topic of mind control and working with survivors?
I became aware of our government's involvement in behavioral modification at a very young age as my father and two uncles worked for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and openly discussed many of these "behavioral modification" experiments. They were privy to this classified information, in part, as one uncle provided security for a renown Nazi doctor who was smuggled out of post-war Germany as a part of Operation Paperclip--a clandestine, U.S. governmental operation in which foreign war criminals were imported into the United States.
In spite of, or maybe because of, being exposed to these abhorrent realities occurring within our own government, I became a Christian in 1979. I started a ministry working with street gangs, satanism and ritual-abuse victims in 1982 and by 1985, I was being periodically approached by local police officials to consult on satanic ritual abuse (SRA) crimes. I wrote a book in 1993, A Generation Deceived, on the new world order and its infiltration of the curriculum in our public schools. Since the 1980s, I've been providing consultation services for counselors, psychologists and psychiatrists who work with victims of domestic abuse and government mind-control experiments.
The use of mind control has been going on in one form or another since the beginning of time. This overview will begin from the Babylonian era to current time. The Babylonians and the Egyptians helped lay a foundation for occultism and the seeking these human experimentations in mind control and human behavior continue today.
Many people are unaware of the extent to which our U.S. government has been experimenting on its citizens. Ironically, it's the government's own documents on human experimentation that most effectively breaks through the denial barrier. Following are excerpts out of actual documents that were secured through the Freedom of Information Act.
A document dated May 11, 1953, cites experiments designed with the goal of "hypnotically increasing ability to learn and recall complex written matter," "hypnotically increasing ability to observe and recall a complex arrangement of physical objects" and "recall of hypnotically acquired information by very specific signals."
A second document dated May 5, 1955, states, "A portion of the Research and Development Program of TSS/Chemical Division is devoted to the discovery of the following materials and methods: 1. Substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public." Skipping to subhead 6 on the same document, "Materials which will render the induction of hypnosis easier or otherwise enhance its usefulness" and subhead 7, "Substances which will enhance the ability of individuals to withstand privation, torture and coercion during interrogation and so-called "brain-washing." Subhead 8 states, "Materials and physical methods which will produce amnesia for events preceding and during their use" and subhead 9 states, "Physical methods of producing shock and confusion over extended periods of time and capable of surreptitious use." Subhead 12 states, "Substances which alter personality structure in such a way that the tendency of the recipient to become dependent upon another person is enhanced."
So what does this all mean? One almost has to reread these quotes two or three times before the realization sinks in that our government's goal is to gain ultimate control over our minds. This is not much different than the goals of Adolf Hitler and The Third Reich.
Let's look at some of these statements more closely. Out of the first set of documents we learn that our government conducted experiments to learn how to hypnotically increase a person's ability to learn and recall complex written matter, to increase a person's ability to observe and recall complex arrangements of physical objects, and to enable a person to recall hypnotically-acquired information by very specific signals.
From the second set of documents we learn that our government has developed substances that will further put the U.S. citizens' minds under the control of the government. Through the use of chemical substances, the government can induce an altered state of consciousness in individuals and/or the masses. It is during this drug-induced, hypnotically-suggestible state that programming is placed into the mind through a multitude of stimuli. In essence, our government has extracted enough of hidden knowledge or "enlightenment." In these religions' earliest writings, they give reference to rituals where abuse takes place describing methods of torture to create trauma. The writings also cite the use of potions as drugging agents and the use of witchcraft and hypnotism to enslave their victims. It was through these means that the leaders of the time were attempting to control the mass of the common people.
Another attempt at controlling the populace is documented in history during the 13th century when the Catholic Church used inquisitions to bring the masses under control. Those who did not submit to the beliefs of the leaders were eliminated. They were branded heretics, witches or other socially-accepted "criminal" labels of the time and persecuted, with or without justification. Once again history shows us an attempt to control the minds of the people. Their choices were to convert, conform or die.
Without getting into more specific types of mind-control techniques used by one religious group or another, these few examples document efforts to control people through the use of religious institutions. This practice has continued throughout the centuries and evolved to a point where our churches today play a key role in shaping members' belief systems as well as influencing how their time and money are spent.
By 1776, systematic, organized mind control was beginning to rear its ugly head. A Bavarian Jesuit named Adam Weishaupt was commissioned by the House of Rothschild to centralize the powers of the mystery religions into what is commonly known as the Illuminati or the "enlightened ones." The word Illuminati originates from the word Lucifer which means "bearer of the light." In essence, this was the laying of the foundation of the new world order with the goal of establishing a one-world religion, a one-world government and a one-world banking system.
This one-world goal aligned the world's very rich with the most powerful generational bloodlines of satanism. So we have the joining of satanists and the plutocrats reaching out for the supreme power---control of the people. Spinning out from this Illuminati spider web came many organizations permeated with satanism, such as, the Builderbergers, the Club of Rome, the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), the Golden Dawn, Rosicrucian, the Shriners, Palladium Masonry, and Scottish Rite Masonry, just to name a few.
To illustrate how successful the Illuminati has been in permeating our society with their one-world agenda, let's look at one of their offshoot organizations, the Scottish Rite Masons. As we delve into this discussion keep in mind that all but two U.S. presidents, Kennedy and Lincoln, were Masons of the 32nd degree or higher and that a large number of senators, congressmen, governors, judges, lawyers and police chiefs are also Masons of the 32nd degree or higher.
So who are the Masons and to what oath do our governmental and judicial officials pledge when they become 30th, 31st and 32nd degree Freemasons? Albert Pike is quoted on pages 220 and 221 of Occult Theocracy by Queenborough that instructs: "To you, Sovereign, Grand Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees -- The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine." Pike issued these instructions to the 23 Supreme Councils of the world on July 14, 1889, at which time he simultaneously held the positions of Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, Grand Master of the Central Directory of Washington, and Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Charleston. Additionally, he authored Morals and Dogma which served as the Masonic "bible."
Let's take a closer look at this quote--"the Masonic religion" and "maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine." This is hardly the type of oath one would expect elected governmental officials of the free world to be pledging unless, of course, you understand the plot of the Illuminati, a secret society of luciferians, to overthrow the government of the United States by the year 2000 and create a global dictatorship. By pledging an allegiance to a luciferian-based religious organization, albeit masked by good deeds, our governmental and judicial officials are becoming underlings of the new world order and pawns and puppets of the Illuminati.
By the late 1800s and early 1900s the study of psychology and psychiatry greatly advanced methods of mind control. In the early 1900s the basis for human mind control through conditioning and hypnosis was being set in motion by Ivan Pavlov when he conducted experiments in which a bell was rung prior to feeding dogs. The dogs' natural physiological response to food, salivating, was soon associated with the ringing of the bell. After a period of conditioning or "programming," simply ringing the bell would "trigger" the dogs to salivate.
From the beginning of time, the bottom line has always been power and control. With the knowledge of mind control emerging from these "new" science studies of the mind, the new world order realized the group that perfected this "new" science would have the knowledge that would enable them to control the world. This quest for world dominance brought about the funding of Travistock in England and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Germany by the plutocrats which included the Rockefeller Foundation as well as many others. In 1932, Travistock was led by Kurt Lewin, a German psychologist. Studies during this time were focused on mind-control experiments to determine the "breaking point" of the human psyche.
At this same time the Nazis were coming to power in Germany and were conducting eugenics experiments to create a new master race. A top SS (Schutzstaffel) officer, Heinrich Himmler, headed a project named Lebersborn in which children were selectively bred. Many of these bred children were genetically engineered sets of twins who were separated and "placed" in adoptive families and then were monitored and studied. These pairs of separated twins were viewed as the ultimate study in behavioral modification because they were able to use one twin as a control point to gauge the other twin's response.
The programming used on these children was quite sophisticated and included preconditioned, trained responses triggered by code words, mnemonic cues and audio-reversed messages and tones that activated the programming. This "new" science had reached a level of critical mass, a point of no return, and the repercussions would shape not only the coming war years but life thereafter.
As war broke out, the concentration camps gave Hitler's SS officers an unlimited supply of victims on whom to further their experiments of the human psyche in order to perfect the ability to engineer an Aryan race. Himmler's studies on twins were later so barbarically advanced by Joseph Mengele at Auschwitz that they are still referred to today as Mengele's twins. These experiments were conducted without any regard for normal societal limitations and included the following horrid atrocities: surgical experimentation, electroshock, mutilation, impregnation, trauma bonding, eye-color experimentation, drugging, deprivation of every kind, hypnosis, hypno-programming and personality splitting.
Although other countries conducted human experiments of less quantity during the war, it was the Nazis who so grossly violated the Geneva Convention guidelines of prisoner treatment. The Nazis and their experiments were, in part, funded by the Catholic Church who, at the end of the war, helped transport many Nazis to freedom through the ratline. The Catholic Church has since acknowledged and apologized for these actions. Additionally, the U.S. Department of Defense secretly orchestrated and funded the escape of many high-ranking Nazi doctors and scientists by using the channels provided by the Vatican, bringing German, as well as Italian, "enemies" to the United States via South America and Canada. During this importation process, code named Operation Paperclip, these illegal aliens were made "legal" by our U.S. government when they provided these war criminals with new identities.
These doctors and scientists were viewed by the U.S. government as valuable assets to acquire because of the vast amount of knowledge they possessed from their "work" in the Nazi concentration camps. The raw-scientific data generated from these brutal wartime experiments enabled these doctors and scientists to formulate advanced, unprecedented theories of mind control. It is no secret that knowledge gives power; by securing possession of these doctors and scientists, the United States gained control of the "science" of mind-control knowledge.
One might assume that the United States gained control of this new science in order to protect U.S. citizens from enemy mind-control techniques. Unfortunately, this was not the case. Instead, the U.S. government created clandestine operations specifically designed to implement and test these mind-control theories. These projects, just to name a few, had code names such as MKULTRA, Artichoke, Bluebird, MKSEARCH and MKDELTA. It was during these top-level operations that these mind-control theories were refined and advanced. Although Senator Ted Kennedy, chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research, assured the American public that "These activities are part of history, not the current practice of the CIA,"knowledge from these experiments to create actual mind-control slaves for the U.S. government.
How is this programming put in place, and how does it actually work? The government utilizes people who are expertly trained in mind control and programming. This knowledge originated from the doctors and scientists who were brought over as part of Operation Paperclip. Usually a person has one primary programmer but is assigned several "handlers." Handlers are people who are interwoven into the person's programming. The "handlers" help manage the programmed individual and often provide a physical presence which acts to enforce the programming. The programmer will use mind-altering drugs to destabilize a person's state of mind, place them under hypnosis and insert into their mind a "program."
These "programs" consist of a preset sequence of events, often called the road map of their mission, as well as preset signals that the government will later use as triggers to activate the hidden programming and to retrieve information the individual may have been programmed to gather. For example, the government can program someone to infiltrate a group, to instigate trouble and/or just to report information back to the government. Keep in mind that this is just a very simplistic example and that these mind-control methods can be used for much more sophisticated purposes.
These documents prove that the U.S. government has been using our tax dollars, at least since the 1950s, to develop techniques and substances that will further put the U.S. citizen under their control. When the government uses chemicals to "promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness" and to "render the induction of hypnosis easier," they are stripping people of their free will and of their natural abilities to protect, not only their physical beings, but also their minds.
When the government has materials and physical methods which create amnesiac barriers within a person's own mind, they control what information the person has access to and what information is hidden behind the amnesiac walls--such as the knowledge that they are even being used in mind-control experiments or missions. In essence, once the government has these amnesiac walls in place, they can use and reuse these people over and over again, recycling them to new projects. These individuals have no knowledge of being tampered with in the first place as that knowledge is also "locked" behind amnesiac walls. Even if these governmental guinea pigs experience memory breakthrough, the "powers that be" have taken measures to try and ensure that these individuals discredit themselves in public. Remember, our government has developed "substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public."
One may be led to falsely believe that these experiments are being conducted on only a few people and have nothing to do with the average U.S. citizen. This is a dangerous sense of false security. Hundreds of hospitals nationwide and several in Canada have been used as sites in which private physicians conduct these experiments after having been privately contracted by the U.S. and Canadian governments. These government "subcontractors" are paid fees well in excess of any industry standard.
You, the American taxpayer are buying the large houses and fancy cars of these "subcontractors." You, the American taxpayer are paying to have developed the latest technology, a microchip implant called the biochip, that can be used against you, your children and your grandchildren to control your minds. You, the American taxpayer have paid restitution to foreign victims of our government's misuse of power. In 1992, it was reported by Bob Cox of The Canadian Press that "the federal government will pay $100,000 each to victims of brainwashing experiments funded by Canada and the CIA between 1950 and 1965." One of the victims was a mother of five children. Nobody is immune.
To disseminate information on the new technologies being used in mind control, I have produced a videotape that contains information on the following: the history of mind control, the use of microchip implants, the use of microwaves and extremely low frequencies (ELF) and how they are being used in conjunction with microchip implants, the use of electroshock to facilitate programming, the use of virtual reality and how it is being utilized in programming, examples of programming hardware, and examples of programming structure. The video addresses how the government has utilized "substances which alter personality structure in such a way that the tendency of the recipient to become dependent upon another person is enhanced." It should be of no surprise that "another person" is the government programmer and handlers assigned to this "recipient."
