Thursday, April 22, 2010


Its hard being alone
But its harder being
some one else

All else

Once fear is born
All else dies


What makes us tick?

The extend

How ludicrous can
We become?


Need you seek permission
Before cutting down anything?

Whats the point

Is there a point in
Tiring now?


When did the lamp
get switched off?


Slave drivers has recently been
replaced by "hard drive"ers!


Who left these scars
on my poor face?


We both are a bit offline
Aren't we?

The heart of the matter

Would you like to see
A blood red rose?

Just you know....

Meaning is what we can't find in words now!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Testing Grounds

Storms are what strengthens
Our relationships

Friday, April 2, 2010

The web within

The web is often within that
Entangles us on the outside