Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Quanta of feelings

Its tough, coming down from lofty hieghts, from the rarefied regions of pure and pristine contemplation. Yet, I have decided to do it. To your dismay , did you murmur? Do not lose hope, for its a fact that I knew Einstein somewhat, yet, did he know me? Well , was he not allways a little forgetful of things ? Any way ,more of it in later installments . Now about the hard and true facts of life.

There are mundane things like roads in this part of the world, as opposed to music and flights of fancy, if you know what I mean. Just venture out on the road here, if you dare, you are immediately in the terror zone. Be careful, for losing your life is one thing, losing your prestige with it is just …. Well you know what!.

On this fateful day I was goimg dead slow on beatifully pitted road , avoiding many pitfalls, just by sheer luck and the good deeds of my ancestors, ( this is India man, we dont let our dear departed merely be.!)
it was then Einstein came to me in the guise of a piece of granite, flying towards me on a trajectory which
suggested the existense of Gravitational force on our globe. Well the force did act on my calf in a very painful manner. Yet I survived the attack by reducing the velocity of the bike to nil in the nick of time. The energy as well as the mass of the blow felt was just terrible, I tell you, just terrible.

I felt a giant upward heave from the primordial matter that was inside of me , everything was pulsating and oscillating within.At any moment new matter would have been created. I was contemplating murder and meyhem. Then Einstien appeared out of nowhere and explained some finer points of his incomplete unified theory to me. It seems that what matters is not the actuall facts themselves, but the perspective in which we view them! I must tell you my perspective remained the same even after his soothing words and would probably remain the same. I still have violence in my mind, and would like to fry every damn soul responsible for the roads as well as everything else. But to what avail? Tell us friends, to what avail!. Does anybody have any suggestions? Let me know.

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