1999 Copyright - Kurt J. Billings
(Permission is granted to reprint this article in its entirety)
Read the article and learn for yourself.
The New Millennium and the Mind-Control Crisis by Kurt J. Billings, 1999
Is our government using us as human guinea pigs? Is our government drugging us, brainwashing our kids in the schools and implanting microchips in us? Are they using nonlethal weapons on us; are they using radiation on us; are they using psycho surgery and electronic mind-control methods on us? Are they reprogramming peoples' whole personalities? It seems hard to believe, but I'm sorry to say that the answer to all of these questions, and more, is YES.
Our government is guilty of the same atrocities, and more, as those committed in the Nazi concentration camps. These practices are not just happening to an isolated group of people; they are happening to normal, everyday people--like you and me. No one is out of the grasp of the government. And ironically, it is you and me, the American taxpayers, who are underwriting the research and technological advancements that are being unleashed upon us in these top-secret, classified, government experiments.
Before I give you a brief overview of the history of mind control and the technological advances currently being used, I will answer the question I get asked most often--how and why did I begin researching the topic of mind control and working with survivors?
I became aware of our government's involvement in behavioral modification at a very young age as my father and two uncles worked for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and openly discussed many of these "behavioral modification" experiments. They were privy to this classified information, in part, as one uncle provided security for a renown Nazi doctor who was smuggled out of post-war Germany as a part of Operation Paperclip--a clandestine, U.S. governmental operation in which foreign war criminals were imported into the United States.
In spite of, or maybe because of, being exposed to these abhorrent realities occurring within our own government, I became a Christian in 1979. I started a ministry working with street gangs, satanism and ritual-abuse victims in 1982 and by 1985, I was being periodically approached by local police officials to consult on satanic ritual abuse (SRA) crimes. I wrote a book in 1993, A Generation Deceived, on the new world order and its infiltration of the curriculum in our public schools. Since the 1980s, I've been providing consultation services for counselors, psychologists and psychiatrists who work with victims of domestic abuse and government mind-control experiments.
The use of mind control has been going on in one form or another since the beginning of time. This overview will begin from the Babylonian era to current time. The Babylonians and the Egyptians helped lay a foundation for occultism and the seeking these human experimentations in mind control and human behavior continue today.
Many people are unaware of the extent to which our U.S. government has been experimenting on its citizens. Ironically, it's the government's own documents on human experimentation that most effectively breaks through the denial barrier. Following are excerpts out of actual documents that were secured through the Freedom of Information Act.
A document dated May 11, 1953, cites experiments designed with the goal of "hypnotically increasing ability to learn and recall complex written matter," "hypnotically increasing ability to observe and recall a complex arrangement of physical objects" and "recall of hypnotically acquired information by very specific signals."
A second document dated May 5, 1955, states, "A portion of the Research and Development Program of TSS/Chemical Division is devoted to the discovery of the following materials and methods: 1. Substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public." Skipping to subhead 6 on the same document, "Materials which will render the induction of hypnosis easier or otherwise enhance its usefulness" and subhead 7, "Substances which will enhance the ability of individuals to withstand privation, torture and coercion during interrogation and so-called "brain-washing." Subhead 8 states, "Materials and physical methods which will produce amnesia for events preceding and during their use" and subhead 9 states, "Physical methods of producing shock and confusion over extended periods of time and capable of surreptitious use." Subhead 12 states, "Substances which alter personality structure in such a way that the tendency of the recipient to become dependent upon another person is enhanced."
So what does this all mean? One almost has to reread these quotes two or three times before the realization sinks in that our government's goal is to gain ultimate control over our minds. This is not much different than the goals of Adolf Hitler and The Third Reich.
Let's look at some of these statements more closely. Out of the first set of documents we learn that our government conducted experiments to learn how to hypnotically increase a person's ability to learn and recall complex written matter, to increase a person's ability to observe and recall complex arrangements of physical objects, and to enable a person to recall hypnotically-acquired information by very specific signals.
From the second set of documents we learn that our government has developed substances that will further put the U.S. citizens' minds under the control of the government. Through the use of chemical substances, the government can induce an altered state of consciousness in individuals and/or the masses. It is during this drug-induced, hypnotically-suggestible state that programming is placed into the mind through a multitude of stimuli. In essence, our government has extracted enough of hidden knowledge or "enlightenment." In these religions' earliest writings, they give reference to rituals where abuse takes place describing methods of torture to create trauma. The writings also cite the use of potions as drugging agents and the use of witchcraft and hypnotism to enslave their victims. It was through these means that the leaders of the time were attempting to control the mass of the common people.
Another attempt at controlling the populace is documented in history during the 13th century when the Catholic Church used inquisitions to bring the masses under control. Those who did not submit to the beliefs of the leaders were eliminated. They were branded heretics, witches or other socially-accepted "criminal" labels of the time and persecuted, with or without justification. Once again history shows us an attempt to control the minds of the people. Their choices were to convert, conform or die.
Without getting into more specific types of mind-control techniques used by one religious group or another, these few examples document efforts to control people through the use of religious institutions. This practice has continued throughout the centuries and evolved to a point where our churches today play a key role in shaping members' belief systems as well as influencing how their time and money are spent.
By 1776, systematic, organized mind control was beginning to rear its ugly head. A Bavarian Jesuit named Adam Weishaupt was commissioned by the House of Rothschild to centralize the powers of the mystery religions into what is commonly known as the Illuminati or the "enlightened ones." The word Illuminati originates from the word Lucifer which means "bearer of the light." In essence, this was the laying of the foundation of the new world order with the goal of establishing a one-world religion, a one-world government and a one-world banking system.
This one-world goal aligned the world's very rich with the most powerful generational bloodlines of satanism. So we have the joining of satanists and the plutocrats reaching out for the supreme power---control of the people. Spinning out from this Illuminati spider web came many organizations permeated with satanism, such as, the Builderbergers, the Club of Rome, the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), the Golden Dawn, Rosicrucian, the Shriners, Palladium Masonry, and Scottish Rite Masonry, just to name a few.
To illustrate how successful the Illuminati has been in permeating our society with their one-world agenda, let's look at one of their offshoot organizations, the Scottish Rite Masons. As we delve into this discussion keep in mind that all but two U.S. presidents, Kennedy and Lincoln, were Masons of the 32nd degree or higher and that a large number of senators, congressmen, governors, judges, lawyers and police chiefs are also Masons of the 32nd degree or higher.
So who are the Masons and to what oath do our governmental and judicial officials pledge when they become 30th, 31st and 32nd degree Freemasons? Albert Pike is quoted on pages 220 and 221 of Occult Theocracy by Queenborough that instructs: "To you, Sovereign, Grand Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees -- The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine." Pike issued these instructions to the 23 Supreme Councils of the world on July 14, 1889, at which time he simultaneously held the positions of Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, Grand Master of the Central Directory of Washington, and Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Charleston. Additionally, he authored Morals and Dogma which served as the Masonic "bible."
Let's take a closer look at this quote--"the Masonic religion" and "maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine." This is hardly the type of oath one would expect elected governmental officials of the free world to be pledging unless, of course, you understand the plot of the Illuminati, a secret society of luciferians, to overthrow the government of the United States by the year 2000 and create a global dictatorship. By pledging an allegiance to a luciferian-based religious organization, albeit masked by good deeds, our governmental and judicial officials are becoming underlings of the new world order and pawns and puppets of the Illuminati.
By the late 1800s and early 1900s the study of psychology and psychiatry greatly advanced methods of mind control. In the early 1900s the basis for human mind control through conditioning and hypnosis was being set in motion by Ivan Pavlov when he conducted experiments in which a bell was rung prior to feeding dogs. The dogs' natural physiological response to food, salivating, was soon associated with the ringing of the bell. After a period of conditioning or "programming," simply ringing the bell would "trigger" the dogs to salivate.
From the beginning of time, the bottom line has always been power and control. With the knowledge of mind control emerging from these "new" science studies of the mind, the new world order realized the group that perfected this "new" science would have the knowledge that would enable them to control the world. This quest for world dominance brought about the funding of Travistock in England and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Germany by the plutocrats which included the Rockefeller Foundation as well as many others. In 1932, Travistock was led by Kurt Lewin, a German psychologist. Studies during this time were focused on mind-control experiments to determine the "breaking point" of the human psyche.
At this same time the Nazis were coming to power in Germany and were conducting eugenics experiments to create a new master race. A top SS (Schutzstaffel) officer, Heinrich Himmler, headed a project named Lebersborn in which children were selectively bred. Many of these bred children were genetically engineered sets of twins who were separated and "placed" in adoptive families and then were monitored and studied. These pairs of separated twins were viewed as the ultimate study in behavioral modification because they were able to use one twin as a control point to gauge the other twin's response.
The programming used on these children was quite sophisticated and included preconditioned, trained responses triggered by code words, mnemonic cues and audio-reversed messages and tones that activated the programming. This "new" science had reached a level of critical mass, a point of no return, and the repercussions would shape not only the coming war years but life thereafter.
As war broke out, the concentration camps gave Hitler's SS officers an unlimited supply of victims on whom to further their experiments of the human psyche in order to perfect the ability to engineer an Aryan race. Himmler's studies on twins were later so barbarically advanced by Joseph Mengele at Auschwitz that they are still referred to today as Mengele's twins. These experiments were conducted without any regard for normal societal limitations and included the following horrid atrocities: surgical experimentation, electroshock, mutilation, impregnation, trauma bonding, eye-color experimentation, drugging, deprivation of every kind, hypnosis, hypno-programming and personality splitting.
Although other countries conducted human experiments of less quantity during the war, it was the Nazis who so grossly violated the Geneva Convention guidelines of prisoner treatment. The Nazis and their experiments were, in part, funded by the Catholic Church who, at the end of the war, helped transport many Nazis to freedom through the ratline. The Catholic Church has since acknowledged and apologized for these actions. Additionally, the U.S. Department of Defense secretly orchestrated and funded the escape of many high-ranking Nazi doctors and scientists by using the channels provided by the Vatican, bringing German, as well as Italian, "enemies" to the United States via South America and Canada. During this importation process, code named Operation Paperclip, these illegal aliens were made "legal" by our U.S. government when they provided these war criminals with new identities.
These doctors and scientists were viewed by the U.S. government as valuable assets to acquire because of the vast amount of knowledge they possessed from their "work" in the Nazi concentration camps. The raw-scientific data generated from these brutal wartime experiments enabled these doctors and scientists to formulate advanced, unprecedented theories of mind control. It is no secret that knowledge gives power; by securing possession of these doctors and scientists, the United States gained control of the "science" of mind-control knowledge.
One might assume that the United States gained control of this new science in order to protect U.S. citizens from enemy mind-control techniques. Unfortunately, this was not the case. Instead, the U.S. government created clandestine operations specifically designed to implement and test these mind-control theories. These projects, just to name a few, had code names such as MKULTRA, Artichoke, Bluebird, MKSEARCH and MKDELTA. It was during these top-level operations that these mind-control theories were refined and advanced. Although Senator Ted Kennedy, chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research, assured the American public that "These activities are part of history, not the current practice of the CIA,"knowledge from these experiments to create actual mind-control slaves for the U.S. government.
How is this programming put in place, and how does it actually work? The government utilizes people who are expertly trained in mind control and programming. This knowledge originated from the doctors and scientists who were brought over as part of Operation Paperclip. Usually a person has one primary programmer but is assigned several "handlers." Handlers are people who are interwoven into the person's programming. The "handlers" help manage the programmed individual and often provide a physical presence which acts to enforce the programming. The programmer will use mind-altering drugs to destabilize a person's state of mind, place them under hypnosis and insert into their mind a "program."
These "programs" consist of a preset sequence of events, often called the road map of their mission, as well as preset signals that the government will later use as triggers to activate the hidden programming and to retrieve information the individual may have been programmed to gather. For example, the government can program someone to infiltrate a group, to instigate trouble and/or just to report information back to the government. Keep in mind that this is just a very simplistic example and that these mind-control methods can be used for much more sophisticated purposes.
These documents prove that the U.S. government has been using our tax dollars, at least since the 1950s, to develop techniques and substances that will further put the U.S. citizen under their control. When the government uses chemicals to "promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness" and to "render the induction of hypnosis easier," they are stripping people of their free will and of their natural abilities to protect, not only their physical beings, but also their minds.
When the government has materials and physical methods which create amnesiac barriers within a person's own mind, they control what information the person has access to and what information is hidden behind the amnesiac walls--such as the knowledge that they are even being used in mind-control experiments or missions. In essence, once the government has these amnesiac walls in place, they can use and reuse these people over and over again, recycling them to new projects. These individuals have no knowledge of being tampered with in the first place as that knowledge is also "locked" behind amnesiac walls. Even if these governmental guinea pigs experience memory breakthrough, the "powers that be" have taken measures to try and ensure that these individuals discredit themselves in public. Remember, our government has developed "substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public."
One may be led to falsely believe that these experiments are being conducted on only a few people and have nothing to do with the average U.S. citizen. This is a dangerous sense of false security. Hundreds of hospitals nationwide and several in Canada have been used as sites in which private physicians conduct these experiments after having been privately contracted by the U.S. and Canadian governments. These government "subcontractors" are paid fees well in excess of any industry standard.
You, the American taxpayer are buying the large houses and fancy cars of these "subcontractors." You, the American taxpayer are paying to have developed the latest technology, a microchip implant called the biochip, that can be used against you, your children and your grandchildren to control your minds. You, the American taxpayer have paid restitution to foreign victims of our government's misuse of power. In 1992, it was reported by Bob Cox of The Canadian Press that "the federal government will pay $100,000 each to victims of brainwashing experiments funded by Canada and the CIA between 1950 and 1965." One of the victims was a mother of five children. Nobody is immune.
To disseminate information on the new technologies being used in mind control, I have produced a videotape that contains information on the following: the history of mind control, the use of microchip implants, the use of microwaves and extremely low frequencies (ELF) and how they are being used in conjunction with microchip implants, the use of electroshock to facilitate programming, the use of virtual reality and how it is being utilized in programming, examples of programming hardware, and examples of programming structure. The video addresses how the government has utilized "substances which alter personality structure in such a way that the tendency of the recipient to become dependent upon another person is enhanced." It should be of no surprise that "another person" is the government programmer and handlers assigned to this "recipient."
1999 Copyright - Kurt J. Billings
(Permission is granted to reprint this article in its entirety)
Monday, August 18, 2008
This is a translation of Amritabindu Upanishad, as faithful as I can make it, no attempt is made to interpret it in any manner. I have always felt that the study of the Upanishads should be done without relaying on their commentaries to ensure your personal participation in the study. Otherwise you would be following the ideas of others regarding the Upanishad rather than the Upanishad itself. That way lays bondage which the texts are trying so hard to get you out of.
I have omitted the “Santhipatham” of the text beginning with “Bhadram Karnebhi…” from my translation. It is a prayer to various deities or an invocation of peace to help the seekers achieve their objective of learning the ultimate truth without any hindrance.
Enjoy the text and meditate on it. It will give you an insight into what meditation is all about.
1. The mind is chiefly spoken as of two kinds, pure and impure. The impure mind is desire-ridden, and the pure is free of desire.
2. Undoubtedly it is the mind that is the cause of man’s liberation and bondage. The mind that is attached to sense objects leads to bondage, while that which is free from them leads to liberation. So they think.
3. Since liberation is for the mind free from sense-objects, the mind should always be made clean of such desire, by the seeker of truth.
4. Once this is accomplished and the mind is fully controlled within the heart (the heart chakra is one of the favorite centers of meditation-Translator) it realizes its own essence. Then the supreme state is obtained.
5. The mind should be controlled till it gets fully merged in the heart. This is Jnana (realization) and this is Dhyana (meditation) also, all else are mere talk and word play
6. The supreme state is neither to be thought of (as it is beyond thought), nor unworthy to be thought of (as it is the only method of release), nor is It to be thought of in any other manner than the essence of the ever visible, timeless, supreme bliss itself. Truth which is free from all entanglement is reached in this state.
7. First concentrate on OM with its letters( that is on AUM, the meaning would be roughly like this A= creative force, U= sustaining force , M= destructive force or in essence the visible reality in all its aspects contained in the word OM- Translator), then graduate to OM without regard to its letters. When the later form of meditation becomes fruitful, the idea of non-entity is attained as entity.
8. that alone is Reality, without component parts, without doubt, and without taint. Realizing I am that Reality one becomes immutable Reality
9. The Real is endless, beyond reason and analogy, beyond all proofs and causeless; knowing which the wise person becomes free.
10 The highest truth is that pure consciousness which realizes, “ There is neither control of mind nor it is coming into play, neither am I bound, nor am I a worshipper, neither am I a seeker after liberation, nor one who has attained liberation.”
11. Actually the soul should be known from its states of wakefulness, dreaming, and dreamless sleep. For him who has transcended the three states there is no rebirth.
12. Being the only One, the universal soul is present in all beings. Though One, it is seen as many, like the moon in the water.
13. Just as it is the vessel which being moved from one place to another which changes place and not the space enclosed in it, so is the jiva which resembles that space.
14. When the various forms like the vessel are broken repeatedly the Space (Akasha /ether) does not know them to be broken, but He knows perfectly
15. Being covered by Maya which is a mere sound, it does not know Space (The reality), through darkness, When ignorance is shredded, It by virtue of being Itself, only sees unity in everything.
16. The OM as Word is first looked upon as the Supreme reality. After that (the word idea) has vanished, that timeless reality remains. The wise person should meditate on that imperishable reality, if he desires the peace of his soul.
17. These two kinds of learning ought to be understood, the Word (physical) Reality and the Supreme Reality. Having mastered the Word Reality One attains to the highest Reality
18. After studying the Vedas (that is recorded knowledge) the intelligent person who is solely intent on acquiring knowledge and realization should discard the Vedas altogether, like the man who discards husk to obtain rice?
19. The milk is always white even though cows are of diverse colures. The intelligent person regards Jnana (learning) as the milk and the many branched Vedas as the cows.
20. Like butter hidden in milk, pure consciousness resides in every being. That ought to be constantly churned out by the churning rod of the mind.
21. The Supreme reality should be brought out like fire by taking hold of the rope of knowledge. “I am that Reality, indivisible, immutable, and calm”, thus it is thought of.
22. In whom reside all beings, and who resides in all beings by virtue of his being the giver of grace to all- I am that soul of the universe, the Supreme being, I am that Soul of the Universe the Supreme being.
This Upanishad is often linked to Yajurveda (one of the four Vedas) or more precisely to Krishna Yajurveda. Yet the “Santhipatham” (prayer at the beginning) belongs to Upanishads originating from Atbara Veda.
Considered from the point of view of the subject matter this is an Upanishad on Yoga, it is also a comparatively new Upanishad. Other Upanishads belonging to the same category are Varaha, Yogasikha, Yogathathva, Kshurika, Sandilya, and Hamsa.
I have omitted the “Santhipatham” of the text beginning with “Bhadram Karnebhi…” from my translation. It is a prayer to various deities or an invocation of peace to help the seekers achieve their objective of learning the ultimate truth without any hindrance.
Enjoy the text and meditate on it. It will give you an insight into what meditation is all about.
1. The mind is chiefly spoken as of two kinds, pure and impure. The impure mind is desire-ridden, and the pure is free of desire.
2. Undoubtedly it is the mind that is the cause of man’s liberation and bondage. The mind that is attached to sense objects leads to bondage, while that which is free from them leads to liberation. So they think.
3. Since liberation is for the mind free from sense-objects, the mind should always be made clean of such desire, by the seeker of truth.
4. Once this is accomplished and the mind is fully controlled within the heart (the heart chakra is one of the favorite centers of meditation-Translator) it realizes its own essence. Then the supreme state is obtained.
5. The mind should be controlled till it gets fully merged in the heart. This is Jnana (realization) and this is Dhyana (meditation) also, all else are mere talk and word play
6. The supreme state is neither to be thought of (as it is beyond thought), nor unworthy to be thought of (as it is the only method of release), nor is It to be thought of in any other manner than the essence of the ever visible, timeless, supreme bliss itself. Truth which is free from all entanglement is reached in this state.
7. First concentrate on OM with its letters( that is on AUM, the meaning would be roughly like this A= creative force, U= sustaining force , M= destructive force or in essence the visible reality in all its aspects contained in the word OM- Translator), then graduate to OM without regard to its letters. When the later form of meditation becomes fruitful, the idea of non-entity is attained as entity.
8. that alone is Reality, without component parts, without doubt, and without taint. Realizing I am that Reality one becomes immutable Reality
9. The Real is endless, beyond reason and analogy, beyond all proofs and causeless; knowing which the wise person becomes free.
10 The highest truth is that pure consciousness which realizes, “ There is neither control of mind nor it is coming into play, neither am I bound, nor am I a worshipper, neither am I a seeker after liberation, nor one who has attained liberation.”
11. Actually the soul should be known from its states of wakefulness, dreaming, and dreamless sleep. For him who has transcended the three states there is no rebirth.
12. Being the only One, the universal soul is present in all beings. Though One, it is seen as many, like the moon in the water.
13. Just as it is the vessel which being moved from one place to another which changes place and not the space enclosed in it, so is the jiva which resembles that space.
14. When the various forms like the vessel are broken repeatedly the Space (Akasha /ether) does not know them to be broken, but He knows perfectly
15. Being covered by Maya which is a mere sound, it does not know Space (The reality), through darkness, When ignorance is shredded, It by virtue of being Itself, only sees unity in everything.
16. The OM as Word is first looked upon as the Supreme reality. After that (the word idea) has vanished, that timeless reality remains. The wise person should meditate on that imperishable reality, if he desires the peace of his soul.
17. These two kinds of learning ought to be understood, the Word (physical) Reality and the Supreme Reality. Having mastered the Word Reality One attains to the highest Reality
18. After studying the Vedas (that is recorded knowledge) the intelligent person who is solely intent on acquiring knowledge and realization should discard the Vedas altogether, like the man who discards husk to obtain rice?
19. The milk is always white even though cows are of diverse colures. The intelligent person regards Jnana (learning) as the milk and the many branched Vedas as the cows.
20. Like butter hidden in milk, pure consciousness resides in every being. That ought to be constantly churned out by the churning rod of the mind.
21. The Supreme reality should be brought out like fire by taking hold of the rope of knowledge. “I am that Reality, indivisible, immutable, and calm”, thus it is thought of.
22. In whom reside all beings, and who resides in all beings by virtue of his being the giver of grace to all- I am that soul of the universe, the Supreme being, I am that Soul of the Universe the Supreme being.
This Upanishad is often linked to Yajurveda (one of the four Vedas) or more precisely to Krishna Yajurveda. Yet the “Santhipatham” (prayer at the beginning) belongs to Upanishads originating from Atbara Veda.
Considered from the point of view of the subject matter this is an Upanishad on Yoga, it is also a comparatively new Upanishad. Other Upanishads belonging to the same category are Varaha, Yogasikha, Yogathathva, Kshurika, Sandilya, and Hamsa.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Behind Mango Magic
It needed a book by Ormond Magill to show me how the famous Indian Mango Tree Trick is performed. I had always wondered how it is done especially having had the occasion to watch it performed by a street magician several times.
Like every one else I too am curious about magic tricks and magicians though I always have had a suspicion that there were some hidden techniques behind every magic trick. As long as we are not aware of them we would wonder at the magician and his trick. I remember once watching a street magician throwing up a few metal rings in the air in my childhood. The rings disappeared in to the canopy of the tree above, they never came back. I stood there till the end of the show to see if the rings would come back, they never did and I was the last one to leave the place. This made me confused for long time till I learned how it is done. Let me tell you this is no mean trick. It requires a definite amount will power and imagination on the part of the magician to project the rings like that in broad day light and make people believe in what he wanted them to believe. It requires hard training and belief in oneself. It was no mean feat.
A level of hypnosis is used to do such things. This is what is known as the “eye deception” techniques or binding of eyes. A person with a strong imagination can make it happen. Even will power is not highly required once you master the trick. It consists of a strong suggestion aimed at the minds of the viewers to see what the performer wishes them to see. To do this one need to visualize the entire process of the rings going up in the sky and disappearing. By strenuous practice one can do it.
But ordinary magic tricks are not done in the same manner. Take card tricks for example. They are merely tricks by manipulation of the cards in hand. In Mondo magic, a recent hit show on AXN, both the performers show a pack of cards to the TV viewers and bending them back and flipping the cards backwards they ask us to pick one card from the pack in your sight. They would later correctly tell us the card we selected. It would appear strange how they manage to come up with the card every single time. As you would have probably guessed, they manipulate the pack before showing it to you so that one card would remain a few second longer in your memory than the others. You will have to pick on it whether you like it or not, since the other cards are flipped back faster than you can pick on.
I started to describe to you the secret of the Mango Tree trick of India. It really is a fascinating trick, mostly performed by street magicians. The performance is like this. The magician takes out a mango seed from his pocket and circulates it among the viewers. It is a genuine seed; hard and fresh there is no trick in it. Then the magician goes on to collect a bit of mud from the surrounding area and prepares to plant the mango seed in it, sometimes he would also allow one of the spectators to plant it, further enhancing the mystery of the performance. Then he waters it and covers it with a cloth. Nothing suspicious up to now. He will then proceed to insert his hands inside the cloth after showing that both hands are empty and begins some magical rites to make the mango tree grow. After a little while he removes the cloth and shows the spectators how much it has grown. The spectators are dumbfounded as they witness that the mango has budded and a few leaves are coming out of the ground. The magician covers it again and begins his magical rites again. Every time he removes the cloth the tree has grown more and finally the tree becomes at least one foot tall and it has a few mangoes as well!
When you see it first you are dumbfounded. There is a street magician in our land who does it. He does not know how to read or write. (He says he has never entered a school in his life other than to take shelter from rain!) But his street performance is masterly. Perhaps he is the only practicing magician doing the trick now. You would find it hard to believe if you had witnessed the performance without knowing how it is done. I was as mystified as the rest how it is done till I chanced across a book by Ormond Magill which describes several such tricks in detail, including the great Indian rope trick, which of course is not a trick at all and is done with magical force of suggestion.
The mango trick consists of taking a mango seed and carving the inner parts out and inserting a mango sapling in it. The seeds of some mango trees are big and the mango leaves and saplings do not show any signs of wear and tear when inserted into small spaces and then unfolded. This is the reason why mango trees and seeds alone are always used in this trick. The sapling with the leaves are carefully folded into the seed and extracted by the magician as he works the magical rites under the cloth covering it. The seed would look split when you see it next with the sapling coming out of it. Of course this is not the seed shown and examined by the spectators. The seed inserted by the spectator would be still inside the mud if examined. The magician cunningly inserts the prepared seed into the lump of mud and slowly extracts the sapling talking and performing histrionics all the while. To a good performer introducing several variations to the technique is not impossible.
I have seen it performed before and after I learned about the technique and I must say that I was impressed both times, Earlier with the wonder of it and then later with the finesse of the performance.
Like every one else I too am curious about magic tricks and magicians though I always have had a suspicion that there were some hidden techniques behind every magic trick. As long as we are not aware of them we would wonder at the magician and his trick. I remember once watching a street magician throwing up a few metal rings in the air in my childhood. The rings disappeared in to the canopy of the tree above, they never came back. I stood there till the end of the show to see if the rings would come back, they never did and I was the last one to leave the place. This made me confused for long time till I learned how it is done. Let me tell you this is no mean trick. It requires a definite amount will power and imagination on the part of the magician to project the rings like that in broad day light and make people believe in what he wanted them to believe. It requires hard training and belief in oneself. It was no mean feat.
A level of hypnosis is used to do such things. This is what is known as the “eye deception” techniques or binding of eyes. A person with a strong imagination can make it happen. Even will power is not highly required once you master the trick. It consists of a strong suggestion aimed at the minds of the viewers to see what the performer wishes them to see. To do this one need to visualize the entire process of the rings going up in the sky and disappearing. By strenuous practice one can do it.
But ordinary magic tricks are not done in the same manner. Take card tricks for example. They are merely tricks by manipulation of the cards in hand. In Mondo magic, a recent hit show on AXN, both the performers show a pack of cards to the TV viewers and bending them back and flipping the cards backwards they ask us to pick one card from the pack in your sight. They would later correctly tell us the card we selected. It would appear strange how they manage to come up with the card every single time. As you would have probably guessed, they manipulate the pack before showing it to you so that one card would remain a few second longer in your memory than the others. You will have to pick on it whether you like it or not, since the other cards are flipped back faster than you can pick on.
I started to describe to you the secret of the Mango Tree trick of India. It really is a fascinating trick, mostly performed by street magicians. The performance is like this. The magician takes out a mango seed from his pocket and circulates it among the viewers. It is a genuine seed; hard and fresh there is no trick in it. Then the magician goes on to collect a bit of mud from the surrounding area and prepares to plant the mango seed in it, sometimes he would also allow one of the spectators to plant it, further enhancing the mystery of the performance. Then he waters it and covers it with a cloth. Nothing suspicious up to now. He will then proceed to insert his hands inside the cloth after showing that both hands are empty and begins some magical rites to make the mango tree grow. After a little while he removes the cloth and shows the spectators how much it has grown. The spectators are dumbfounded as they witness that the mango has budded and a few leaves are coming out of the ground. The magician covers it again and begins his magical rites again. Every time he removes the cloth the tree has grown more and finally the tree becomes at least one foot tall and it has a few mangoes as well!
When you see it first you are dumbfounded. There is a street magician in our land who does it. He does not know how to read or write. (He says he has never entered a school in his life other than to take shelter from rain!) But his street performance is masterly. Perhaps he is the only practicing magician doing the trick now. You would find it hard to believe if you had witnessed the performance without knowing how it is done. I was as mystified as the rest how it is done till I chanced across a book by Ormond Magill which describes several such tricks in detail, including the great Indian rope trick, which of course is not a trick at all and is done with magical force of suggestion.
The mango trick consists of taking a mango seed and carving the inner parts out and inserting a mango sapling in it. The seeds of some mango trees are big and the mango leaves and saplings do not show any signs of wear and tear when inserted into small spaces and then unfolded. This is the reason why mango trees and seeds alone are always used in this trick. The sapling with the leaves are carefully folded into the seed and extracted by the magician as he works the magical rites under the cloth covering it. The seed would look split when you see it next with the sapling coming out of it. Of course this is not the seed shown and examined by the spectators. The seed inserted by the spectator would be still inside the mud if examined. The magician cunningly inserts the prepared seed into the lump of mud and slowly extracts the sapling talking and performing histrionics all the while. To a good performer introducing several variations to the technique is not impossible.
I have seen it performed before and after I learned about the technique and I must say that I was impressed both times, Earlier with the wonder of it and then later with the finesse of the performance.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Tao Te Ching and the Upanishads
The Tao Te Ching and the Upanishads are so similar that they seem the same to me often. I do not know whether there have been any such comparisons before in these lines, but it seems more than likely, for the likeness are so pronounced. These are the thoughts which came to mind when I recently looked into them again. To me it appears that the two systems have lot in common though they evolved at slightly different geographical regions and cultural backgrounds of the Asian mainland.
From the very first declaration of Ching the striking resemblances jumps to our eye.
“The Tao that can be told
Is not the eternal Tao
The name that can be named
is not the eternal Name.”
It is not much different from “na vagachathi, no mano” (1.3) of Kena Upanishad. What the Upanishad says is this “the final truth is not reached by the words and it can not be reached by the mind.” The opening lines of Tao Te Ching almost replicate it.
There are other similar references in the Upanishads of this quality of the unqualified too. “Yato vacha nivarthanthe aprapya manasa saha.” (Taitiriyam. Anuvaka 4.1) is one such. It translates this way. “Where the words turn back, that which can not be approached by even the mind.” You can easily replace Tao with Brahma in any of the Ching verses. Such are the similarities that I often mistake some verses of Tao Te Ching to be that of the Upanishads when I see them out of context somewhere.
And again in the later verses it is said:
“Therefore the Master
acts without doing anything
and teaches without saying anything.”
In the same manner the Upanishads presents a picture:
“Here is a picture at the base of a pepul tree.
The master looks young while all the students seem wizened.
The silence of the master is the interpretation
The students sit with their doubts removed”
Then again the Ching echoes the Nasadeeya Suktha of the Veda’s. First here is what the Ching says:
“Reach, and it can’t be grasped.
Above, it isn’t bright.
Below, it isn’t dark.
Seamless, unnamable,
it returns to the realm of nothing.
Form that includes all forms,
image without an image,
subtle, beyond all conception.”
And here comes a loose translation of the Suktha:
“There was neither reality, nor unreality
There was neither energy nor breath
Who has covered the immense space?
Who has shrouded the sky …?”
And so on. I have always felt goose pimples rise all over my body whenever I go through the Suktha. Try to get a translated version of it and if you are a sensitive human being as I take you to be, I vouch that you would also feel it. The imagery is stunning; it would propel even the most unimaginative and practical of souls towards worlds unknown to them. You would not fail to guess something is happening within the words and within yourselves.
This is the real magic of mysticism
From the very first declaration of Ching the striking resemblances jumps to our eye.
“The Tao that can be told
Is not the eternal Tao
The name that can be named
is not the eternal Name.”
It is not much different from “na vagachathi, no mano” (1.3) of Kena Upanishad. What the Upanishad says is this “the final truth is not reached by the words and it can not be reached by the mind.” The opening lines of Tao Te Ching almost replicate it.
There are other similar references in the Upanishads of this quality of the unqualified too. “Yato vacha nivarthanthe aprapya manasa saha.” (Taitiriyam. Anuvaka 4.1) is one such. It translates this way. “Where the words turn back, that which can not be approached by even the mind.” You can easily replace Tao with Brahma in any of the Ching verses. Such are the similarities that I often mistake some verses of Tao Te Ching to be that of the Upanishads when I see them out of context somewhere.
And again in the later verses it is said:
“Therefore the Master
acts without doing anything
and teaches without saying anything.”
In the same manner the Upanishads presents a picture:
“Here is a picture at the base of a pepul tree.
The master looks young while all the students seem wizened.
The silence of the master is the interpretation
The students sit with their doubts removed”
Then again the Ching echoes the Nasadeeya Suktha of the Veda’s. First here is what the Ching says:
“Reach, and it can’t be grasped.
Above, it isn’t bright.
Below, it isn’t dark.
Seamless, unnamable,
it returns to the realm of nothing.
Form that includes all forms,
image without an image,
subtle, beyond all conception.”
And here comes a loose translation of the Suktha:
“There was neither reality, nor unreality
There was neither energy nor breath
Who has covered the immense space?
Who has shrouded the sky …?”
And so on. I have always felt goose pimples rise all over my body whenever I go through the Suktha. Try to get a translated version of it and if you are a sensitive human being as I take you to be, I vouch that you would also feel it. The imagery is stunning; it would propel even the most unimaginative and practical of souls towards worlds unknown to them. You would not fail to guess something is happening within the words and within yourselves.
This is the real magic of mysticism
Monday, August 11, 2008
Did Time Begin at the Big Bang?
St. Augustine believed that the world was created sometime in the 5000 BC. The reason for the assumption being that our civilization is in progress and that the builders of our civilization remain in our memory. Thus the world could not be that old. The real basis for his theory seems to be the book of Genesis.
He was credited with many amusing stories by people. But his reply to some of the sensitive questions seems quite serious. For, instance he wrote about “time” that “ up to the moment some one asked me what time is, I was pretty sure what it was. But when I tried to answer the question I was not at all sure”
He can’t be blamed the humorous side of the tale not -with -standing, for that’s what we all believe. Can any one explain what time is? None has done so satisfactorily till now. How did time begin, is it linear as the westerners believe or cyclical as the Orientals believe? What is its relation to matter, are they the same or one an extension of the other? How could we say the world began if time did not exist then? Did the time begin with the beginning of the world? What is the nature of time, why does the clock sow down inside fast bodies? Why does it get affected by Gravity? Why does every system have a time of its own?
In short what in the god’s name is time?
St. Augustine is credited with yet another story on the subject of time and God, soon after he propounded the theory that the God created the world in 5000 BC some one asked him:
What was god doing before that?
The rumor says that he replied “He was preparing hell for people who asked such questions”
Joking aside he seems to have considered the question quite seriously for he actually replied that the time was a property of the world the God created and it did not exist before. This is roughly the modern idea of time too. We believe now that the time was created at the moment the big bang occurred. We just can’t say if there was time before that, even if there did exist any sort of time before that we would not know about it, for we are limited by our perceptual capacities to understand any such thing. We are the children of this world, this universe, and it is beyond us to know anything that is not contained in it.
The theory of the beginning of the world gained considerable momentum with Edwin Hubble’s discovery of the expanding universe. He observed that the galaxies at the fringe of observable space are receding from us at unimaginable speeds. This was a uniform phenomenon at all points at the fringe. Reckoning by the speed at which they are moving away there must have been a time when these were closer, much closer in fact. This is largely based on the big bang model of the beginning of the world. This theory states that at one point the world was condensed into an object of infinite mass it exploded and created the world as we know it.
It was also the beginning of time, for time is inseparably linked to space; it would be meaningless to consider time in the absence of space.
The expanding universe sort of curtails God’s freedom to create world any moment other than at the time of big bang or after it. If the world is expanding there could be a reason for it and this reason can be found. It denies the god the freedom to create the world as he likes.
Poor God!
He was credited with many amusing stories by people. But his reply to some of the sensitive questions seems quite serious. For, instance he wrote about “time” that “ up to the moment some one asked me what time is, I was pretty sure what it was. But when I tried to answer the question I was not at all sure”
He can’t be blamed the humorous side of the tale not -with -standing, for that’s what we all believe. Can any one explain what time is? None has done so satisfactorily till now. How did time begin, is it linear as the westerners believe or cyclical as the Orientals believe? What is its relation to matter, are they the same or one an extension of the other? How could we say the world began if time did not exist then? Did the time begin with the beginning of the world? What is the nature of time, why does the clock sow down inside fast bodies? Why does it get affected by Gravity? Why does every system have a time of its own?
In short what in the god’s name is time?
St. Augustine is credited with yet another story on the subject of time and God, soon after he propounded the theory that the God created the world in 5000 BC some one asked him:
What was god doing before that?
The rumor says that he replied “He was preparing hell for people who asked such questions”
Joking aside he seems to have considered the question quite seriously for he actually replied that the time was a property of the world the God created and it did not exist before. This is roughly the modern idea of time too. We believe now that the time was created at the moment the big bang occurred. We just can’t say if there was time before that, even if there did exist any sort of time before that we would not know about it, for we are limited by our perceptual capacities to understand any such thing. We are the children of this world, this universe, and it is beyond us to know anything that is not contained in it.
The theory of the beginning of the world gained considerable momentum with Edwin Hubble’s discovery of the expanding universe. He observed that the galaxies at the fringe of observable space are receding from us at unimaginable speeds. This was a uniform phenomenon at all points at the fringe. Reckoning by the speed at which they are moving away there must have been a time when these were closer, much closer in fact. This is largely based on the big bang model of the beginning of the world. This theory states that at one point the world was condensed into an object of infinite mass it exploded and created the world as we know it.
It was also the beginning of time, for time is inseparably linked to space; it would be meaningless to consider time in the absence of space.
The expanding universe sort of curtails God’s freedom to create world any moment other than at the time of big bang or after it. If the world is expanding there could be a reason for it and this reason can be found. It denies the god the freedom to create the world as he likes.
Poor God!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
The way of the wise
Here is a story on Hippocrates and Democritus.
Once the people of Abdora ran to the famous physician of those days wailing like women and seeking his help. Hearing the terrible din Hippocrates became concerned. He put aside what ever he was doing and came out.
“Why what is the matter?”
The people lamented:
“O Hippocrates our Democritus has gone mad. He is doing nothing but cutting dogs open and scrawling something on a writing sheet.”
Hippocrates became intrigued and went with the people of Abdora. Like the people said he found Democritus engaged in the interesting activity of dissecting dogs.
Hippocrates began cautiously
“Well you gave these people a scare my man, what is with this cutting open of dogs.”
“Oh I was looking into the causes of madness in animals. Democritus said candidly. He continued. Well what took you so long to come and visit me?”
“Well Democritus you know how it is. Family problems, financial strains, you can name it. I could not come earlier.”
Democritus burst out laughing.
“The problems besting men, can you believe them? I am sorry to see the wise wasting their lives so pitifully …….
To marry women only to fight with them, to make more money than they can ever use, to create wars with no other purpose than to fight in them. What strange notions come into human heads?”
Hippocrates said to the people of Abdora.
“There is nothing to worry about. You can all return to your homes. Democritus is not mad. To tell you the truth he is the only person amongst us with a healthy mind that is not affected by any afflictions.”
Well to be like Democritus is bliss. But none of us can do that can we. We prefer to be like this, worrying about the silly, fidgeting about mere nothings, crying our hearts out for the most meaningless of happenings in life. Yes that is the word, we prefer it this way. We like being hunted by life in this manner. It gives a purpose to our lives. Every new and painful incident in our lives secretly makes us happy, for they give us the opportunity to complain.
Self pity is the most hated of all feelings in the world, why, no, not because of any pride as you may have thought, but from a sense of great pleasure in suffering. The more silently you suffer, the more pleasure you derive out of it. It is “My” pain, you know, it is my own.
What a sorry spectacle we are!
Once the people of Abdora ran to the famous physician of those days wailing like women and seeking his help. Hearing the terrible din Hippocrates became concerned. He put aside what ever he was doing and came out.
“Why what is the matter?”
The people lamented:
“O Hippocrates our Democritus has gone mad. He is doing nothing but cutting dogs open and scrawling something on a writing sheet.”
Hippocrates became intrigued and went with the people of Abdora. Like the people said he found Democritus engaged in the interesting activity of dissecting dogs.
Hippocrates began cautiously
“Well you gave these people a scare my man, what is with this cutting open of dogs.”
“Oh I was looking into the causes of madness in animals. Democritus said candidly. He continued. Well what took you so long to come and visit me?”
“Well Democritus you know how it is. Family problems, financial strains, you can name it. I could not come earlier.”
Democritus burst out laughing.
“The problems besting men, can you believe them? I am sorry to see the wise wasting their lives so pitifully …….
To marry women only to fight with them, to make more money than they can ever use, to create wars with no other purpose than to fight in them. What strange notions come into human heads?”
Hippocrates said to the people of Abdora.
“There is nothing to worry about. You can all return to your homes. Democritus is not mad. To tell you the truth he is the only person amongst us with a healthy mind that is not affected by any afflictions.”
Well to be like Democritus is bliss. But none of us can do that can we. We prefer to be like this, worrying about the silly, fidgeting about mere nothings, crying our hearts out for the most meaningless of happenings in life. Yes that is the word, we prefer it this way. We like being hunted by life in this manner. It gives a purpose to our lives. Every new and painful incident in our lives secretly makes us happy, for they give us the opportunity to complain.
Self pity is the most hated of all feelings in the world, why, no, not because of any pride as you may have thought, but from a sense of great pleasure in suffering. The more silently you suffer, the more pleasure you derive out of it. It is “My” pain, you know, it is my own.
What a sorry spectacle we are!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Words that capture you
There is word in my language which is spelt “ masmarika” it is a derivative of “mesmeric” in English. I used to hear it from all when they were discussing about some one with some degree of influence over others. This word caught hold of me and it was my “Mesopotamia” in my younger days. I was enchanted with the word and though did not use it on any occasions because of being self conscious , it was my favorite word through out my teens. I was curious to know more about the word and the phenomena it denoted.
Well when I finally started to learn more about it I soon realized that the theory of Anton Mesmer was not based on any verifiable evidence. He cured people with the use of what he described as Animal Magnetism. This is not the same as the sex energy that is spoken of under the term now. He believed that there is a subtle force in man which could cure him and cure others by sending it to them. His claims of cures were not challenged by the scientific teams who investigated these claims. But they thought that it was a result of suggestion rather than any force acting on the patients in the form of animal magnetism.
Yet I can see certain similarities between this system and the Pranayama. Pranayama contains the possibility to make use of the life force that is within you to cure illnesses. Well in a strict sense, though the Russian were very enthusiastic about Bio Energy, there are still no valid empirical evidence that such cures could be done with such subtle energies. It is possible that what actually works is the belief in the healer and the patient that such a transformation is taking place within the individual. I know from personal experience that this is possible and others involved with these phenomena would also admit that this is possible. But there can not be any scientific proof about it. Even if you can monitor the states of body before and after this type of healing and find that the body is cured the modern science could possible come up with any number of explanations for this change.
Mesmer was not a great genius. In fact he is supposed to have appropriated certain works of others and made it his own. He was a great presenter and introduced all the eliment of drama in his treatment. He used lighting and music for mood creation. His belief in magnetic healing was the result of his meeting with Maximillian Hell. A strange name in English but not in Italy it seems!. This hell was a Jesuit and used to heal people with magnetic plates. But Mesmer always believed that the healing was done by the transfer of animal magnetism rather than the influence of the plates used.
He seems to have adopted the technique of Hell in toto at first but later seems to have discarded the use of magnetic plates in influencing people and inducing the desired responses in them. Though the technique is known in the name of Mesmer in the world the original contribution of Mesmer is minimal in it. He organized it into a system, and others followed. His system do not have much credibility with the scientifically minded people of present day. Hypnotism is accepted by the general public and even the physicians to some extent, but not mesmerism. There is also a thought that a system of science( if it is claimed as a science) should not be known by the name of the person who practiced it first. It is not clear how this came about. Mesmer does not seems to have used the term in his works or practice.
All in all Mesmerism does not seem to be a favorite among the masses and the scientific world now.
Well when I finally started to learn more about it I soon realized that the theory of Anton Mesmer was not based on any verifiable evidence. He cured people with the use of what he described as Animal Magnetism. This is not the same as the sex energy that is spoken of under the term now. He believed that there is a subtle force in man which could cure him and cure others by sending it to them. His claims of cures were not challenged by the scientific teams who investigated these claims. But they thought that it was a result of suggestion rather than any force acting on the patients in the form of animal magnetism.
Yet I can see certain similarities between this system and the Pranayama. Pranayama contains the possibility to make use of the life force that is within you to cure illnesses. Well in a strict sense, though the Russian were very enthusiastic about Bio Energy, there are still no valid empirical evidence that such cures could be done with such subtle energies. It is possible that what actually works is the belief in the healer and the patient that such a transformation is taking place within the individual. I know from personal experience that this is possible and others involved with these phenomena would also admit that this is possible. But there can not be any scientific proof about it. Even if you can monitor the states of body before and after this type of healing and find that the body is cured the modern science could possible come up with any number of explanations for this change.
Mesmer was not a great genius. In fact he is supposed to have appropriated certain works of others and made it his own. He was a great presenter and introduced all the eliment of drama in his treatment. He used lighting and music for mood creation. His belief in magnetic healing was the result of his meeting with Maximillian Hell. A strange name in English but not in Italy it seems!. This hell was a Jesuit and used to heal people with magnetic plates. But Mesmer always believed that the healing was done by the transfer of animal magnetism rather than the influence of the plates used.
He seems to have adopted the technique of Hell in toto at first but later seems to have discarded the use of magnetic plates in influencing people and inducing the desired responses in them. Though the technique is known in the name of Mesmer in the world the original contribution of Mesmer is minimal in it. He organized it into a system, and others followed. His system do not have much credibility with the scientifically minded people of present day. Hypnotism is accepted by the general public and even the physicians to some extent, but not mesmerism. There is also a thought that a system of science( if it is claimed as a science) should not be known by the name of the person who practiced it first. It is not clear how this came about. Mesmer does not seems to have used the term in his works or practice.
All in all Mesmerism does not seem to be a favorite among the masses and the scientific world now.
Friday, August 8, 2008
We often laugh at the theory of Arch Bishop Usher that the world was created by God on 6004 BC in seven days. But really it is not much worse than our present belief that our civilization matured in just 10000 years of development. This can not happen. For the development that we are witnessing is the culmination of millions of years of progress. But where are our ancestors. Where are their remains, where are those records? The Cro-Magnon and the Neanderthals and the Peking man are not our direct ancestors. There have been many such mutations between us and them, or so is believed by biologists. But where are the records. I am not trying to prove that this did not happen and we were deposited by some alien race on the face of the earth to experiment on. But yet that might be the case. Macro evolution do not seem to be all that provable would like to see verifiable proof of the theory, that is what science is all about is it not? Collecting empirical evidence on the world and its phenomena and their transformation and transitions.
There are missing links in the theory of Evolution and this can not be denied. We can not claim to be the descendants of primates without producing supporting evidence for the same. The argument about alleles notwithstanding. But though the primates and man are somewhat similar they are not close kin’s. From our observations we have not been able to decide whether they have any decided intellectual growth as such. Certain apes show a definite bit of enthusiasm to investigate the world that they live in, but that is all they can do. Other species also have a fair bit of intelligence in this way. But to make the theory of mutation possible there must occur a drastic change in a biological system to enter a new phase of development and that mutation has to occur enmasse rather than to a single individual. There has to be the capability to adapt to the new type of genes and to reproduce those genes successfully to maintain the process. Most of the hybrids that we have produced up to now are unable to reproduce.
So how does this happen. The emergentist theories always argue that the world goes through transformations by a combination of forces of nature and this evolution is accidental rather than purposeful. Okay the biologists say that there is Chance and selection involved in the process. But it always rankles the mind. Let us even imagine that it is possible that such transformation occurs in matter over long periods of inter -action. But if that is true we cant claim that this is the only spot in the wide universe that has such a phenomenon in operation, or that it only happened in this globe alone. The difference between us and our nearest possible kin in this world is so vast that it can not be bridged in any way. The capacity oh human brain alone would defeated any such inquiries. There is no comparison between ours and the primate brain. Even the blood structure is different. We can’t copulate with the primates and produce children.
Well did we eliminate all our ancestors? Or did we evolve into a new species by some chance of nature? Even so it is a bit difficult to see all the different streams evolving at the same time- or do all the races have a common ancestry? May be that is the argument, that the Negrito, austrloid, Dravidian, Aryan, mangol races evolved out of the same ancestral stock which underwent evolutionary mutation. Yet there could be intermediary life forms. There has to be. They may have become extinct. But where are the remains?
Or let us say that we killed all our direct ancestors with the fear that if we allowed them to exist they would take us over and destroy us. But I do not see the possibility of that happening, for one thing we have many racial strains amongst us now and they co exist without much animosity. Yes there are wars and people who believe in racial superiority. But even in the back ground of this the different races existed and there has been no effort to extinguish the opponents on the whole sale. Are these different races a threat to each other? There has been cruel despots in the world who brutally assonated many in the world. But even they could not totally eliminate their enemies altogether. So if there were intermediary species they would probably have been allowed to exist with us. This does not seem to have happened.
The point is not that there was no evolution in the sense of neo Darwinian conception of the evolutionary theory, but is that we might be visitors on this globe rather than its own children. Could this be possible, that we evolved at some other world and was placed here by some intelligent beings? This might be the reason that we are so far removed from other species in this globe. There has to be some explanation some where.
The fact is, though we landed on the moon and have mapped the gene we still do not know much about any thing in our own little globe! Let us hope that it would not remain so.
There are missing links in the theory of Evolution and this can not be denied. We can not claim to be the descendants of primates without producing supporting evidence for the same. The argument about alleles notwithstanding. But though the primates and man are somewhat similar they are not close kin’s. From our observations we have not been able to decide whether they have any decided intellectual growth as such. Certain apes show a definite bit of enthusiasm to investigate the world that they live in, but that is all they can do. Other species also have a fair bit of intelligence in this way. But to make the theory of mutation possible there must occur a drastic change in a biological system to enter a new phase of development and that mutation has to occur enmasse rather than to a single individual. There has to be the capability to adapt to the new type of genes and to reproduce those genes successfully to maintain the process. Most of the hybrids that we have produced up to now are unable to reproduce.
So how does this happen. The emergentist theories always argue that the world goes through transformations by a combination of forces of nature and this evolution is accidental rather than purposeful. Okay the biologists say that there is Chance and selection involved in the process. But it always rankles the mind. Let us even imagine that it is possible that such transformation occurs in matter over long periods of inter -action. But if that is true we cant claim that this is the only spot in the wide universe that has such a phenomenon in operation, or that it only happened in this globe alone. The difference between us and our nearest possible kin in this world is so vast that it can not be bridged in any way. The capacity oh human brain alone would defeated any such inquiries. There is no comparison between ours and the primate brain. Even the blood structure is different. We can’t copulate with the primates and produce children.
Well did we eliminate all our ancestors? Or did we evolve into a new species by some chance of nature? Even so it is a bit difficult to see all the different streams evolving at the same time- or do all the races have a common ancestry? May be that is the argument, that the Negrito, austrloid, Dravidian, Aryan, mangol races evolved out of the same ancestral stock which underwent evolutionary mutation. Yet there could be intermediary life forms. There has to be. They may have become extinct. But where are the remains?
Or let us say that we killed all our direct ancestors with the fear that if we allowed them to exist they would take us over and destroy us. But I do not see the possibility of that happening, for one thing we have many racial strains amongst us now and they co exist without much animosity. Yes there are wars and people who believe in racial superiority. But even in the back ground of this the different races existed and there has been no effort to extinguish the opponents on the whole sale. Are these different races a threat to each other? There has been cruel despots in the world who brutally assonated many in the world. But even they could not totally eliminate their enemies altogether. So if there were intermediary species they would probably have been allowed to exist with us. This does not seem to have happened.
The point is not that there was no evolution in the sense of neo Darwinian conception of the evolutionary theory, but is that we might be visitors on this globe rather than its own children. Could this be possible, that we evolved at some other world and was placed here by some intelligent beings? This might be the reason that we are so far removed from other species in this globe. There has to be some explanation some where.
The fact is, though we landed on the moon and have mapped the gene we still do not know much about any thing in our own little globe! Let us hope that it would not remain so.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Stray thoughts
The modern technological revolution took the world by storm, everything else faded into the background. Now the new advances are coming every day rather than every year or century or millennia. Human knowledge has expanded with such rapidity that philosophy soon became out of touch with scientific development and had to hide behind an analysis of language to stay around. The only people who now believe in the effectiveness of philosophy are the Marxists and they are also finding it hard to explain things with the help of an out dated system of belief. Belief?! Yes it is only a set of beliefs really. Most of the tools of analysis used by the system are so antediluvian in the modern world. This may sound like a harsh criticism, but ever since the atom bomb was discovered the chance of a socialist revolution became almost non existent. To hope for an internal revolution is to hope for the impossible now. Even the loose and unformed liberalism is finding it almost impossible to cope with the modern realities. The modern reality is fluid and virtual rather that static and physical.
All this happened in a few decades time in the last century. Even the shape of atom was not fully determined before the 20th century came around. It required the genius of Einstein to solve the hot debate between the atomists and anti atomists. He decided in favor of atomism. This battle had raged for centuries. Even If we forget the contribution of Kanada to the theory of atomism this feud was begun at the times of Democritus who thought that every thing is made up of atoms. Even the discovery of J.J Thompson of electron did not bring any relief to this struggle. Then came Einstein .But with the advent of Quantum Mechanics every thing was topsy turvey again. Now we rest on a strange wave- particle theory to explain subatomic phenomena.
This instability has also reflected in the theoretic approaches in fields of arts also. There is an increasing confusion as to the nature reality of which we are speaking about. We can’t anymore substantiate reality in the older method of physical observation and analysis. With the advent of propagandist culture everything became defiled. We do not think of it now but none of that we see or experience in our world has the same kind of reality such things had in the world before. Open any number of dailies and you would come across any number of versions of reality. All would claim absolute factuality. Switch on the TV. It is the same thing there. The matters do not end there. These media’s are infested with subtle advertisings and subliminal programming that aims at controlling the brain of the audience. Who can believe any of that is displayed in them and if we can’t believe them then what can we believe in?
The world and the intelligentsia failed to cognize the changes happening within it. The philosophical approach to the world had become stunted as it withdrew into its shell of linguistic analysis. This has placed the world at a great dis advantage. At this point of history we can see no visible signs of an intelligent approach to what is happening in the world. The need of the hour is some such vision. Not the scientific vision of a futuristic society, something human and enduring. Well these are but stray thoughts, more effort is needed to make them into any presentable order. I might try to do it in the future.
This is all for now.
All this happened in a few decades time in the last century. Even the shape of atom was not fully determined before the 20th century came around. It required the genius of Einstein to solve the hot debate between the atomists and anti atomists. He decided in favor of atomism. This battle had raged for centuries. Even If we forget the contribution of Kanada to the theory of atomism this feud was begun at the times of Democritus who thought that every thing is made up of atoms. Even the discovery of J.J Thompson of electron did not bring any relief to this struggle. Then came Einstein .But with the advent of Quantum Mechanics every thing was topsy turvey again. Now we rest on a strange wave- particle theory to explain subatomic phenomena.
This instability has also reflected in the theoretic approaches in fields of arts also. There is an increasing confusion as to the nature reality of which we are speaking about. We can’t anymore substantiate reality in the older method of physical observation and analysis. With the advent of propagandist culture everything became defiled. We do not think of it now but none of that we see or experience in our world has the same kind of reality such things had in the world before. Open any number of dailies and you would come across any number of versions of reality. All would claim absolute factuality. Switch on the TV. It is the same thing there. The matters do not end there. These media’s are infested with subtle advertisings and subliminal programming that aims at controlling the brain of the audience. Who can believe any of that is displayed in them and if we can’t believe them then what can we believe in?
The world and the intelligentsia failed to cognize the changes happening within it. The philosophical approach to the world had become stunted as it withdrew into its shell of linguistic analysis. This has placed the world at a great dis advantage. At this point of history we can see no visible signs of an intelligent approach to what is happening in the world. The need of the hour is some such vision. Not the scientific vision of a futuristic society, something human and enduring. Well these are but stray thoughts, more effort is needed to make them into any presentable order. I might try to do it in the future.
This is all for now.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
What is India doing when the rest of the world is building and deploying electronic beam weapons aimed at controlling masses. Strangely everything is silent on that front. This might not be because a lack of awareness in the land or in its intelligentsia or in its military establishment. The only evidence that India is going in that direction is the disclosure about two such weapons appropriately called the Kaali 5000 and Durga. Both seem to have military capabilities. But there is no evidence that the country’s scientists have any interest in mind controlling devises. Perhaps it is because of the futility of doing the same research all over again when the end products can be had if you are ready to spend a little bit of dough for that. There also seems to be conviction that the research capabilities in the field are now beyond the countries power as stated in this article.
“DEW of India
DEW are not mentioned in the Indian defense environment because it is more or less taken for granted that such weapon systems are beyond our means and that is why they do not feature in any of the military studies. Indian military may not be thinking of application of laser beyond laser ranging and laser designation. Recently a study has been ordered by the Chiefs of Staff Committee (COSC) to look into the feasibility of the DEW. Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO), the only research organization in India serving Indian defense purposes has certain research projects on laser weapons but it is not known what the state of that research is and whether any weapon system is developed for deployment with the armed forces. But before the Indian Armed Forces can lay their hands on the DEW and employ them, they may undertake defensive measures. “
But all the same the countries Army has acquired laser machines from Raytheon to be deployed in planes also a deal has been signed to purchase Weapon Locating Radars (WLRs).
But this certainly does not deny the possibility of the country having its own array of non lethal weapons of lesser nature. We may not develop the ADS locally. It is far to advanced and classified to do that. But there are other weapons aimed at mind control like DEW that could be used to harass individuals. It appears easy to convert a Micro Wave oven to a powerful harassment weapon if something is done to it. . These do not require that much money or involvement to develop locally provided that there is a way to get hold of one of these machines so employed. Though we may not have the same capabilities of the Japanese and more recently the Chinese to duplicate technology in a cheap and reliable manner we would not be very far not far behind if it comes to finding cheap replacements for fancy electronic equipment. The evidence of harassment victims also suggests that there are such weapons in the land. I do not know whether the government has a hand in this. Probably they do not. But there are such weapons all the same as people are fast finding out.
These could not have reached the land from the US because of the love-hate relation ship between the two countries. My surmise is that the present knowledge or prescience of such weapons is a legacy of India’s closeness to the erstwhile Soviet Union. They were behind the US in the research and development of such weapons but were far ahead than most other countries in the world. . With the political connections that some parties in the land had with the USSR it was quite possible that the machines as well as the knowledge came to India through that Channel.
The US could be beaming harmful waves into the people; they would not hesitate to do that judging by the manner in which they view other countries. But they may not be directly involved in beaming thoughts and energy into single individuals. Yes I know that this could be done to a few test subjects. They are supposed to have the capability of doing so from their satellites and through HAARP and even airplanes. Well I don’t deny the possibility but there could be other sources too.
Any way this is happening in India. Better look out for yourselves if you are an Indian. In the coming days there could be an escalation of such incidents and in the next decade or so there could be a clear gap between masters and slaves. The people with invasive and subtle mind control tools would usurp power everywhere and the rest of the people would be worse than museum pieces.
This is no prophesy, it is a fact.
“DEW of India
DEW are not mentioned in the Indian defense environment because it is more or less taken for granted that such weapon systems are beyond our means and that is why they do not feature in any of the military studies. Indian military may not be thinking of application of laser beyond laser ranging and laser designation. Recently a study has been ordered by the Chiefs of Staff Committee (COSC) to look into the feasibility of the DEW. Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO), the only research organization in India serving Indian defense purposes has certain research projects on laser weapons but it is not known what the state of that research is and whether any weapon system is developed for deployment with the armed forces. But before the Indian Armed Forces can lay their hands on the DEW and employ them, they may undertake defensive measures. “
But all the same the countries Army has acquired laser machines from Raytheon to be deployed in planes also a deal has been signed to purchase Weapon Locating Radars (WLRs).
But this certainly does not deny the possibility of the country having its own array of non lethal weapons of lesser nature. We may not develop the ADS locally. It is far to advanced and classified to do that. But there are other weapons aimed at mind control like DEW that could be used to harass individuals. It appears easy to convert a Micro Wave oven to a powerful harassment weapon if something is done to it. . These do not require that much money or involvement to develop locally provided that there is a way to get hold of one of these machines so employed. Though we may not have the same capabilities of the Japanese and more recently the Chinese to duplicate technology in a cheap and reliable manner we would not be very far not far behind if it comes to finding cheap replacements for fancy electronic equipment. The evidence of harassment victims also suggests that there are such weapons in the land. I do not know whether the government has a hand in this. Probably they do not. But there are such weapons all the same as people are fast finding out.
These could not have reached the land from the US because of the love-hate relation ship between the two countries. My surmise is that the present knowledge or prescience of such weapons is a legacy of India’s closeness to the erstwhile Soviet Union. They were behind the US in the research and development of such weapons but were far ahead than most other countries in the world. . With the political connections that some parties in the land had with the USSR it was quite possible that the machines as well as the knowledge came to India through that Channel.
The US could be beaming harmful waves into the people; they would not hesitate to do that judging by the manner in which they view other countries. But they may not be directly involved in beaming thoughts and energy into single individuals. Yes I know that this could be done to a few test subjects. They are supposed to have the capability of doing so from their satellites and through HAARP and even airplanes. Well I don’t deny the possibility but there could be other sources too.
Any way this is happening in India. Better look out for yourselves if you are an Indian. In the coming days there could be an escalation of such incidents and in the next decade or so there could be a clear gap between masters and slaves. The people with invasive and subtle mind control tools would usurp power everywhere and the rest of the people would be worse than museum pieces.
This is no prophesy, it is a fact.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
It is singular alright!
The Internet is an interesting place; you wouldn’t know what is going to jump at you at any turn. This has happened to me several times, the recent escapade being with the “philosophy” of Consciousness Singularity. I was having some grave fun with the Philosophy of Consciousness sites. They decidedly stumped me I must admit. Whether the philosophy has any empirical foundations or not, judging by the things and the manner in which they write, the rest of us would find it tough to remain conscious after a bit of reading on some of the subjects, pan psychism out scoring every other branch by a great distance. There is supposed to be some 18000 or so books on the subject as per the bibliography published by one site. I have nothing against these guys and the way they write. But the terminology employed by them sent something very uncomfortable through my spine from time to time; some know this phenomenon by the name of shivering. Try these sites and the articles (Panpsychist articles highly recommended) some time and you will find out for yourself.
I had barely escaped with some considerable scars when I ‘espied’ the article about Consciousness Singularity. This naturally intrigued me. Well the guy who wrote about it or has conceived it has great potential no doubt, he has a way of writing absolute inanities with absolute conviction. According to his belief at some future point in the human evolution there would be an expansion to our consciousness to encompass every conscious individual in the world. This would result in the consciousness becoming all powerful and all knowing. He envisages a period in which we would link ourselves up in this manner to form one giant consciousness. This is not going to be an evolutionary process but some thing we would bring about ourselves.
In his conception consciousness is inseparably linked to the brain. Hence what is forecast is a linking of all available brains together to form one giant consciousness. He shrewdly observes that the after effects can not be foreseen by us in any manner. We are just not intellectually developed to grasp the idea. I have heard of an incident in the life of Sir Arthur Eddington, who was supposed to be one of the three men who knew what the theory of relativity was at that time. When asked about it he replied “But who is the third?” In the same manner I feel pretty confident that after this man I am the only living person to understand what he is talking about- absolute tripe. There is never going to be such a period in human history whether by man’s orchestration or by natural process.
For one thing such linking would destroy the mankind altogether. Brains can not be joined together selectively according to his theory, it would have to be all the brains or no brains. If all brains are linked can we chose which part of the brain to link, that is, can we link only the logical part of the brains the and forget the rest? Does he imagine the things that would happen if all our sensations, feelings, urges etc get transmitted in this manner. Would he include the mentally retarded ones and the utter imbeciles in this linking scheme? The mankind has not emotionally developed much in the thousands of years that have passed. That is not going to change in the coming few thousands of years. If selection is employed then the whole thing falls down.
For another thing it would be the end of individuality. Even the most benign of people would not favor such an idea. What is the use of stating something which is almost impossible and would serve no purpose other than the pleasure of hearing our own voices. Well he can console himself with the fact that there is an unconscious singularity already in the world. At least some “kind” people are working towards that end.
I would not like these kinds of singularity, would you if it ever happens? The “gott” forbid.
I had barely escaped with some considerable scars when I ‘espied’ the article about Consciousness Singularity. This naturally intrigued me. Well the guy who wrote about it or has conceived it has great potential no doubt, he has a way of writing absolute inanities with absolute conviction. According to his belief at some future point in the human evolution there would be an expansion to our consciousness to encompass every conscious individual in the world. This would result in the consciousness becoming all powerful and all knowing. He envisages a period in which we would link ourselves up in this manner to form one giant consciousness. This is not going to be an evolutionary process but some thing we would bring about ourselves.
In his conception consciousness is inseparably linked to the brain. Hence what is forecast is a linking of all available brains together to form one giant consciousness. He shrewdly observes that the after effects can not be foreseen by us in any manner. We are just not intellectually developed to grasp the idea. I have heard of an incident in the life of Sir Arthur Eddington, who was supposed to be one of the three men who knew what the theory of relativity was at that time. When asked about it he replied “But who is the third?” In the same manner I feel pretty confident that after this man I am the only living person to understand what he is talking about- absolute tripe. There is never going to be such a period in human history whether by man’s orchestration or by natural process.
For one thing such linking would destroy the mankind altogether. Brains can not be joined together selectively according to his theory, it would have to be all the brains or no brains. If all brains are linked can we chose which part of the brain to link, that is, can we link only the logical part of the brains the and forget the rest? Does he imagine the things that would happen if all our sensations, feelings, urges etc get transmitted in this manner. Would he include the mentally retarded ones and the utter imbeciles in this linking scheme? The mankind has not emotionally developed much in the thousands of years that have passed. That is not going to change in the coming few thousands of years. If selection is employed then the whole thing falls down.
For another thing it would be the end of individuality. Even the most benign of people would not favor such an idea. What is the use of stating something which is almost impossible and would serve no purpose other than the pleasure of hearing our own voices. Well he can console himself with the fact that there is an unconscious singularity already in the world. At least some “kind” people are working towards that end.
I would not like these kinds of singularity, would you if it ever happens? The “gott” forbid.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Chiropractic innovations
What has Cerebro Spinal Fluid to do with our general health and body’s healing process. Everything it seems! At least Dr. Don Glassey seems to think so. Dr. Glassey is a teacher and practitioner of Chiropractic.
An Auto Biography of an Indian Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda is perhaps the most famous book by an Indian Yogi to date. It must have sold a million copies all over the world. I used to hear of it all through my childhood to my teens to my early adulthood from almost every one I came into contact with in the land. It was so famous that I am surprised that I bought a copy of the book only a few years back. The book has a charm of its own and even the most unbelievable things described in the book rings true to our minds because of the warmth and enthusiasm with which it is related.
It seems that the book gave Dr. Don Glassey a new perspective to life and he joined the Self Realization Fellowship of Yogananda to study Kriya Yoga. Kriya involves learning a technique of Yoga by which the movement of prana is discernible through your spinal column. It is known by a sensation of warmth while it is descending and a touch of coolness on the spine when it is going up. Being a chiropractor he was able to easily relate to this new sensation and Glassey started asking his Yoga teachers as to the real nature of this feeling. They explained it was the movement of the subtle life force through the spinal column. Naturally it took Glassey directly back to the fundamentals of his profession.
Chiropractic is an old system of alternate medicine based on the belief that the human spine and health is related in a fundamental way and this relationship is mediated through our nervous system. It was not difficult for Glassey to make the association between these new sensations with the philosophy of his profession. He soon realized that the medium through the force of prana moves could be the CSF that is cerebro spinal fluid. Dr. Randolph Stone the founder of Polarity therapy had deduced that the human “soul swims in the CSF” based on his studies in the east under an Indian Yogi. This came to his mind as he considered the possibility of devising a technique by which the new knowledge could be transferred into his professional practice. Dr. Stone had made the observation somewhere in the later part of nineteenth century. Then the proteins named neuropeptides were not discovered.
Peptides or nerve proteins are biochemical’s that regulate almost all life processes on a cellular level, and thereby link all body systems. Now these proteins permeates our entire body and are produced by all our tissues the brain being the primary generator of them. They are the “messengers” of the body. They carry information to all parts of the system and can be considered as the vehicle of thought inside our bodies. Neuropeptides circulate throughout the body in the blood, extracellular fluid and spaces, and cerebrospinal fluid. All systems of the body exchange neuropeptide information, and it is the internal feeling state (emotions) that elicits the neuropeptide response. This is the mind-body connection in which every change in the mental-emotional state causes a change in the body physiology. Likewise, every change in the body physiology causes a change in the mental-emotional state.
They are generally thought to be emotion specific. Serotonin a neuropeptide which causes the sensation of well being is an example of this feature of the bio chemical activity. Glassey’s theory is that the CSF is the major carrier of neuropeptides and quite contrary to the belief that they can’t find a pathway to other parts of the body as they are confined within the cerebro spinal system, they do propagate through neurological cells which are found all over the body. The method of connection between these cells and the CSF is through the hollow “tubules of the connective tissue fibrils of neuroglial cells”(Glassey). In case you do not know what this is and how this is done I am not the one to answer it. But it seems that these cells are highly active before birth of the human child and is seen everywhere inside our body. Also considering that 500ml of cerebro spinal fluid is produced by the brain every day and only one third of it is circulated in the spinal system there could be peripheral circulation as well of the fluid. Glassey is certain that this is managed in the above manner. This is the foundation of his theory.
Because the neuropeptides are mostly produced in the brain and are transmitted through the Cerebro Spinal Fluid along the spinal column their inhibition would lead to illnesses. Glassey believes that by various psycho-somatic causes the free flow of cerebro Spinal Fluid is impeded and the effects are serious to health. By correcting this with massages and building the confidence of the patient it is possible to revitalize the body to cure its own diseases.
Well he may be right you know.
An Auto Biography of an Indian Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda is perhaps the most famous book by an Indian Yogi to date. It must have sold a million copies all over the world. I used to hear of it all through my childhood to my teens to my early adulthood from almost every one I came into contact with in the land. It was so famous that I am surprised that I bought a copy of the book only a few years back. The book has a charm of its own and even the most unbelievable things described in the book rings true to our minds because of the warmth and enthusiasm with which it is related.
It seems that the book gave Dr. Don Glassey a new perspective to life and he joined the Self Realization Fellowship of Yogananda to study Kriya Yoga. Kriya involves learning a technique of Yoga by which the movement of prana is discernible through your spinal column. It is known by a sensation of warmth while it is descending and a touch of coolness on the spine when it is going up. Being a chiropractor he was able to easily relate to this new sensation and Glassey started asking his Yoga teachers as to the real nature of this feeling. They explained it was the movement of the subtle life force through the spinal column. Naturally it took Glassey directly back to the fundamentals of his profession.
Chiropractic is an old system of alternate medicine based on the belief that the human spine and health is related in a fundamental way and this relationship is mediated through our nervous system. It was not difficult for Glassey to make the association between these new sensations with the philosophy of his profession. He soon realized that the medium through the force of prana moves could be the CSF that is cerebro spinal fluid. Dr. Randolph Stone the founder of Polarity therapy had deduced that the human “soul swims in the CSF” based on his studies in the east under an Indian Yogi. This came to his mind as he considered the possibility of devising a technique by which the new knowledge could be transferred into his professional practice. Dr. Stone had made the observation somewhere in the later part of nineteenth century. Then the proteins named neuropeptides were not discovered.
Peptides or nerve proteins are biochemical’s that regulate almost all life processes on a cellular level, and thereby link all body systems. Now these proteins permeates our entire body and are produced by all our tissues the brain being the primary generator of them. They are the “messengers” of the body. They carry information to all parts of the system and can be considered as the vehicle of thought inside our bodies. Neuropeptides circulate throughout the body in the blood, extracellular fluid and spaces, and cerebrospinal fluid. All systems of the body exchange neuropeptide information, and it is the internal feeling state (emotions) that elicits the neuropeptide response. This is the mind-body connection in which every change in the mental-emotional state causes a change in the body physiology. Likewise, every change in the body physiology causes a change in the mental-emotional state.
They are generally thought to be emotion specific. Serotonin a neuropeptide which causes the sensation of well being is an example of this feature of the bio chemical activity. Glassey’s theory is that the CSF is the major carrier of neuropeptides and quite contrary to the belief that they can’t find a pathway to other parts of the body as they are confined within the cerebro spinal system, they do propagate through neurological cells which are found all over the body. The method of connection between these cells and the CSF is through the hollow “tubules of the connective tissue fibrils of neuroglial cells”(Glassey). In case you do not know what this is and how this is done I am not the one to answer it. But it seems that these cells are highly active before birth of the human child and is seen everywhere inside our body. Also considering that 500ml of cerebro spinal fluid is produced by the brain every day and only one third of it is circulated in the spinal system there could be peripheral circulation as well of the fluid. Glassey is certain that this is managed in the above manner. This is the foundation of his theory.
Because the neuropeptides are mostly produced in the brain and are transmitted through the Cerebro Spinal Fluid along the spinal column their inhibition would lead to illnesses. Glassey believes that by various psycho-somatic causes the free flow of cerebro Spinal Fluid is impeded and the effects are serious to health. By correcting this with massages and building the confidence of the patient it is possible to revitalize the body to cure its own diseases.
Well he may be right you know.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Early experiments to catch the waves of thought.
“What we need to accomplish is to capture a thought that goes up towards the sky” P.P Lazarev the Russian Scientist had said some time ago. At the time of this observation, tools to do it were not available and in this particular case they are not available still... He thought that the Ionic Theory of Stimulation would provide a platform to achieve this. The idea was that if we could determine that the thoughts are transmitted through space, the theory and practice of hypnosis would be easily verifiable. He assumed waves emitted by the human mind would have a range of 6000 to 30,000 KM. As was stated there was no equipment capable of detecting these lower frequency waves.
However experiments were conducted by several others to prove that the waves emitted by the brain could be detected by electronic equipments not attached to the human body. One such early experiment was that of Cazzamalli an Italian Professor. The experiment was not devoid of interest. This is how it went. This was published in “Pheneomenes telepsychiques et radiations cerebreless”. Revue Metapsychique No.4. I do not know Italian and has only seen an excerpt of it. The original reference is given so that it might prove useful to some.
To conduct these experiments He used a room similar in construction to that of a Faraday Cage. Walls of the room were covered with black lead plates of 1.5 inch in thickness to stop the entry of electromagnetic pulses from out side of the room. His subjects were people who were highly susceptible to hypnosis. A radio valve receiver was positioned at approximately 50 cm from the head of the subject to detect if any are waves being emitted from his brain during the experiment. The observer who was outside the room was given an ear phone which had the capacity to detect short wave radio signal coming within the ranges of 10 to 100 and 0.7 to 10m. After examining the equipments to make sure that there were no glitches the subject was asked to enter the room and lie down on the table provided for the purpose.
The radio valves emitted no signals As long as the subject was awake and not under hypnosis. Yet within seconds of being hypnotized the ear phone began to make audible noises. The sounds seemed like whistling or a violin being played. These increased in volume with the deepening of the hypnotic trance and became less as the effects of hypnosis began to wear of. The moment the subject was fully awake the sounds stopped.
The experiment was severely criticized by some because of its unreliability. The equipments used were capable of recording very subtle currents hence the movement of the hypnotizer’s hand near it or wear of the batteries could produce such effects. Also the radio valve could be producing electromagnetic waves which was being reflected back by the walls of the room into the instrument or is acting through the body of the subject which has become a conductor of such waves by being in the room.
But Cazzamalli was not deterred by these criticisms. He duplicated the experiments by substituting ear phones with a galvanometer in his further experiments. Also an electromagnetic oscillogram was added to the monitoring equipments. It was found that whenever the subject was stimulated after calming him with hypnosis the oscillograph would start to react. Cazzamalli, also interested in the paranormal, called it the psychic radiation reflex.
It is reported that he also used radio frequencies to induce hallucinations in his subjects and some of the subjects were so disturbed that they wanted to bite the hands off of the experimenters.
However experiments were conducted by several others to prove that the waves emitted by the brain could be detected by electronic equipments not attached to the human body. One such early experiment was that of Cazzamalli an Italian Professor. The experiment was not devoid of interest. This is how it went. This was published in “Pheneomenes telepsychiques et radiations cerebreless”. Revue Metapsychique No.4. I do not know Italian and has only seen an excerpt of it. The original reference is given so that it might prove useful to some.
To conduct these experiments He used a room similar in construction to that of a Faraday Cage. Walls of the room were covered with black lead plates of 1.5 inch in thickness to stop the entry of electromagnetic pulses from out side of the room. His subjects were people who were highly susceptible to hypnosis. A radio valve receiver was positioned at approximately 50 cm from the head of the subject to detect if any are waves being emitted from his brain during the experiment. The observer who was outside the room was given an ear phone which had the capacity to detect short wave radio signal coming within the ranges of 10 to 100 and 0.7 to 10m. After examining the equipments to make sure that there were no glitches the subject was asked to enter the room and lie down on the table provided for the purpose.
The radio valves emitted no signals As long as the subject was awake and not under hypnosis. Yet within seconds of being hypnotized the ear phone began to make audible noises. The sounds seemed like whistling or a violin being played. These increased in volume with the deepening of the hypnotic trance and became less as the effects of hypnosis began to wear of. The moment the subject was fully awake the sounds stopped.
The experiment was severely criticized by some because of its unreliability. The equipments used were capable of recording very subtle currents hence the movement of the hypnotizer’s hand near it or wear of the batteries could produce such effects. Also the radio valve could be producing electromagnetic waves which was being reflected back by the walls of the room into the instrument or is acting through the body of the subject which has become a conductor of such waves by being in the room.
But Cazzamalli was not deterred by these criticisms. He duplicated the experiments by substituting ear phones with a galvanometer in his further experiments. Also an electromagnetic oscillogram was added to the monitoring equipments. It was found that whenever the subject was stimulated after calming him with hypnosis the oscillograph would start to react. Cazzamalli, also interested in the paranormal, called it the psychic radiation reflex.
It is reported that he also used radio frequencies to induce hallucinations in his subjects and some of the subjects were so disturbed that they wanted to bite the hands off of the experimenters.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Why we can't stop fighting
My recent posts have been hastily written for lack of time and may not have even reasonably covered the bare essentials of the topics on which they are written. Though I am aware of this drawback I’d rather do that than not posting at all. This is because, once the habit is broken, It might be hard to revive. It is not a question of having a large audience, but I had set out to do something to help a small segment of the humans who are being electronically ‘mauled’ by certain invertebrates to suit their interests. I believe that that is important in these murky times we are living in. Everything is being twisted and manipulated to yield the opposite results. The modern Goebbels’s would far out score their races founding father.
I did not start the blog with any such purpose in mind. I began to blog as a hobby, as a means to let the world know that one such guy lives in this world and have a few things to say to the world however unimportant they may seem to others. I really had a good time with it too, talking about whatever came to my mind. Looking back I see with amusement that I was even asking questions which I would never get an answer to. I have decided to let them remain in the blog so I would remember where I started. Now back to business.
I firmly believe that activities of these techno savvy lack-souls have to be brought to light. This is a reign of terror which could spoil the lives of others at any time. I did not think it my mission till I saw one who is affected by it. He forced me to see the reality of his situation, which is terrible to say the least. Even so I often find it difficult to relate to his points of view because I have never experienced it in my life. We are not in contact all the time. This is both the result of circumstances and a conscious decision on our part. I have not the least desire to become one of the victims, though it may sound terribly selfish. I have never considered myself as one who is likely to emulate Father Damien! The things that they say of the attacks are enough to make any ones blood run cold. I am not a complete coward mind you; I have been in a few scary scrapes in my life. But to have your mind invaded is not something I would have to done to myself or any others. This is the heights of atrocity. If I can I would never have it happen to me.
That being said I do not see anyone’s hopes as extremely good for being excluded from this pernicious scheme of these moral dwarfs. Some in the society may be acting out some bizarre urges buried deep within them by joining with these offenders. I had not noticed how these sorry sycophants (I would have liked to use a more stinging word, but that requires some amount of recalling and I am too pressed for time now to think of one) look before. But they are extremely discernible even in a crowd of thousands. Their dead and muddy expressions would be enough to give them away. They only escape notice because of the hurry people are in.
I did not understand the word soul-less before meeting these characters. We have no such concept in India. Every individual is supposed to have a soul and in the land of Kali (the Great Black One. Incidentally the Devil in the Bible is no match for her. There is even a saying which goes like “ would the devil dream of catching Kali” stating that it is next to impossible) who could be both good and evil at the same time, no one is denied a soul. But when one sees these perps with their deadpan expressions and waxy looks, one rather believes that these are soul-less. Even their spirits are on the wane. But yet these are the worst criminals in the history of the world. They consciously attack harmless and honest individuals for either money or for the sheer pleasure of it.
Unless we do something about this menace, and that too soon, these would take over the lives of people and erase the human race from the face of earth altogether, replacing it with remote controlled “Zombies”.
In that sense I can’t just sit still and live in a fool’s paradise. That is why I am involved in this cause and that is why I would stay involved in it.
-Hence the effort to put something down on paper every day. Do it yourself, whether you are affected or not, it might get the word to one person more, or just by thinking of eliminating it you would create an emotional climate suitable for serious legislation on the subject.
I did not start the blog with any such purpose in mind. I began to blog as a hobby, as a means to let the world know that one such guy lives in this world and have a few things to say to the world however unimportant they may seem to others. I really had a good time with it too, talking about whatever came to my mind. Looking back I see with amusement that I was even asking questions which I would never get an answer to. I have decided to let them remain in the blog so I would remember where I started. Now back to business.
I firmly believe that activities of these techno savvy lack-souls have to be brought to light. This is a reign of terror which could spoil the lives of others at any time. I did not think it my mission till I saw one who is affected by it. He forced me to see the reality of his situation, which is terrible to say the least. Even so I often find it difficult to relate to his points of view because I have never experienced it in my life. We are not in contact all the time. This is both the result of circumstances and a conscious decision on our part. I have not the least desire to become one of the victims, though it may sound terribly selfish. I have never considered myself as one who is likely to emulate Father Damien! The things that they say of the attacks are enough to make any ones blood run cold. I am not a complete coward mind you; I have been in a few scary scrapes in my life. But to have your mind invaded is not something I would have to done to myself or any others. This is the heights of atrocity. If I can I would never have it happen to me.
That being said I do not see anyone’s hopes as extremely good for being excluded from this pernicious scheme of these moral dwarfs. Some in the society may be acting out some bizarre urges buried deep within them by joining with these offenders. I had not noticed how these sorry sycophants (I would have liked to use a more stinging word, but that requires some amount of recalling and I am too pressed for time now to think of one) look before. But they are extremely discernible even in a crowd of thousands. Their dead and muddy expressions would be enough to give them away. They only escape notice because of the hurry people are in.
I did not understand the word soul-less before meeting these characters. We have no such concept in India. Every individual is supposed to have a soul and in the land of Kali (the Great Black One. Incidentally the Devil in the Bible is no match for her. There is even a saying which goes like “ would the devil dream of catching Kali” stating that it is next to impossible) who could be both good and evil at the same time, no one is denied a soul. But when one sees these perps with their deadpan expressions and waxy looks, one rather believes that these are soul-less. Even their spirits are on the wane. But yet these are the worst criminals in the history of the world. They consciously attack harmless and honest individuals for either money or for the sheer pleasure of it.
Unless we do something about this menace, and that too soon, these would take over the lives of people and erase the human race from the face of earth altogether, replacing it with remote controlled “Zombies”.
In that sense I can’t just sit still and live in a fool’s paradise. That is why I am involved in this cause and that is why I would stay involved in it.
-Hence the effort to put something down on paper every day. Do it yourself, whether you are affected or not, it might get the word to one person more, or just by thinking of eliminating it you would create an emotional climate suitable for serious legislation on the subject.
Friday, August 1, 2008
About Science of Consciousness and Panpsychism
Well the conventional science seems to be getting near the “event horizon” at last, going by the reports from a recent conferenceToward a Science of Consciousness (TUCSON 2008). One of the participants in the conference has cited a report in the WIRED.com on some researches which makes it possible for you to see decisions even before they are made inside your brain. Brain scans are used for it. The full report is at this link:
This is not news to those who are being “investigated” in this manner for some considerable time now. At least the possibility of such things is being considered now. The students of the science of consciousness are very enthusiastic about these developments, for they believe that this is going to open up a new vista of knowledge. That is true also but only if the technology is used entirely to benefit man. But we live in a world Einstein had to advice the building of Atom bomb in case the Nazis built it first and used it on others. Being politically active Einstein understood the problem with evil and was practical enough to come out with suggestions to counter something in the offing. Though his belief turned out to be wrong and the Americans used the bomb on an unsuspecting people later. But this is the reality we are living at present. Every invention could be turned on the people to subjugate, terrify and colonize them internally. These enthusiasts of the new developments do not yet see the other side of the coin, that the same wonderful machinery could be used for the purposes of torture and monitoring. Any way that is an ongoing battle and we may have to stick with it till this guy’s see the light of day themselves.
Now about another thing altogether different.
An interesting development in the Science of consciousness is the renewed interest in the theory of Panpsychism. It now visualizes consciousness as the part of a Psi field that is said to be exist every where. To the materialists it sort of gives a chance to guess how consciousness evolved out of matter. Panpsychism is nothing new and goes back to the beginning of the history of human thought itself. Animism may be said to be closely related to panpsychism. It was a heatedly debated subject in the nineteenth century but took a back seat with the advance of modern science. Mind was one of the debating points. Some panpsychists believed that everything in the universe is conscious, but the modern materialistic view is in favor of an emerging form of consciousness, that is the consciousness emerges under certain circumstances and is not widely spread to include the whole universe.
There could be any number of versions of panpsychism. There are religious panpsychism as well. Mostly it leans towards idealistic concepts. But with the recent impasse of physics once into the domain of the sub atomic level where we had to desert the “normal” as was considered up to then and had to espouse uncertainty as a principle, with fields capable of producing matter out of nowhere etc the revival of panpsychism is not very surprising. Also the ‘presence’ of something in the universe could be considered as the proof of being aware of its existence in one sense.
Well the subject is well documented on the internet and you can drive right in into it if you want by typing panpsychism in to your search engine. It is supposed to be the “norm” now.
Read up on the subject by all means.
This is not news to those who are being “investigated” in this manner for some considerable time now. At least the possibility of such things is being considered now. The students of the science of consciousness are very enthusiastic about these developments, for they believe that this is going to open up a new vista of knowledge. That is true also but only if the technology is used entirely to benefit man. But we live in a world Einstein had to advice the building of Atom bomb in case the Nazis built it first and used it on others. Being politically active Einstein understood the problem with evil and was practical enough to come out with suggestions to counter something in the offing. Though his belief turned out to be wrong and the Americans used the bomb on an unsuspecting people later. But this is the reality we are living at present. Every invention could be turned on the people to subjugate, terrify and colonize them internally. These enthusiasts of the new developments do not yet see the other side of the coin, that the same wonderful machinery could be used for the purposes of torture and monitoring. Any way that is an ongoing battle and we may have to stick with it till this guy’s see the light of day themselves.
Now about another thing altogether different.
An interesting development in the Science of consciousness is the renewed interest in the theory of Panpsychism. It now visualizes consciousness as the part of a Psi field that is said to be exist every where. To the materialists it sort of gives a chance to guess how consciousness evolved out of matter. Panpsychism is nothing new and goes back to the beginning of the history of human thought itself. Animism may be said to be closely related to panpsychism. It was a heatedly debated subject in the nineteenth century but took a back seat with the advance of modern science. Mind was one of the debating points. Some panpsychists believed that everything in the universe is conscious, but the modern materialistic view is in favor of an emerging form of consciousness, that is the consciousness emerges under certain circumstances and is not widely spread to include the whole universe.
There could be any number of versions of panpsychism. There are religious panpsychism as well. Mostly it leans towards idealistic concepts. But with the recent impasse of physics once into the domain of the sub atomic level where we had to desert the “normal” as was considered up to then and had to espouse uncertainty as a principle, with fields capable of producing matter out of nowhere etc the revival of panpsychism is not very surprising. Also the ‘presence’ of something in the universe could be considered as the proof of being aware of its existence in one sense.
Well the subject is well documented on the internet and you can drive right in into it if you want by typing panpsychism in to your search engine. It is supposed to be the “norm” now.
Read up on the subject by all means.
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